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21 European Projects Found

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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Homo'poly seeks to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity, especially homosexuality.Because sustained gender specific inequalities in education and upbringing have been exposed in numerous studies, national and international organizations are looking for approaches to complement their co-educational infrastructure for the specific needs of both genders, to fight discrimination and to pr ...
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SerIous Games pour la MAintenance des infrastructures ferroviaires

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

We are witnessing today the emergence of development and modernization projects planned for the railway sector. The strategic plan for development of the Maghreb countries Railways seeks to raise the rail productivity for both passenger and freight. A need to develop a predictive maintenance policy in the early phases of this plan must be accompanied by a high level of skills and human capital in ...
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Création d’un Master en Biotechnologies Végétales Appliquées

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The main objective of this project is the creation in Rabat-Morocco University of a Master in Applied Plant Biotechnology in partnership with universities and centers/institutes from Europe and Morocco. It aims to improve the quality of higher education and relevance of this for the labor market and society at national and regional level. It also aims to improve the level of local expertise and te ...
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MIMIr is primarly designed to aid, assist and soccour partner universities in South Neighbouring Countries to understand the status quo of their innovation and research, performance, efficacy, and practices and devise pathways to overcome impediments, hindrances, fiascos and pitfalls that prevent them from achieving recognised stature in the international landscape. The core tread to accomplish th ...
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Les TICE appliquées à l'expérimentation scientifique

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Educational Technologies have taken over the past ten years, a remarkable growth of interest because they provide: saving time, space constraints, expensive instrumentation, constraints related to management, effective galloping students, flexibility of use, etc. ...They also offer the possibility of using new learning methodologies flexible and adaptable learners, leveraging the interactive f ...
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RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

This project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue between the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers, addressing in this way the four priority actions established by the EC, OECD and ET ...
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The project is designed to create in Maghreb a PhD school in regular PhD programs in water & environment, improve existing prerequisite courses and develop new modern courses to train staff and PhD students, through a regional Hydroplatform establishment based on open GIS and modeling softwares, to follow-up the recent water strategies in Maghreb (2010-2030).This goal is consistent with the HE sys ...
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All for a greener Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project ” All for a greener Europe” is based on mutual interest of the participants towards a more environmentally conscious life and is devoted to work on topics related to nature, green tourism and eco tourism. It is composed of seven countries Abergele-Conwy (Wales), Istanbul(Turkey), Bremen(Germany), Bydgoszcz (Poland), Gran Canary (Spain), Karlskrona (Sweden), Horjul (Slovenia), La Sp ...
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Nowoczesna i międzykulturowa szkoła

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Modern and International School is an European Union funded project involving teachers from Secondary School No. 5 in Ruda Slaska. The participants will gain knowledge and skills, in which they will be able to shape young people in our school to take on challenges, develop their interests and gain experience in international projects in the future.It is important for our teachers to develop their ...
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New Energy Efficient Demonstration for Buildings (NEED4B)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

NEED4B aims to develop an open and easily replicable methodology for designing, constructing, and operating new low energy buildings, aiming to a large market uptake. The NEED4B methodology will be validated and refined by a strong demonstration programme, envisaging the construction of 27.000 square meters, spread among five different climatic zones, buildings types and uses.The weighted average ...
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Liminality & educational entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Liminality & Educational Entrepreneurship (LEEN) connects the educational world to the entrepreneurial mentality. LEEN acknowledges the culture shock that entrepreneurial thinking still represents for many teachers and pupils. Therefore, to ease this transition from one mindset to another LEEN creates liminal spaces which allows participants to disconnect from old habits, think out of the box and ...
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Art at all European Levels

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Background: There are a lot of art forms. Every European country has its own view on each of these art types and has its fields in which it excels. Objectives: - We are going to develop lessons that will be used by all the involved teachers in the project. This course will also be made available on the EST website. - Teachers will professionalize themselves within certain fields and use their kno ...
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Chcemy być coraz lepsi, by lepsi stawali się nasi absolwenci

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

The aim of the project is to enrich the school offer through the participation of the school teachers in teacher training courses cornerning English and the use of ICT in the work of the teacher. As far as English teachers are concerned they are to become familiar with the tools, working methods and resources which will enhance the teaching and learning process in our school. Seventeen teachers o ...
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Orff-Shulwerk ile Mutfaktan Sesler

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

This project aims to improve competence of our pre-school education staff in music education. Namely; As a result of surveys made in our school, the majority of our teachers apply the rhythm, audio listening and discrimination, moving with the music, creative movement and dance studies, audotory perception, creation of musical tales studies in the classroom, but teachers have emerged difficulties ...
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Euro-Med Youth Training and Networking Programme

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The "Euro Med Youth Training and Networking Program" project was created in continuity with the first two International Summer Universities initiated by the Aladdin Project (France) in order to train students to intercultural leadership. The International Summer University is an intensive two consecutive week program bringing together students and teachers from universities worldwide to study, res ...
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Choose Your Future

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Choose Your Future is a project focused on cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between schools. The project covers a variety of topics which link to: labor market issues incl. career guidance , youth unemployment; early school leaving, combating failure in education; entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education. The most relevant priorities addressed by the proj ...
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The 2 year long project 'A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers' will concern 30 students of two 13/14 year old language oriented classes, one in Poland, and one in France (European Section). Since Poland and France are at the bottom of the list of European countries in which people declare to have a very good command of English (Eurostat s ...
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Healthy Life's Codes

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

A HEALTHY LIFE’S CODES ; Nowadays,Healthy life is one of the most important problem of today’s modern people.The main reason of this is ; Today’s modern people’s life has changed contrary to their genes which was determined 10000-15000 years ago. All human being’s life styles in the world are determined by their genes.However ,with their social and cultural evolution, people started to l ...
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Tech Education and Arts For At Risk Students

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Economical and social changes in the European Union bring new opportunities and challenges. Due to the economic crisis of the past years, a lot of European countries face the fast growing dropout of at risk students that is, students who come from poor or minority families, usually with a lot of siblings and academically characterized as underachievers. Those students show low self esteem, a lot ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Our project includes 10 , 11 and 12 grades who receive basic vocational training education and training service, the kitchen branch and study in Gerze Hotel and Tourism High School. Project participants consist of 15 students. Two teachers for vocational courses have been included as a companion due to the reasons of participants not be adult ,to be able to control them and the project to be b ...
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Act, React, Recycle

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

"Act, React, Recycle" youth exchange will bring together 40 young people from the France, Romania, Slovenia, Macedonia and Estonia. The youth exchange will take place in Metz, France from 1st- 9th November 2014. Together, they will come up with creative and innovative strategies to reduce, reuse and recycle waste and rubbish. The young people will not only try to change the image of rubbish & wast ...
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