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21 European Projects Found

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Empowering Inclusive Teachers for Today and Tomorrow

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Apr 2, 2019,

Inclusive education is a key area of focus in current EU education policy. The EITTT project group comprises three schools and three teacher education institutions (TEIs) who share a commitment to inclusive education and an understanding of priorities to be addressed if such an educational approach is to become implicit in school practice. We are motivated to undertake this project by a belief t ...
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Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The objective of the Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition (FAIR) project is to improve European recognition as practiced by higher education institutions by implementing elements of automatic recognition.Experimentation measureThe measure to be tested is the introduction of automatic recognition in institutional recognition procedures. Automatic recognition is a fairly new concept that is ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The Tandem project stimulates and encourages a sustainable cross-border cooperation between the various stakeholders of the knowledge and industrial sectors. The cross-border regions of West-Flanders and Nord-Pas de Calais have significant social-economic similarities. Both regions dispose of an industrial fabric that is strongly oriented towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and are ac ...
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Regional Care Portals (RECAP)

Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

Demographic trends spur healthcare demand. inadequately met by healthcare institutions. One solution is more efficient services such as telehealth provision. PPs have joined forces to overcome problems/barriers linked to lack of support for businesses to market new. smart telehealth products. A bad connection of smart ICT products with quickly changing demands in the health market is also a challe ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Crossroads ondersteunt bedrijven inhoudelijk en financieel bij het ontwikkelen en realiseren van kansrijke innovaties door de inzet van één of meerdere opkomende technologieën: nanomaterialen, oppervlaktebehandeling en materialen, inkjet, embedded vision en remote diagnostics. Dit leidt tot nieuwe producten en productieprocessen, waarmee bedrijven kunnen inspelen op de groeiende internationale vra ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

Dit project beoogt het meetbaar versterken van de plattelandseconomie door de professionalisering van het multifunctioneel ondernemerschap (MURO) in een multifunctioneel platteland. De rurale ondernemers worden gestimuleerd tot professionalisering en innovatie in hun ondernemerschap en in de vermarkting van hun producten. De innovatie die daarvoor aangewend wordt, noemen we systeeminnovatie waarb ...
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Revalidatierobotica II

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

Multiple Sclerose (MS) is de meest frequent voorkomende en invaliderende neurologische aandoening bij jonge volwassenen terwijl een cerebro-vasculair accident (CVA) het meest voorkomt bij een ouder wordende populatie. Deze aandoeningen gaan meestal gepaard met een verminderde spierkracht en coördinatie van de onderste en/of bovenste ledematen. Dit heeft vanzelfsprekend een grote impact op de mate ...
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Goesting in Leren en Werken (GoLeWe)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

Dit project voorziet om te werken op de verbetering van competenties voor levenslang leren en werken. Om de uitstroomcompetenties van studenten te verbeteren is het nodig dat we het onderwijs nog beter afstemmen op de noden van het werkveld. In bedrijven en instellingen blijft competentieontwikkeling en competentiemanagement van groot belang.Bij de rekrutering wordt niet alleen gelet op studieresu ...
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Social software for inclusion of (marginalized) young people (INCLUSO)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

INCLUSO aims to deliver verifiable proof that ICT, and more precisely, social software tools, can facilitate social inclusion of marginalized young people. INCLUSO will make suggestions for future research and development, based on desk research, expert input, pilot projects in 4 countries, the development of a measurement tool to screen evolution in social inclusion/exclusion and a business and ...
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The project enabled to share the experience and develop knowledge through discussing the books, chosen by the members of the clubs. Mentoring and leading the Reading Clubs need to plan how to collect people, how to choose the books, how to define the pedagogical and didactical approaches of using the books, how to train the mentors of the clubs. The aim of the project was the development of readin ...
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At European level, the outdoor sub-sector is a fast growing and developing activity area; as a consequence, employment needs are increasing rapidly and employers are seeking well trained professional employees, able to match the requirements of a more and more demanding clientele.Unfortunately until now, there has been no formal connection at European level, between the competences required by out ...
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This project is aimed at establishing a widely articulated methodology for the improvement of capabilities of VET teachers and of other relevant actors in training and learning processes in different socio-economic contexts – concerning the implementation of reflective practices within their activities, i.e. those methodologies able to discover and valorise the implicit and unexpected outcomes of ...
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The project builds upon a range of current and previously funded Leonardo da Vinci Mobility projects, known as Leotour, which have allowed the placement of more than 350 European tourism students since 1996. Having identified the needs of and obstacles to mobility, the project aims at developing a standardised European work placement support framework (tool), which will cover the full lifecycle of ...
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This project starts from the premise that although there is a demand for labour, there is a skills and qualifications gap in the labour market in the outdoor leisure sector. The project intends to develop and validate an industry specific occupational map, individual job descriptions, an industry functional map for the whole outdoor sector across Europe. It will also sign off a competences framew ...
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Since more and more organisations operate internationally, the pressure on education professionals increases to arrange work placements introducing students to an (international) working environment. EU-VIP enhances the quality, efficiency and impact of international work placements by focusing on how to organise these placements,thereby boosting interaction between HEIs and enterprises using the ...
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Acquiring Key Competences through heritage education RationaleThe European Commission has pointed out that more efforts are needed to achieve the Lisbon strategy targets. In this the need for key competence development is imperative in order to reach these targets. Also the “European agenda for culture in a globalised world” wants to “build on the potential of culture as a concrete input/tool for ...
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As a credit transfer mechanism, ECTS is now the common instrument in use in the European Higher Education Area. ECTS has been integrated into the legal systems of the EU Member States and a considerable number of states beyond, providing the means to enable the full academic recognition of studies taken abroad by students in higher education. Yet the technical implementation of ECTS in the student ...
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The wider objective of the Project is to develop an inclusive concept at the university level: by developing a new master study program, sensitizing university staff for the full affirmation of the inclusive paradigm in higher education and the entire educational system for both, the core team focused on the work under the new program and wider, from the other study programs of UoM.Specific objec ...
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PICASA (PROMOTING INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HEIS IN EASTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD COUNTRIES THROUGH CULTURAL AND STRUCTURAL ADAPTATIONS) is a three-year multi-country project, under the Regional Priority for Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call, Structural Measures action. The wider objective is to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area HE systems- Armenian, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine - ...
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The PROVIP project, Promoting Virtual Mobility in Placements, will focus on the topic of virtual(ly supported) placements and. The project will build on the conclusions and results of the EU-VIP project that looked into the possibilities virtual mobility can offer in the context of enhancing and facilitating international work placements and which resulted in concrete guidelines and training mater ...
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Given that European enterprise is losing business due to insufficient language skills (ELAN 2006), there is an acute need for higher language proficiency in professional settings. Especially speaking has remained the least available skill in online assessment tools, despite exceptions like WebCEF (2006-‘09). CEFcult will meet these needs by developing an online environment that brings together the ...
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