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The project “Don Quichote” aims at the long-term demonstration of the readiness of the technology of the combination of renewable electricity and hydrogen; facts-based data generated in this project is the base for analysis for further deployment and implementation of combined systems “renewable electricity – hydrogen”. Linked to the technical demonstration emphasis will be put on analysis of regu ...
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The aim of HyLIFT-EUROPE is to demonstrate more than 200 fuel cell material handling vehicles and associated refuelling infrastructure at 5-20 sites across Europe, making it the largest European trial of hydrogen fuel cell material handling vehicles so far and the world’s first large scale demonstration of airport tow tractors. This will continue efforts of the ongoing FCH JU supported HyLIFT-DEMO ...
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This project aims at improving the robustness, manufacturability, efficiency and cost of SOLIDpower’s state-of-the-art SOFC stacks so as to reach market entry requirements. We propose a focused project addressing the key issues that have manifested themselves in the course of the ongoing product development efforts at SOLIDpower SA. The key issues are the mechanical robustness of solid oxide fuel ...
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"Simulation, Statistics and Experiments Coupled to develop Optimized aNd Durable µCHP systems using ACcelerated Tests.Second act aims at improving understanding of stack degradation in order to propose solutions enabling significant lifetime improvements for µCHP systems using PEMFC or DMFC technology. Project will be thus founded and focused on two efforts: degradation understanding and durabilit ...
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"The main objective of the present project proposal is to develop uniform and industry wide test procedures for SOC cell/stack assembly. The proposal builds on experiences gained in the FCTESTNET, FCTESQA series of projects taking up the methodology developed there. This project proposal will address new application fields which are based on the operation of the SOFC cell/stack assembly in the fue ...
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HYdrogen cells for AiRborne Usage (HYCARUS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

In order to meet the increasing pressure to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, airlines are seeking alternative sources to power non-propulsive aircraft systems. The next generation of aircraft is heavily investigating the use of non-fossil fuel to generate electrical power for non-essential applications (NEA). Hydrogen fuel cells are actively being pursued as the most promising ...
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Hydrogen Contaminant Risk Assessment (HyCoRA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

In HyCoRA project, a strategy for cost reduction for hydrogen fuel quality assurance QA is developed and executed.For developing this strategy, hydrogen quality risk assessment is used to define the needs for hydrogen impurity gas analysis, system level PEMFC contaminant research as well as needs for purification needs in hydrogen production, especially produced by steam methane reforming (SMR).Th ...
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Several automotive OEMs have announced plans for the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles from 2014/15. Industrial partnerships such as H2-Mobility in Germany, the UK or Hydrogen Highway in Scandinavia are working to establish the required initial H2- infrastructure While this is a clear signal for the functional readiness of fuel cell technology in automotive application, durability, efficienc ...
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Many efforts have been put on the reduction of the Pt loading but nowadays a threshold seems to be obtained. Because the kinetics of the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction is very fast on Pt, it is possible to use MEA with a Pt loading as low as 35 µgPt/cm-2 without any effect on the voltage loss when such an anode is used in front of a well working cathode. But, the Oxygen Reduction Reaction kinetics is ...
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Hydrogen transfer concerns filling and emptying processes. Filling generates heat which can lead to overheating of composite pressure vessels especially when filling transportable containers or fuelling vehicles. Emptying generates cooling. Excessive cooling may occur during delivery of hydrogen from a trailer. The HyTransfer project will address both issues.As hydrogen vehicle refuelling is the l ...
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The complexity of the balance of plant of a fuel cell-fuel processor unit challenges the design/development/demonstration of compact and user friendly fuel cell power systems for portable applications. An Internal Reforming Methanol Fuel Cell (IRMFC) stack poses a highly potential technological challenge for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) in portable applicati ...
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The activities of the DeMStack project will be on the stack optimization and construction based on the high temperature MEA technology of ADVENT S.A. and its long term stability testing in combination with a fuel processor. DeMStack aims to enhance the lifetime and reduce the cost of the overall HT PEMFC technology by integrating promising, already developed materials for electrodes and membranes ...
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"The main objective of the planned project IMPACT is to increase the life-time of fuel cells with membrane-electrode assemblies containing ultra low Pt-loading (< 0.2 mg cm-2) for automotive applications. The economic requirements to reduce Pt loading leads to the challenge to maintain durability and performance, an aspect which has not been addressed sufficiently in public projects and studies. A ...
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"The support action addresses the topic SP1-JTI-FCH.2012.5.2 “CFD model evaluation protocol for safety analysis of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies”. SUSANA will critically review the state-of-the-art in physical and mathematical modelling of phenomena and scenarios relevant to hydrogen safety, i.e. releases and dispersion, ignitions and fires, deflagrations and detonations, etc.; compile a gui ...
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High energy density Mg-Based metal hydrides storage system (EDEN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

EDen aims at building a forefront scientific, technological and industrial expertise in energy storage and recovery system. In the past years hydrogen has been indicated as an advantageous energy carrier under many points of view, mainly environment preservation and high energy density.The necessity of hydrogen on specific mobile applications and energy backup system is promoted by the growing dem ...
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Development of Auxiliary Power Unit for Recreational yachts (PURE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

IIn Europe there is a very narrow technology base in portable fuel cell systems which can be applicable for various areas like emergency and remote power, recreational applications, personal portable power and educational devices. The PURE project targets these markets with the primary focus on maritime applications with a device, which will be portable, low weight and volume, based on improved HT ...
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"This project will support the ESNII (European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative) roadmap and the Strategic Research Agenda and the Deployment Strategy of SNETP (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform) on the enhancement of Sodium-cooled Fast neutron Reactors (SFR) safety, especially towards a higher resistance to severe accidents.In the initiation phase of SFR core disruptive acci ...
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The prime focus of IMMEDIATE is to develop high performing MEAs aimed for automotive applications through material R&D & process optimisation. The technical targets aimed in IMMEDIATE are addressing the JTI targets for automotive MEAs with respect to performance & cost. The proposed project is a continuation of the recently terminated and very successful FP6 R&D-project: IPHE-GENIE. The IMMEDIATE ...
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The main objective of the project is to explore, identify, analyze and evaluate multidimensional impact of European low-carbon strategy on energy security and socio-economic dimension up to 2050 perspective. Energy transition towards a low carbon economy and society have to be considered as a process by nature that it is not only the mere result of intentional actions but the product of the intera ...
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"State of the art SOFC technology for stationary as well as for transportation application is to date being demonstrated with either planar or tubular ceramic anode-supported or electrolyte-supported SOFC cells. However, the SOFC technology faces many challenges when it comes to commercialization, since cost reduction, reliability and extended lifetime is required. In order to improve durability a ...
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FC and H2 may represent an enabling technology for a wider diffusion of Radio Base Station “energized” by renewable energy sources. While the expected higher energy efficiency already has an attractive potential for these applications, the energy storage potential of H2 (either locally produced or stored in bottles) is even more interesting as it could extend significantly the number of hours of ...
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Advanced Multi-Fuel Reformer for Fuel Cell CHP Systems (ReforCELL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Distributed power generation via Micro Combined Heat and Power (m-CHP) systems, has been proven to overcome disadvantages of centralized plant since it can give savings in terms of Primary Energy consumption and energy costs. The main advantage is that m-CHP systems are able to recover and use the heat that in centralized systems is often lost. Wide exploitation of these systems is still hindered ...
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Novel low temperature fuel cell (FC) cathode catalyst and support systems will be designed and synthesized. The focus will be on highly active catalyst materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) for transportation applications.These materials will be fully characterized, benchmarked and validated with a multi-scale bottom up approach in order to significantly reduce the amount o ...
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"Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) are complex nonlinear systems. In order to improve their durability, efficiency and to decrease the cost, time of development, design of new diagnostic tools is crucial.Powerful mathematical models of the dynamic behaviour of PEMFCs are necessary for the design and improvement of diagnostic tools. The project PUMA MIND will enhance the understanding of ...
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"The purpose of the IMPALA project is to manufacture improved GDL to increase performance (up to 1 W/cm²) and durability of PEMFC for automotive applications. Two approaches will be followed: i) Homogeneous GDL will be modified to ensure a better water management on anode and on cathode side (formulation of the MPL, wettability, stability of the hydrophobic treatment, hydrophilic layers, and condu ...
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SOFC Auxiliary Power In Emissions/Noise Solutions (SAPIENS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

This project aims to design, optimise and build several 200W mSOFC stacks and to integrate them into hybrid power systems comprising the fuel cell, a battery and appliances found in a recreational vehicle (RV). Additional components of the system are a gas processor to clean up the autogas propane fuel plus other equipment for electrical, mechanical and control balance of plant (BOP). All these ...
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"The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) recognizes in its roadmap for Research Infrastructures that ""in the near future, hydrogen, as an energy carrier derived from a number of other fuels, and fuel cells, as energy transformers, are expected to play a major role, for mobile and stationary applications"". With the current fragmentation of the European R&D infrastructures ...
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The deployment of a large hydrogen infrastructure with societal acceptance relies on the development of appropriate codes and standards to ensure safety. While hydrogen infrastructures are gradually being built all over the world, there exist no international standard to properly ensure fitness for service of pressure vessels subject to hydrogen enhanced fatigue. For example, high pressure compres ...
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The strategic objective of NC2I-R is to structure the European public and private R&D capabilities for delivering a nuclear cogeneration demonstrator fully meeting the market needs, in support of the Nuclear Cogeneration European Industrial Initiative.Following the reference EUROPAIRS project and in close collaboration with the ongoing ARCHER project, national projects (e.g. Polish HTRPL, German S ...
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Enhancing biomass utilization without risking its sustainability is a European energy priority, and can be linked to targets for curbing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050: enhanced energy security and integration with other industrial sectors, such as agriculture, also play a role. Improved use of biofuels and products in advanced biomass conversion units and biorefineries ar ...
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"The proposed HYPER System is a scaleable and flexible portable power platform technology representing significant advances in terms of fuel cell development, hydrogen storage and associated supply. R&D will generate both new scientific knowledge and new technologies for exploitation. Specifically the project will:• Focus on developing a system based on application specific operational and perform ...
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In this project proposal, industry wide harmonized test procedures for PEFC stacks shall be developed and validated. The proposal builds on experiences gained in the FCTESTNET, FCSTEQA series of projects taking up the methodology developed there and expanding it to the test of PEFC stacks. Furthermore, experiences of individual consortium members have long time experience in international standard ...
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The FluMaBack (Fluid Management component improvement for Back up fuel cell systems) project aims at improving the performance, life time and cost of balance of plant (BOP) components of back up fuel cell systems specifically developed to face back-out periods of around 1,000h/year for specific markets: USA, Africa and North Europe where hard operative conditions are present (high and low temperat ...
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Fuel Cell Coupled Solid State Hydrogen Storage Tank (SSH2S)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

"The main objective of SSH2S is to develop a full tank-FC integrated system according to the requirements of the call and to demonstrate its application on a real system. A new class of material for hydrogen storage (i.e. MM'(BH4)n mixed boroydrides) as well as an allready known system (Li-Mg-N-H) will be explored. A new concept of solid state hydrogen tank (i.e. combination of two materials) will ...
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In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the ARCHER project will extend the state-of-the-art European (V)HTR technology basis with generic technical effort in support of nuclear cogeneration demonstration.The partner consortium consists of representatives of conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Te ...
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Structural performance of multi-metal component (MULTIMETAL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

In a nuclear power plant, a single metallic component may be fabricated from different materials. For example, RPV components are made from ferritic steel, whereas some of the connecting pipelines are fabricated from austenitic stainless steel. As a consequence different components often need to be connected by so-called dissimilar metal welds (DMW).Despite extensive research in Euratom Framework ...
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This project addresses the issue of safe indoor use of hydrogen and fuel cells systems (priority 4.6 of the call FCH-JU-2010-1) for early markets (forklift refuelling and operation, back-up power supply, portable power generation, etc.): It aims to provide scientific and engineering knowledge for the specification of cost-effective means to control hazards specific to the use of hydrogen indoors o ...
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"AFTER project addresses the challenges posed by the need for vulnerability evaluation and contin-gency planning of the energy grids and energy plants considering also the relevant ICT systems used in protection and control.Project emphasis is on cascading events that can cause catastrophic outages of the electric power systems.The main addressed problems are related to high impact wide spread mul ...
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Supercritical Water Reactor - Fuel Qualification Test (SCWR-FQT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"The SCWR-FQT project is related to the HPLWR Phase 2 European project, executed between 2006 and 2010, focused on the design of the European supercritical water cooled reactor, HPLWR. The scope of the SCWR-FQT Euratom-China parallel project is to design an experimental facility for qualification of fuel for the supercritical water-cooled reactor. The facility is destined to be operated in the LVR ...
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The essence of the project is to provide a special purpose structure for training and qualification of personnel for serving VVER technology as one of nuclear power options used in EU. Such approach should allow unifying existing VVER related training schemes according to IAEA standards and commonly accepted criteria recognized in EU. The structure is based on three general pillars: 1) Training sc ...
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