Search for European Projects

13 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background DWOR (Durable Water and Oil Repellents) are textile-finishing products made of long chain fluorocarbon polymers. They repel water, oil and dirt from fabrics. These chemicals are persistent and bioaccumulative. Many perfluorochemicals are already classified as dangerous to human health and the environment. For example, perfluorooctane sulfonates ...
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Background European oceans are contaminated by marine litter, especially plastics. Currently, it is estimated that global plastic production is increasing by 10% per year. Microplastics are particularly worrying, because wastewater plant treatments do not take them into account in their management processes and they are deposited in waterways and sewage s ...
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Background Wool sheared from a sheep contains a high level of impurities – as much as 60% by weight. The major impurity is wool grease (lanolin), which is a waxy substance secreted by the animals to help them shed water from their coats. Lanolin has commercial uses in the cosmetics industry, for example in hand creams. The wool also contains varying amo ...
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Background In several parts of the EU, water extraction for agricultural irrigation, along with the continuous application of fertilisers and pesticides, often in greater quantities than necessary, are leading to surface and groundwater pollution. Through water seepage and run-off, these processes lead to the contamination of groundwater and surface wate ...
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Background The development of nanomaterials - defined as having at least one dimension of 100 nanometres or less – is a particularly exciting area of science and industry. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are expected to yield numerous technological advances, including in health care through new treatments and methods of drug delivery. More than 300 E ...
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The Mediterranean area with its unique geology and climate is one of the world’s major centers of plant diversity housing approximately 25,000 species, about half of which are endemic to the region. Over centuries, the local population has been using natural materials as medicines for the treatment of a number of diseases. The natural products sector, including herbal medicines, teas, cosmetics an ...
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Background Recycling rates in the EU are increasing, in part thanks to the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directives (2000/53/CE and 2002/96/CE). Today, more than 85% of ELV materials have to be recycled; the next step is to reach a 95% recycling rate by 2015. However, Europe produces 12 million tonnes/ ...
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Background The paper industry generates solid waste and residual effluents that have a significant impact on the environment. It is also the second biggest water consumer in Spain, representing 16.3% of total industrial water consumption. Recycling of water is difficult because of the salinity of the outgoing water effluents, which affect the quality of t ...
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Background Fishing and port activities generate significant amounts of solid waste, which is often dumped directly into the marine environment. Where treated, this is often using inadequate generic treatments along with domestic waste. Three of the most environmentally damaging inorganic solid wastes are fishing nets, expanded polystyrene, and batteries/l ...
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El proyecto FIBNATEX pretende poner en red a centros de competencias complementarias del espacio SUDOE para crear textiles innovadores preparados a partir de fibras naturales de cáñamo, productos más respetuosos con el medioambiente que los textiles preparados a partir de las fibras sintéticas. Estas nuevas tecnologías serán destinadas al sector de la confección. Esta idea responde a la demanda ca ...
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Développer la compétitivité des TPE et PME avec les TIC (CYBERSUDOE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar la competitividad de las PYMES y MICROPYMES del SUDOE gracias a la utilización de las TIC, combatiendo así su retraso en la utilización de nuevas tecnologías en comparación con el norte de Europa y los Estados Unidos, lo que se traduce en una menor competitividad y fragilidad de dichas empresas. Se pretenden identificar buenas prácticas en este campo par ...
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Réseau de transfert intersectoriel (REDIN)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: May 30, 2011,

El objetivo del proyecto es crear una red de empresas de distintos sectores que permita mejorar los procesos de transferencia de tecnología y los procesos de gestión del conocimiento. Se pretende que esta red cuente con la colaboración de actores institucionales de cada una de las regiones participantes que apoyen a las empresas en los mencionados procesos de innovación y transferencia de tecnolog ...
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Europe has the largest concentration of recreational craft in the World made of materials such as Fibre-reinforced plastic, wood, PVC and neoprene. The life span ranges from 10 years for inflatable boats to 30 years for motorboats, and when it comes to the end of life of recreational craft there is no financial incentive to dismantle it, as the materials have no recyclable value leading sometimes ...
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