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28 European Projects Found

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The overall goal with INFECT is to advance our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms, prognosis, and diagnosis of the multifactorial highly lethal NSTIs. The fulminant course of NSTIs (in the order of hours) demands immediate diagnosis and adequate interventions in order to salvage lives and limbs. However, diagnosis and management are difficult due to heterogeneity in clinical presen ...
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The NanoMag project is to improve and redefine existing analyzing methods and in some cases, to develop new analyzing methods for magnetic nanostructures. Using improved manufacturing technologies we will synthesize magnetic nanoparticles with specific properties that will be analyzed with a multitude of characterization techniques (focusing on both structural as well as magnetic properties) and b ...
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In 2011, the White Paper on European Transport reasserted how fundamental transport was for society, for the mobility of European citizens and for the growth and vitality of the European economy.CAPACITY4RAIL will deliver research that is innovative, prepares rail for the future and takes into account results from previous research projects and programmes. The project builds on previous useable re ...
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Energy Efficient Tunnel FET Switches and Circuits (E2SWITCH)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

E2SWITCH focuses on Tunnel FET (TFETs) as most promising energy efficient device candidates able to reduce the voltage supply of integrated circuits (ICs) below 0.25V and make them significantly more energy efficient by exploiting strained SiGe/Ge and III-V platforms, with CMOS technological compatibility. A full optimization and DC/AC benchmarking for complementary n- and p-type TFETs, integrated ...
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Most people with Down's Syndrome (DS) experience low integration with society. There is a perception that they can achieve less than what they really can. Recent research and new opportunities for their integration in mainstream education and work provided numerous cases where levels of achievement exceeded the (limiting) expectations. Contrary to common belief, there is considerable variety and r ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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The airways diseases asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affect over 400 million people world-wide and cause considerable morbidity and mortality. Airways disease costs the European Union in excess of €56 billion per annum. Current therapies are inadequate and we do not have sufficient tools to predict disease progression or response to current or future therapies. Our consortium, Air ...
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Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe (BiomarCaRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Biomarkers are considered as tools to enhance cardiovascular risk estimation. However, the value of biomarkers on risk estimation beyond European risk scores, their comparative impact among different European regions and their role in the drive towards personalised medicine remains uncertain.Based on harmonised and standardised European population cohorts we have built significant research collabo ...
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Non-rigid geometry variation for fabricated aero structure (GeoVar)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

In traditional 3D variation simulation (stack-up’s) it is common to consider that the parts are rigid. However, often in production forces are applied manually or by different fixturing solutions to assure that requirements on offset are fulfilled before welding parts together in an assembly. This causes the parts to bend and rigid analysis is therefore not valid. Depending on assembly sequences a ...
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There is an urgent need for an improved knowledge base for the management of marine litter. CLEANSEA aims to generate new information on the impacts (biological, social and economic) of marine litter, develop novel tools needed to collect and monitor litter and protocols needed for monitoring data (litter composition and quantities) and evaluate the impact of mitigation strategies and measures in ...
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Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming (IMPACT2C)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Political discussions on the European goal to limit global warming to 2°C demands that discussions are informed by the best available science on projected impacts and possible benefits. IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies climate change impacts, and adopts a clear and logical structure, with climate and impacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs, as well as potential respons ...
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Offshore Renewable Conversion systems are mostly at the pre-commercial stage of development. They comprise wave energy and tidal stream converters as well as offshore wind turbines for electrical generation. These devices require research to be undertaken at a series of scales along the path to commercialization. Each technology type is currently at a different stage of development but each one al ...
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PERSEUS contributes to Europe’s efforts to monitor illegal migration and combat related crime and goods smuggling by proposing a large scale demonstration of a EU Maritime surveillance System of Systems, on the basis of existing national systems and platforms, enhancing them with innovative capabilities and moving beyond EUROSUR’s 2013 expectations, addressing key challenges: supporting the netwo ...
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The Intelligent, Innovative, Integrated Bus Systems (3iBS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

3iBS is a project conceived to continue striving for increased performance, accessibility and efficiency of urban bus systems. 3iBS is participating directly in the objective of the European Commission to develop “high quality public transport”.Based on the EBSF results and innovations as well as on previous and ongoing research projects and activities, 3iBS is committed to raise the image of the ...
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Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies (IRISS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

"IRISS (Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies) will investigate societal effects of different surveillance practices from a multi-disciplinary social science and legal perspective. It will focus on the effects that surveillance practices introduced to combat crime and terrorism can have on citizens in open and democratic societies. It will review surveillance systems used in fighting cri ...
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The shortage of drinking water in many regions on the planet constitutes a real problem and hazard. The use of seawater, brackish water and wastewater for human consumption is not a new concept. In spite of the success of membrane technology in water reclamation, membrane separation systems suffer from a serious problem: membrane fouling. The main downside is an inevitabe increase in operation and ...
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ETTIS - European security trends and threats in society (ETTIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The aim of the ETTIS project is a) to identify, understand and assess in a scenarios framework future threats, needs and opportunities for societal security, b) to develop and test a methodological approach and model for a revolving process of security research priority setting, c) to derive research priorities geared towards the needs of user organisations, as well as rationales and options for p ...
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Isolated incidents due to increased, toxic emissions in pellet storages have aroused great relevance and urgency on operational and customer safety in wood pellet supply chains. Reportedly two cases of death have occurred in large size vessels for ocean transportation and in harbour facilities. Another three incidents were reported in end-users´ storage rooms, the last of which resulted in the dea ...
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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is the major cause of reproductive and respiratory problems in pigs worldwide. Controlling this disease is a top priority in pig producing countries. Due to mutations at a high frequency, new variants of the virus appear that are no longer effectively controlled by the commercial vaccines. In addition, highly virulent variants emerge, lea ...
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European Surveillance Network for Influenza in Pigs 3 (ESNIP 3)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"This “European surveillance network for influenza in pigs (ESNIP) 3” will maintain and expand surveillance networks established during previous EC concerted actions (ESNIP 1, QLK2-CT-2000-01636; ESNIP 2, SSPE-022749). Three work packages (WP 2, 3, 4) aim to increase the knowledge of the epidemiology and evolution of swine influenza (SI) virus (SIV) in European pigs through organised field surveil ...
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eACCESS+: the eAccessibility Network (eAccess+)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Description Much expertise, many guidelines and tools exist on e-accessibility but they are of a highly fragmented nature. As announced in the Communication of December 2008 on eAccessibility, the Thematic Network eAccess+ will create a platform for collecting and providing guidance on how to use in practice this body of knowledge. eAccess+ ...
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"Mass production is shifted towards the countries with lower factor cost. European industry must search for a chance in customized and hi-tech products, trying to take advantage of its supremacy regarding new technologies development. Aerospace industry, automotive industry, medical implants, hi-end equipments industry, consumer products, protection and safety are the target sectors –which include ...
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Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies (BESST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"Initiated by EUROYARDS, BESST aims to achieve a breakthrough in competitiveness, environmentally friendliness and safety of EU built ships. Focusing on passenger ships, ferries and mega-yachts, the results will to a large extend be applicable also to other ships. A holistic life cycle performance assessment on ship level will guide the technical developments on system level, clustered in System G ...
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The overall aim of the ViVac project is to develop and to show safety and efficacy for a new innovative carbohydrate (chitosan) based adjuvant -Viscogel –to be used both in prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination. Three SME participants will contribute with their specific technologies: the unique Viscogel technology, a specific type of cationic peptides with cell-penetrating capacity (LTX) and a ...
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"EU CargoXpress is going to develop a groundbreaking innovative cargo vessel to meet the expectations of green transport and contributing to decongesting of Europe’s roads. It gives particular attention to the role of SMEs not only in the composition of the consortium (2 out of 6 industry partners are SMEs plus 6 research institutions and a public body) but also when delivering the design of the c ...
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Built Environment Sustainability and Technology in Energy (BEST Energy)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

The main objective of this project is to improve the energy efficiency in public buildings and street public lighting, by the ICT-based centralized monitoring and management of the energy consumption and production, and to provide decision makers with the necessary tools to be able to plan energy saving measures.To achieve this objective BEST Energy project will implement and validate four pilots, ...
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MyOcean is THE PROJECT to set up infrastructures, services and resources to prepare the operational deployment of first Marine Core Services. My Ocean answers to the topic SPA.2007.1.1.01 - development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES fast-track services and related (pre)operational services. MyOcean is proposed by a consortium of 67 partners spread in maritime countries: - federated aro ...
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Projektet ska skapa en gränsäverskridande och aktiv samverkan samt ny kunskap om v´iltvård av älgstammen. 75 älgar ska utrustas med GPS-anläggning och marknadsföringseffekter uppnås genom internationellt engagemang i enskilda älgars vandringar. Det främsta målet är att skapa en samförvaltning av älgstammen baserat på ett gränsregionalt, varaktigt nätverk av aktörer
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