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2 European Projects Found

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Mobilité Européenne pour les LYcées PROfessionnels LOrrains 3

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

This consortium ERASMUS + for vocational training, MELYPROLOR 3 is in the wake of two previous consortium in the LEONARDO Program named MELYPROLOR 1 and 2. It is promoted by the DAREIC ( Academic Delegation for European relations, and International Cooperation) and GIP ( Public Interest Group ) of the Academy of Nancy- Metz. One of the missions of the DAREIC is to promote european and internatio ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

TRANS-EUR(H)OPE-THEATRE: Design of a transnational music-theatre-play This mobility project for young people combined language and intercultural learning with theatrical performance. The participants composed a theatre-play dealing with current (European) issues such as migration, mobility, (youth)unemployment, democratic reforms, and social solidarity and engagement. Against this background, the ...
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