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14 European Projects Found

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The overarching aim of the iRead project is to develop a software infrastructure of personalised, adaptive technologies and a diverse set of applications for supporting learning and teaching of reading skills. The specific goals of the project proposed are to:1. Develop a scalable, cloud-based software infrastructure of open, interoperable components, including real-time user modelling and domai ...
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ELIS - evidenzbasierte Leseförderung in Schulen

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Society, the EU and other communities place multiple developmental tasks on the educational system. For the present project, the following developmental tasks will be focused upon: advancement and consolidation of reading literacy, advancement of participation in society through reading literacy and advancement of readiness for life-long learning.Through these developmental tasks, it will be possi ...
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European education system is facing reinventing education. There is a new imperative to add innovation in education, based on using digital and online media combined with practical work to obtain skills. Another challenge for Europe is to reinvent the notion of industrial innovation by coupling the three components of the Knowledge Triangle: the HIGH EDUCATION as knowledge producer, the academic R ...
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NUTritional LABeling Study in Black Sea Region Countries (NUTRILAB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"Health professionals agree that the relationship between diet and health is important. Our eating habits can help or hurt our overall health and well-being. Good eating habits include being a smart shopper and selecting foods that reflect the Dietary Guidelines.The food label was designed to help people choose foods for a healthful diet. By using the food label, we can compare the nutrient conten ...
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Innovation is a key driver of Europe's competitiveness and growth. However, young and innovative SMEs face bottlenecks when trying to grow. They are disadvantaged when it comes to attracting external financing if they cannot find equity since they do not usually have the track-record or collateral often required by financial intermediaries and banks. In today?s competitive markets, the use and pro ...
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Clusters meet culture: an opportunity for development  (CMC)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

As culture is increasingly used as a means of social and economic development, the cultural tourism market is being ?flooded? with attractions, cultural routes and heritage centres. However, many consumers, tired of encountering the serial reproduction of culture in different destinations, are searching for new alternatives. The rise of skilled consumption, the importance of identity and the acqui ...
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Description Europeana Libraries is a 2-year project that will bring the digital collections of 19 of Europe’s leading research libraries to Europeana and The European Library. The content will include:• 1,200 film and video clips• 850,000 images• 4.3 million texts (books, journal articles, theses, letters)The project will create a valuable r ...
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Mathematical skills and the capacity to apply them in different contexts are a key competence of every educated individual. However, children’s learning outcomes, their interest, motivation and confidence in acquiring skills in mathematics, in learning continuously and relating their knowledge to the outside world remain not satisfactory, despite curricula reforms towards more competence-based edu ...
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Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia-E14 is an exchange programme for students and staff between 7 European and 10 Asian Universities.The grantees are selected in 3 cohorts. The online application period for the 1st cohort is Nov.-Dec. 2013; 38 EU and Asian staff and 15 doctorates are selected in Jan. 2014. The 2nd cohort with 75 Asian students and 6 postdocs is selected in Dec. 2014. The 3rd cohor ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project objective is to develop cooperation between Asian and European higher education institutions, through the exchange of students and staff. As the consortium offers a wide range of thematic fields, most individual mobility demand will find the right educational programme or the right research team. The exchanges will contribute to enrich the educational environment in both sides and to p ...
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How can the link between academic research on LLL and professional practice on teaching and learning in ULLL be strengthened and the exchange be organised in such a way that reciprocal benefits and mutual learning are likely to take place? How can the European policy debate on LLL in Universities and beyond to the wider expert community in adult education be stimulated? The key purpose of the DIAL ...
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The ECDEAST project objective is to ensure that Russian universities have advanced curricula for programmes in line with new development in the chosen engineering areas and according to the Bologna Process and European standards for the quality of engineering education (EUR-ACE). Three leading Russian engineering universities with a help of European partners jointly will- develop a methodology fo ...
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The Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia-East (EMMA-East) programme consists of 120 individual mobility flows which will start mainly by September 2011. The main activities are: Dissemination of information on the programme in order to attract, among students, researchers and academic staff, as many good candidates as possible. Disabled or economically disadvantaged people will benefit from specia ...
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: The Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia - West (EMMA-West) programme consists of 122 individual mobility flows which will start mainly by September 2011. The main activities are: Dissemination of information on the programme in order to attract, among students, researchers and academic staff, as many good candidates as possible. Disabled or economically disadvantaged people will benefit from s ...
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