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24 European Projects Found

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...nicipality (BG); Region of Central Macedonia (EL); Regional Management of Social Services–Junta de Castilla y León (ES); Geroskipou Municipality (CY); SEHTA (UK); Development Centre Litija(SI);Lithuanian Innovation Centre-LIC(LT); INTRAS Foundation (ES); Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia RERA, j.s.c. (CZ);Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (PL); Netherlands Organisation for applied sci ...
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Measuring INnovation among EURopean Subregions (IN-EUR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

IN-EUR addresses the need for local level strategies to ensure innovation and knowledge growth all over the EU. Based on analysis of innovation, research and technology initiatives, IN-EUR supports public actors at sub-regional level to define and orientate local policies and investments on innovation.The overall project objective is to use interregional cooperation to improve quality of innovatio ...
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From strategies to activities (Bioenergy Promotion2)

Start date: Sep 28, 2011, End date: Dec 27, 2013,

The aim of the project "Bioenergy Promotion 2- from strategies to activities" was to promote and increase the sustainable production and use of bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region.Bioenergy Promotion 2 was a follow-up to the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion. The Main stage project started in 2009 and concluded in 2011. The initial project consortium consisted of 33 partners, who were involved ...
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BalticSupply (BS) is a transnational project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Programme. The project addresses the problem that very often markets in the BSR are too small and the fact that SMEs encounter a number of access barriers to European supply markets. These barriers cause competitive disadvantages for Baltic SMEs and th ...
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Baltic COMPASS project has grown out of a large number of international projects in the field of landuse, agriculture, water and environment related to the protection of the Baltic Sea. Specifically, Baltic COMPASS is a response to the need for a transnational approach to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and contribute in adaption and implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSA ...
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Heritage Tourism for increased BSR Identity (AGORA 2.0)

Start date: Nov 30, 2009, End date: Dec 15, 2012,

Countries in the Baltic Sea Region have a long common history throughout the centuries and a great variety of natural and cultural resources. However, the area is still not well recognised as one common region, even by its own residents.AGORA 2.0 aims at strengthening the common identity of the Baltic Sea Region, based on its rich natural and cultural heritage. Substitutional for numerous assets, ...
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During the last years the costs for fossil energy resources are heavily increasing. Even though the prices for these resources will not be rising to ever new peaks it is obvious that they will remain on a high level and in medium and long term rise continuously. Consequently, the costs for public services, such as transportation or the provision of heat and electricity, are rising as well. This si ...
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The EWTC II project started in 2009 and was a follow up of the EWTC project completed in 2007, with the overall aim to highlight the development of a ”Green Corridor Concept” as a best practise case in the European context. Green transport corridors are defined as a concentration of freight traffic between major hubs and by relatively long distances where short sea shipping, rail, inland waterways ...
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The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project (Bioenergy Promotion)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The project aimed to: Raise awareness that there is a significant potential of employment and business possibilities within bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region, facilitate conditions for the reduction of emissions by sustainable use of bioenergy, develop regional management plans and tools for planning within bioenergy, exchange experiences through up-t-date conferences, seminars and workshops in b ...
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Joint SME Finance for Innovation (JOSEFIN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) shows a strong knowledge based and innovative economy. Accordingly, SMEs play a significant role as drivers of the innovation process. In the context of future-oriented understanding of territorial co-operation, regional development highly depends on the ability of key-actors to participate in international markets. However, especially SMEs often focus their business ac ...
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Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN)

Start date: Jul 11, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2008,

The objective of the Baltic Euroregional Network (BEN) was to promote spatial development and territorial integration in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by strengthening Euroregions as competent partners with national authorities and international institutions, and by building a network of Euroregions for continuous capacity-building and sharing of experience. In order to achieve the objectives, the p ...
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Female Entrepreneurs´Meetings in the Baltic Sea Region (FEM)

Start date: Aug 14, 2004, End date: Aug 13, 2008,

FEM has promoted womens access to labour markets and entrepreneurship and strengthened the role of women in local and regional development by e.g. training, mentoring, networking and creating meeting-places. Gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming have been key issues in the project. The aim has been to produce sustainable positive changes in the attitudes, processes and methods of economic an ...
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Clusters Linked Over Europe (CLOE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

Clusters are networks of compatible or competitive inter-related companies working together to strengthen an industry in a particular area. They make it easier for companies to gather good practice and exchange information in a given region and within a specific industry. However, little information is exchanged between clusters, and cluster managers often struggle to get a concise overview of wha ...
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The Trans-European railway Rail Baltica, linking Helsinki – Tallinn – Riga – Kaunas – Warsaw and continuing on to Berlin, is to be developed within the territories of the co-operating EU Member States.The Interreg IIIB project Rail Baltica had two main goals: (a) the definition of the most favourable route for the Rail Baltica railway link in terms of spatial planning and regional development, and ...
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Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The goal for the Baltic SeaBreeze (BSB) project was to increase awareness of the marine pollution situation in the target sectors of fishing, shipping, and leisure craft owners. Focus areas have been environmental issues in guest harbours and marinas, Blue Flag activities, courses for fishermen and seamen, and a media campaign. The ultimate goal of Baltic SeaBreeze was to change the attitudes and ...
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Baltic Business Development Network (BBDN)

Start date: Jan 2, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The development of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) as a whole is characterized by large economic and social differences, cultural barriers, different languages and different business structures. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have problems to benefit from the advantages of the enlarged market due to their lack of knowledge and skills about business structures outside their home markets.In o ...
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The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (dis ...
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Many of cultural heritage objects (c.h.o.) in the Baltic Sea Region are endangered or even ruined, mostly due to the lack of financial support and low perception of their significance as well as lack of experience and unused opportunities regarding their management. CASTLES OF TOMORROW project aimed at the promotion, safeguarding, preservation and development of castles and manors as cultural heri ...
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Technology, Enterprises, Innovation, Cooperation - Network (TEICO-Net)

Start date: Sep 30, 2004, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

Recent studies have found that exports of goods and services from the Berlin/Brandenburg area to accession countries are stagnating. Reacting to this trend, regional policies are being introduced to better link the Berlin/Brandenburg regional economies to the neighboring western Polish economies and promote knowledge-based regional economic development. . Objectives The border regions operation "T ...
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Transportation of passengers and goods increases dramatically in the South Baltic Sea area. However, existing infrastructure and transport solutions are not enough equipped to manage the growth in an efficient and sustainable way. The challenging development called upon joint actions among organisations in several countries and on various levels. In the Baltic Gateway project, regional and local a ...
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Turning the Skills ON

Start date: Sep 1, 2009,

The international training course will gather 28 youth workers from Programme Countries and Eastern European and Caucasus neighbouring partner countries for improving the working skills, knowledge, competences and attitudes on conflict management in the frame of youth wokr and to learn how can they implement these methods and new competences in their organisations and daily life.
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Latgale (LV) and Rytų Aukštaitija (LT) regionsboth see tourism as a strategic key industry intheir economic revival thus the project ideais to promote regional tourism developmentbased on the branding of the cross-borderregion Baltic Country of Lakes.The implementation of the project resultsin the increased awareness about BalticCountry of Lakes as an attractive tourismdestination and higher numbe ...
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The project builtb on previous international trade & e-learning projects to develop best practice examples of how to use new ICT based technologies for SME business & vocational training. The project primarily addressed Call Priority 3 “Developing relevant & innovative e-Learning Content” and use ICT-supported learning to provide appropriate training and learning materials for less qualified work ...
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Nurture to serve nature : The project has created a network of organisations which aim to improve the quality of environmental training. They have analysed the current situation and have set up actions and project between partners, all with the common goal of improving vocational training in environmental education. This project started in 2003 and lasted 12 months.
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