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9 European Projects Found

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Membranes are nano-/micro-porous multifunctional materials the main property of which is permselectivity regarding to different ionic and molecular species. This property results in a great number of applications in processes of aqueous and gaseous mixture separation. The small material and energy consumption and high eco-efficiency of separation by membranes determine strategic role of membrane p ...
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TradPro’s principal objectives are to develop stronger relationships between universities and food industry professionals, food safety authorities and consumers, and enhance the capacities of universities in RU & KZ to develop new curricula that meet the most pressing needs of the economic sector and enhance graduates’ employment opportunities. To do so, TradPro aims to update and modernise existi ...
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The purpose of NETOUR is to work with Russian universities and businesses to help improve (1) university products (curricula & student expertise) and (2) tourism organizations' efficiency through a qualified workforce, in order to develop and sustain the tourism sector in Russia. Both industry and universities will work together to respond to the growing needs of the Russian tourism sector. To ful ...
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INARM (INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKS) is a two-year multi-country project, under the EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Higher Education and Society, Structural Measures action. INARM’s wider objective is to contribute to further improvement of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian higher education by developing sectorial qualifications frameworks for informatics and man ...
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ELFRUS project purpose is elaboration of sectoral Qualifications Framework for Land Management Studies at Russian Universities. Project will contribute towards its wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Russian Federation and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications framework”. There are three specific project objective ...
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The project “Strengthening the Lifelong Learning in Environmental Sciences in Russia – STREAM” will strictly address its wider objective – contribute to the development of a national framework for lifelong learning in line with the needs of a knowledge-based society in Russia. The project strives to achieve three specific objectives:1. Setting-up a horizontally & regionally distributed network for ...
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The main goal of the project is to modify the existing Bachelor Degree courses in the field of water bioresources at Russian faculties at Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kuban State University, Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy and Tumen State Agricultural Academy into environmental orientated courses, so that each courses contains modules on modern environmental management and ...
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The wider objective is to enhance the quality of education in computer-based engineering and the employability of Southern Russian graduates in this field through internationalization of Master curricula along the Bologna lines. Specific objectives: to set up a virtual RU-EU graduate school in IT in Engineering; to develop IT in Engineering Master program based on 4 flows at 4 RU universities; t ...
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The consortium has already been selected under the 2006 - 2008 EM ECW calls and has implemented the network in 2007. During the first three years of the project implementation 785 persons have been selected and are already participating in individual mobility flows. For the third phase of the project 254 mobility flows from Russia to the EU and vice versa are planned, involving all levels of the p ...
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