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34 European Projects Found

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Citizenship and election

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

„Citizenship and election” is a 7 day training course that will take place in Sletterstrand, Denmark in November 2014. The training involves 24 youth leaders from: Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, and Greece between 18 and 30 years old. This project is based on different studies that show low participation of young people in elections. One study conducted by the European Commission ca ...
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Project “E-Utilities” aims to improve quality of municipal utilities services by using ICT tools and creating new electronic services for consumers in water and heating supply, sewerage collection and street lighting systems.Project unites 16 partners in Latvia and Lithuania who will also engage in joint experience exchange, training and communication activities.
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Regional Strategies for Energy Conscious Communities (RENERGY)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

RENERGY should be seen in a context of the EU Strategy for Competitive, Effective and Secure Energy (2020) setting out objectives and main line of action to address urgent global energy concerns: excessive reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels, dependency on energy imports from certain countries, safety issues (e.g. nuclear) and the significant CO2 contribution of transport sector and fossile ene ...
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RECO Baltic 21 Tech (RB21T)

Start date: Sep 16, 2010, End date: Dec 15, 2013,

RECO Baltic 21 Tech (RB21T) has aimed to facilitate for local and regional decision makers to perform sustainable waste management investments. RB21T has developed a Joint BSR Strategy for Waste Management that makes use of 'best practices' from regional and national strategies. All together RB21T has contributed towards sustainable waste management and development by putting into practice a syste ...
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BERAS Implementation offers a response to the challenges to achieve a good environmental status in the Baltic Sea, reinforce sustainable agriculture and enhance rural development in the region.Objectives:Contribute to solving the problem of excessive nutrient losses from agricultural through introduction of conversion to Ecological Recycling Agriculture (ERA) in all countries of the BSRDevelop a s ...
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Business ineptness and poorly equipped life-long learning centres are the main cause for dissatisfaction among region’s entrepreneurs. The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of Latvia–Lithuania border regions by eliminating the obstacles to its development. Therefore, business and education support centres will be created by renovating premises of life-long learning institutions ...
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European Forest Fire Monitoring using Information Systems (EFFMIS)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Oct 30, 2012,

This project aims to pool good practices (GPs) on exploitation of the usage of information systems in order to early detect, efficiently manage and handle forest fires and assess the damage caused and ways for regeneration. It aims to exchange good practices between the participating regions, so as to strengthen their position and capacities to respond better to the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas o ...
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Regions and municipalities are the key actors in managing urban-rural interactions and their impacts on quality of life. The conditions for urban-rural interactions are dependent on developments both at micro (individual) and at macro (planning) levels. These parallel processes are of specific relevance in the key pillars of quality of life in urban-rural context: (1) residential preferences; (2) ...
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Eutrophication caused by nutrient load is the biggest environmental problem of the Baltic Sea. Practical measures to restrict it are included in River Basin Management Plans (RBMP), outputs of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. However, putting general-level RMBPs into practice, i.e. applying water pollution control methods and changing land-use practices, is hindered by many ...
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The Baltic 21 Eco Region Project (Eco-Region)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The EcoRegion project was developed in the years 2007/2008 and finally implemented between 2009- 2011 in order to contribute to the aim of Baltic 21 to turn the Baltic Sea Region into the world’s first EcoRegion, where economic growth goes hand in hand with environmental integrity and social justice.The transnational project – co-financed by the ERDF BSR Programme 2007-2013 - was based on the uniq ...
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Creative Growth

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The Creative Growth project was initiated by the Östergötland region (SE) and is based on previous experiences and needs among the partners for successful cluster development of the creative sector.The aim of the project is to contribute to European competitiveness and accelerate regional economic growth through the development of the creative sector as a new business sector and influence policy d ...
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The objective of CIVITAS CATALIST is to ensure that the experiences of the CIVITAS Initiative are exploited up to a maximum level. This means deploying actions aiming to:- consolidate, validate and deepen the knowledge of the wider impacts of CIVITAS through an integrated assessment of the CIVITAS measures;- promote the results of CIVITAS through a continuing knowledge transfer process;- increase ...
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Female Entrepreneurs´Meetings in the Baltic Sea Region (FEM)

Start date: Aug 14, 2004, End date: Aug 13, 2008,

FEM has promoted womens access to labour markets and entrepreneurship and strengthened the role of women in local and regional development by e.g. training, mentoring, networking and creating meeting-places. Gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming have been key issues in the project. The aim has been to produce sustainable positive changes in the attitudes, processes and methods of economic an ...
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Post-soviet military residential areas and it surroundings are in a very specific situation – on one hand these are destroyed territories that are more or less unique (in comparison with whole area), on the other hand we have a substantial number of such territories counted as military territories by the members of Warsaw Pact. The transnational co-operation between these countries is a chance to ...
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Regional Cooperation in Waste Management (RECO)

Start date: Jan 12, 2005, End date: Jan 11, 2008,

RECO is a waste management and spatial planning project in cooperation between partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its Central Objective is to support the development of efficient Institutions for management of municipal waste in the BSR in order to minimize negative environmental effects, lower life cycle costs for waste managem ...
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Baltic Culture and Tourism Route Fortresses (BalticFortRoute)

Start date: Jan 18, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

After the end of Cold War, military fortresses lost their function. Some of them have been designated as World Cultural Heritage sites.Fortresses have a significant economic and tourist potential for regional development. In transnational cooperation of 17 fortresses (“Fort-Pool”) and 8 scientific institutions (“Brain-Pool”) a high-quality tourist product is developed to be a model for a European ...
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...o via the project intranet. Concrete pilot activities covered eGovernment in a wide sense. In the sphere of eManagement, Turku finalised and took into use eGovernment desktop for city administration, Kaunas developed an information system for EU projects and Vaasa tested solutions of paperless administration. In eServices, Tartu developed new mobile services for citizens, including Tartu WAP porta ...
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Mobility Culture in the Baltic Sea Area -MoCuBa- (MoCuBa)

Start date: Dec 9, 2005, End date: Dec 8, 2007,

All BSR cities and regions suffer from severe transport problems. Most of existing strategies to tackle congestion, environmental problems and as well the question of energy supply focus on mainly technical solutions. Mobility Culture describes the rather non-technical aspects for the necessary behavioural change: The image of certain transport modes is at least as important for the choice of tran ...
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The project addressed the energy saving (ES) as one of the priority problems of the BSR, which has a serious impact on the economic, social and ecological aspects of community life. The project resulted from a careful analysis of the problem in all partner countries and a series of bilateral initiatives between the partners. A transnational project was useful in addressing the challenges of ES, wh ...
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 FINISHED completed and will be further developed int he sustainable eHealth for Regions network.Pilot implementation in eCardiology: The pilots are implemented in Region Skåne, Kaunas and Lebork, where home nurses and patients are equipped with mobile ECG devices which send data to local heart centers. The evaluation is completed.Dissemination: Project brochure, press information and articles and differ ...
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Baltic Tangent

Start date: Jan 3, 2005, End date: May 2, 2007,

The Baltic Tangent (BT) project derives from the unsatisfying socio-economic situation in large parts of the BT area. The peripheral location in relation to the main transport infrastructure corridors in the BSR, constitutes a serious disadvantage for economic and labor market development of partnership regions in the Baltic States, Scandinavia and Russia. The BT project therefore has focused on h ...
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ENABLE - ENABLing European Entrepreneurship (ENABLE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

ENABLE is composed of regions that are distant from both national centres and the economic core of the EU. Their rationale for co-operation and joint action is that they are facing similar challenges and opportunities, such as conversion from dependence on traditional industries and/or agriculture to the knowledge based society and rural migration contributing to the decline of rural areas and cre ...
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Conversion of former military sites is a pressing issue in the Baltic Sea Region. Not only municipalities and regions are still coping with the after-effects of around 3500 post-Cold War military base closures – several hundred facilities are currently being closed in restructuring processes of the respective national armed forces. These processes are set to continue and gain momentum in the futur ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF, aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region by developing local sustainability strategies. The project is of special relevance for spatial planning, building strategies, and infrastructure development, where the role of the municipality is large. The project aims to develop integrative tools for urban management.The project addr ...
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South East Baltic Transport Link (SEBTrans-Link )

Start date: Aug 28, 2002, End date: Nov 27, 2005,

SEBTrans-Link is a direct continuation of the former Interreg II C project SEBTrans. This SEBTrans project identified strong demand for improved infrastructure in the SEBTrans corridors. In the North-South Corridor, building the A1 motorway (Gdynia – Lodz) in Poland is a first priority together with improving the section within Sweden (Gothenburg – Borås – Växjö – Karlskrona). Road improvements pr ...
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Via Baltica Nordica Development Zone (VBNDZ )

Start date: Jul 31, 2002, End date: Jul 30, 2005,

The Via Baltica Nordica is a coherent development corridor stretching from Berlin to Mo i Rana in Norway. The idea is not to construct or develop the Via Baltica road connection as such, but to develop the regions located along the corridor by means of transnational co-operation. More than 40 cities, municipalities, regions and other development organisations from Finland, Sweden, Germany, Estonia ...
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Development of a Conversion Network in the Baltic Sea Region (CONVERNET )

Start date: Apr 16, 2003, End date: Mar 15, 2005,

Conversion of former military sites is a pressing issue in the Baltic Sea Region. Not only municipalities and regions are still coping with the after-effects of around 3500 post-Cold War military base closures – several hundred facilities are currently being closed in restructuring processes of the respective national armed forces. These processes are set to continue and gain momentum in the futur ...
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Networking Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region (NeLoC )

Start date: Dec 17, 2001, End date: Feb 16, 2004,

The NeLoC project provided a networking forum for existing and planned logistics centres in the Baltic Sea Region and it has enabled the exchange of experiences in planning and operating logistics centres.The project promoted the role of logistics centres in regional development as well as national and international logistics chains with emphasis laid on intermodal solutions. Further, the project ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) is a cooperation between cities/towns and universities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development. The BUUF project aims to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities and towns. 20 cities and towns, and 15 universities in 9 countries take part in the project. Through the Union of Baltic Cities the results will be available fo ...
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The severity of the financial crisis adds an exceptional degree of unpredictability about the future. In the service sector, there is a clear tendency towards the broadening of the required skills portfolio linked to "non-routine" tasks. This reflects the growing demand from employers for transversal key competencies, such as problem-solving, self-management and communication, more generally "non- ...
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Recent demographic changes in Europe contribute to an increased risk of social exclusion for senior citizens. Whilst civic engagement is often an attractive option for older persons, participation is usually restricted to those with higher-than-average levels of education, further increasing the risk of isolation amongst those with little or no formal education. To address this phenomenon, the pro ...
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Various factors accompanying the demographic change contribute to the increase ofrisks of social exclusion for senior citizens. Civic engagement is increasingly attractivefor seniors, offering opportunities for bottom-up democracy, social networks andpersonal fulfilment, but the decision for civic engagement is still an expression of overaverageeducation levels. The risk of isolation is especially ...
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Currently, some 50 % of world citizens live in cities or urban contexts and according to many researchers this figure will continue to rise in coming years. Thus people's need for living areas such as house, shopping centers, parks, work places and etc. will increase in near future. For this reason, cities are witnessing a unique period of growth that leads to a number of questions: Where will the ...
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One of the main challenges of European youth work is the recognition of the value of youth work as non-formal learning among public and private institutions as well as among the general population on one hand and the recognition of learning outcomes of youth participating in youth work activities on the other hand. Facing the challenges of the new EU program “Erasmus for all” the requested project ...
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