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10 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Single Molecule Nano Electronics (SIMONE) (SIMONE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

"The development of micro fabrication and field effect transistors are key enabling technologies for todays information society. It is hard to imagine superfast and omnipresent electronic devices, information technology, the Internet and mobile communication technologies without access to continuously cheaper and miniaturized microprocessors. The giant leaps in performance of microprocessors from ...
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Metagenomics in Cardiometabolic Diseases (METACARDIS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

METACARDIS applies a systems medicine multilevel approach to identify biological relationships between gut microbiota, assessed by metagenomics, and host genome expression regulation, which will improve understanding and innovative care of cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) and their comorbidities. CMD comprise metabolic (obesity, diabetes) and heart diseases characterized by a chronic evolution in ag ...
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"The Strategic Research Agenda of the EU Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technical platform requires new large infrastructures for its successful deployment. MYRRHA has been identified as a long term supporting research facility for all ESNII systems and as such put in the high-priority list of ESFRI. The goal of MAXSIMA is to contribute to the ""safety in MYRRHA"" assessment.MAXSIMA has five technical ...
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Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is considered to increase drastically in the coming decades. WEEE contains considerable quantities of valuable components used in high-tech applications that currently are not recycled. Europe needs to improve and develop Recovery, Recycling and Reuse of critical materials in order to avoid the dependency on imports, high prices and risk of supply imposed ...
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Nuclear power issues have been attracting research interest for decades even since the actual use of power reactors using oxide fuels was considered a mature science. It has mainly been due to one of the great drawbacks of nuclear power, the waste handling. Presently, there is a renaissance in nuclear power research focused on a new generation of reactor concepts utilising more of the inherent ene ...
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Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes (SACSESS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

"Nuclear power plays a key role in limiting EU’s greenhouse gases emissions, and makes an important contribution to improve European Union’s independence, security and diversity of energy supply. However, its social acceptance is closely linked to an enhanced safety in the management of long-lived radioactive waste contributing to resource efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this energy and ensur ...
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"State of the art SOFC technology for stationary as well as for transportation application is to date being demonstrated with either planar or tubular ceramic anode-supported or electrolyte-supported SOFC cells. However, the SOFC technology faces many challenges when it comes to commercialization, since cost reduction, reliability and extended lifetime is required. In order to improve durability a ...
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Safety issues are of fundamental importance for the acceptance and sustainable application of nuclear energy. Actinides play a central role in the nuclear fuel cycle from mining, fuel fabrication, energy production, up to treatment of used fuel by reprocessing, partitioning and transmutation and/or finally management and disposal of radioactive waste. A fundamental understanding of actinide proper ...
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Infrastructure for Systems Biology - Europe (ISBE)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The Infrastructure for Systems Biology in Europe (ISBE) programme comprises an infrastructure that is designed to meet the needs of European systems biology, in terms of development, applications and training. In order to address this requirement, we are proposing a distributed, interconnected infrastructure which primarily comprises three types of centres: Data Integration Centres (DICs), and sys ...
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Soft Matter Nanotechnology to Create Life-Like Machines (SFN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"We propose several new soft-matter nanotechnology-bases where the underlying principles of operation as well as the materials used are derived or inspired by biological systems. Specifically, in one aspect we wish to develop nanoscale biomimetic components, some of them with complex capacities (such as memory functions) that can perform a task in a useful device setup and that are mainly KT-drive ...
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