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16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Parental Training in Families of Children with Disabilities

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Families of children with disabilies face a different problems in social and economic life, and thus they need an efficient and instructive programs which can help families about their problems. The main objective of this project is master families about coping their problems in psychological, social, economic life; providing them supporting systems; leading them to deal with the problems associat ...
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European Incubator for Bussines Ideas

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

...and Teachers Training Center Dolj from Romania, Organisation for European Issues and Paphos Chamber of Commerce from Cyprus, Insignare from Portugal, CESO from Italy , Delado from Spain and Merseyside Expanding Horisons from UK bring relevant and complementary skills and human resources to create an innovative European Training Model, aiming to promote knowledge and skills of intercultural c ...
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Equality in Learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The EQUIL project will develop learning resources which support the professional development of new and existing Employment Practitioners/Educators in the field of mental health. EQUIL does this by developing training packages which promote partnership working between Employment Practitioners/Educators, Employers and People with Lived Experience of Mental Ill Health. EQUIL will create training pa ...
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Choose a job not a dole

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Project offers innovative solutions to foster integration of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities into the labour market by 1) upgrading their low soft skills coherent with the employment-related key competences: sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, digital competences and learning to learn; 2) improving the quality of training provide ...
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MIGOBI - Entrepreneurial Spirit in VET and Adult Education

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The project MIGOBI is partnership of nine European partners in VET, adult education and higher education who want to contribute to Europe 2020 goals by: - developing an open, flexible, interactive and engaging learning module on developing and experiencing entrepreneurial spirit in intercultural learning settings combining approaches used in adult education (open processes, learner centred) and ap ...
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Mobilité des personnels CEMEA - Move and expand your competencies !

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The project MEYC! « Move and expand your competencies! » aims at enabling 380 youth workers working with progressive education methods to experience a positive professional mobility in Europe. This project, collectively promoted by a consortium of 4 CEMEA training organizations (Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, and Rhône-Alpes – the latter piloting the project) and involving 23 Eur ...
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The project addresses common learning needs of students in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions and adults to get employment-related skills/competencies for re-/entering fast-changing labour market. Mentoring provided by mentors (employers/employees) has proved itself in all 3 educational sectors as an effective learning process of integrating/preparing student ...
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The aim of the project we wish to develop is to encourage the integration into working life of young people aged from 16 to 25 from socially disadvantaged and immigrant backgrounds. It is these young people who bear the main brunt of unemployment and job insecurity. The project is intended to enable them to re-engage and acquire essential key skills so that they can choose the best path to follow ...
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Job Club +

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

The project aims at developing, testing and disseminating at European level an effective and sustainable methodology to increase the employability of Low-skilled Long-term unemployed people (LTU) by providing key-training and guidance. The major aim of increasing the employability of those people encompasses the objectives of upskilling, educating and empowering them via a range of complementary a ...
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A big portion of the marginalized adult population has never seen their competences certified due to noncompletion of any kind of school. As adults, former drop outs, people with learning disabilities and migrants are missing these recognized skills, not being able to attend standard adult training, and having to face the already scarce chances to access the labour market which increases their soc ...
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Informal Learning in Communities

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

...within the EU there is continuing interest in the role of informal learning, especially for individuals who may lack confidence and basic skills, and also as a means of generating community cohesion. Merseyside Expanding Horizons will work with colleagues from five European countries to investigate the use and validation of various informal learning pedagogical strategies within different "communi ...
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To achieve Lisbon Strategy objectives on social inclusion all partner countries are using top-down approach by implementing national programmes of social protection and social inclusion. Annual EC reports are developed The analysis of statistical data provided in this reports shows that level of social exclusion/poverty in p ...
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The problem of work-life balance is still faced by many families and often results in withdrawal of one of family members from the labour market. Despite some employers’ initiatives to make family-friendly workplaces, they aren’t widely spread and recognized in partner countries. Thus, the bottom-up approach encouraging involvement of employees themselves in implementing family-friendly measures a ...
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The Crossing the Line: Eurospectives (CtL) project developed and adapted an innovative product ‘Crossing the Line’ developed in the UK to other European countries to highlight the issues affecting young people, providing a European perspective on youth culture, disengagement and engagement. The new product is called ‘Crossing the Line: Eurospectives’ (CtL) and comprises of a DVD product and accomp ...
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The project is rooted on the assumption that socioeconomically disadvantaged migrants experience obstacles in access to vocational education and training.One of the main necessities that this project addresses is how to direct organisations’ efforts towards understanding and taking into account migrant needs in their VET related projects and activities. The same necessity applies to policy making ...
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The Back to work project intends to develop the validation and recognition of knowledge and competencies that unemployed people have previously acquired, in different contexts, as part of unemployment services, in order to facilitate better matching between needs and competencies on the labor market.
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