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RNA-mediated Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Humans (RNAmedTGS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

More than 70% of the human genome synthesizes non-coding RNA that is believed to regulate gene expression. While there is ample evidence from model systems that small RNAs are the lynchpin of powerful mechanisms that silence transcription, the demonstration of transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) mediated by a small RNA in humans is lacking. We have recently shown that the HIV-1 LTR is controlled ...
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Multi-level Selection in a Heterogeneous Environment (SHE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Our understanding of natural and sexual selection is too limited to allow predicting evolutionary responses in the wild. This knowledge gap is due in part to lack of temporal and spatial replication, of non-morphological studies, and of statistical power.This project offers to integrate measures of selection at multiple levels (selection acting on phenotypic, additive genetic and genomic variation ...
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"During meiosis, homologous recombination plays a mechanical role by connecting homologous chromosomes, thus allowing proper chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division. In most species, the absence of meiotic recombination leads to sterility. In addition, recombination generates new combinations of alleles, increases genome diversity and plays a major role in genome evolution.Meiotic ...
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"ABYSS is a training and career development platform for young scientists in Geodynamics, Mineralogy, Hydrodynamics, Thermodynamics and (Bio-)Geochemistry focusing on mid-ocean ridge processes and their environmental and economic impacts. It brings together 10 European research groups internationally recognized for their excellence in complementary disciplines and 4 Associated Partners from the Pr ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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"The key objective of the M4CO2 project is to develop and prototype Mixed Matrix Membranes based on highly engineered Metal organic frameworks and polymers (M4) that outperform current technology for CO2 Capture (CO2) in pre- and post-combustion, meeting the energy and cost reduction targets of the European SET plan.By applying the innovative concept of M4 by a consortium of world key players, con ...
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"The ability to apply forces to single molecules and bio-polymers has fundamentally changed the way we can interact with and understand biological systems. Yet, for many cellular mechanisms, it is rather the torque that is the relevant physical parameter. Excitingly, novel single-molecule techniques that utilize this parameter are now poised to contribute to novel discoveries. Here, I will study ...
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Re-differentiation of carcinogenic epithelial cells to mesenchymal by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) confers properties to tumour cells, which turn them highly metastatic and resistant to chemotherapy. Traditionally, it was thought that expression of key genes was enough to induce EMT. However, very recently, alternative processing of transcribed genes into different matured mRNAs, and ...
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Solar Facilities for the European Research Area-Second Phase (SFERA-II)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Solar Energy, as the primary source of renewable energy, will contribute a major part of this share, and its conversion by concentrating technologies for concentrating solar power (CSP) and heat generation has long been proven cost-effective for a wide range of applications. Several CSP projects have recently been put into operation. Some 2.400 MW are under construction and several GW are in advan ...
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Evolution of partly genetic sex determination in Daphnia (DamaNMP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"In Daphnia, parthenogenetic reproduction alternates with sexual reproduction. Individuals of both sexes that belong to the same parthenogenetic line are genetically identical and their sex is determined by the environment. However, some lines never produce males, and these non male producing (""NMP"") genotypes can only persist through phases of sexual reproduction if they co-occur with normal (" ...
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"How a cell responds to developmental or environmental changes by altering gene expression is a fundamental question in biology. Onecritical level of regulation is transcription initiation, which is controlled by large multiprotein complexes, including coactivators. Many studieshave shown that coactivators have distinct activities that play crucial roles in transcription, and their perturbation ca ...
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"TRUST aims at conducting CO2 injection experiments at scales large enough so that the output can be extrapolated at industrial scales. It relies on four sites: the heavily instrumented sites of Heletz (Israel, main site) and Hontomin (Spain), access Miranga (Brazil) and the emerging site in the Baltic Sea region. The objectives are to: carry out CO2 injection with different strategies, displaying ...
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"Frontier research in statistical mechanics and soft condensed matter focuses on systems of ever-increasing complexity. Among these are systems where microscopic dynamics are not controlled by thermal fluctuations, either because the sources of the fluctuations have not a thermal origin, or because “microscopic” sources of fluctuations are altogether absent. Practical applications comprise everyda ...
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Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng - eDucation network (RAPID)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

"The goal of the Multi-Partner ITN-RAPID (Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng - eDucation network) is the realization of an interdisciplinary training involving the disciplines physics, chemistry and engineering. As a result, RAPID will create the platform for a truly European PhD in plasma technology. The scientific goal is the development of non-equilibrium reactive processes in atmospheric p ...
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The aim of CASCADE is to obtain a better understanding of sudden ecosystem shifts that may lead to major losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services, and to define measures that can be used to prevent such shifts. The focus of CASCADE is explicitly on drylands as being one of the most fragile and threatened ecosystems in Europe. CASCADE will investigate the historical evolution of dryland ecosys ...
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Generation of Basaltic Magmas in the Earth’s Upper Mantle (GOBMEUM)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Apr 1, 2017,

Partial melting in the Earth’s mantle is the only recognizable process that has generated continents, shallow-and-deep ocean floors, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Voluminous basaltic magmas erupt at mid-oceanic ridges (mid-ocean ridge basalts, MORB) as a consequence of mantle upwelling beneath spreading plates. Volumetrically less significant are magmatic eruptions at oceanic 'hot-spot' locations s ...
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GPCR oligomers: Facts and function for the GABAB receptor (OLIGABA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key players in cell communication and represent the largest class of drug targets. However, GPCR lead compound development has suffered from a low success rate the last 10 years, likely because these receptors are more complex than initially thought. GPCRs are known to form dimers and higher oligomers with specific properties, but the physiological relevanc ...
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"This proposal is intended to develop biosensors, named CDKACT and CDKCONF, as smart tools to detect and study key cancer biomarkers, such as CDK4 and CDK5 kinases, which may be of potential value for cancer diagnostic and theragnostic purposes, as well as to propose new selective compounds for cancer therapeutics by screening for non-ATP-competitive inhibitors of these targets.This is a multidisc ...
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"One of the modern challenges of cell biologists is to fully understand the mechanisms underlying cell lineage that takes place during the development of multicellular organisms. This is of importance in context of adult stem cells that alternate between quiescent and proliferation states, then dividing asymmetrically to give rise to a self-renewal stem cell plus a differentiating cell. The asymme ...
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"BRAINVECTORS aims devising new gene therapy(GT)-based treatments for Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, in substitution of current systemic treatments, by delivering neurotrophic factors (GDNF) into the CNS with new vectors derived from adeno-associated (AAV), canine adenoviruses (CAV) and lentiviruses (LV) with inducible gene expression.Although AAV, CAV and LVV are considered acc ...
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"In stark contrast to the abundance of high quality palaeoenvironmental records obtained from the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, terrestrial palaeoenvironmental information from southern Africa's drylands comes from discontinuous deposits with poor absolute age control and ambiguous palaeoclimatic significance. Confronted with the possibility of future environmental and social disru ...
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Paving the way towards HIV eradication/control (HIT HIDDEN HIV)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Major advances in HIV/AIDS treatment regimens have fundamentally altered the natural history of the disease and sharply reduced HIV-related morbidity and mortality in countries where such treatments are accessible. The most notable advance is the use of combination antiretroviral therapy or ART. However, ART is unable to achieve virus eradication or “sterilizing cure”. Indeed, in most cases, viral ...
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Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (ANAEE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

ANAEE will provide Europe with a distributed and coordinated set of experimental, analytical and modelling platforms to analyse and predict in a precise manner the response of the main continental ecosystems to environmental and land use changes. ANAEE will consist of highly equipped in natura and in vitro experimental platforms associated with sophisticated analytical and modelling platforms coup ...
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EU-SOLARIS aims to create a new legal entity to explore and implement new and improved rules and procedures for reserach infrastructures (RI) for Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) technology, in order to optimise RI development and RTD coordination. According to what was communicated by ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS is expected to be the first of its kind, where Industrial needs and private funding will play a ...
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The project aims to understand the fitness bases of cooperation in an endemic southern African passerine and the consequences of cooperation for population dynamics through its effects on reproductive output, survival and dispersal. We will continue a unique long-term study of an African bird. We will focus on the evolution of different cooperative behaviours – cooperative breeding, nest building ...
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The Mont-Blanc project aims to develop a European Exascale approach leveraging on commodity power-efficient embedded technologies. The project has developed a HPC system software stack on ARM, and will deploy the first integrated ARM-based HPC prototype by 2014, and is also working on a set of 11 scientific applications to be ported and tuned to the prototype system.The rapid progress of Mont-Blan ...
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Advanced multi-functional computing systems realized in forthcoming manufacturing technologies hold the promise of a significant increase in device integration density complemented by an increase in system performance and functionality. However, a dramatic reduction in single device quality and reliability is also expected.CLERECO research project recognizes early accurate reliability evaluation a ...
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Computing devices with multiple processing cores are now the norm. Most smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and of course personal computers and servers, can process software tasks in true parallel fashion. This trend will keep on going, and the number of cores per device will grow to dozens and hundreds, which will enable us to run more complex applications, and more of them at the same time. Ho ...
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"The key objective of the “DEVELOPMENT OF NANOTECHNOLOGY BASED BIOSENSORS FOR AGRICULTURE” project is the coordinated transfer of knowledge and training activities between participating teams in the EU (Riga, Linkoping, Montpellier), in the Ukraine (Odessa and Kyiv) and the Belarus (Minsk) with the aim of strengthening the existing scientific partnerships and developing new collaboration for lo ...
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"Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like molecules (Ubls) such as SUMO and NEDD8 regulate myriad of biological processes. NEDD8 was discovered as one of 10 genes that are down regulated in mice brains during development. Amongst the family of Ubls, NEDD8 has the highest homology and identity to ubiquitin, but a distinct conjugation pathway exists that leads to the covalent conjugation of NEDD8 to substrate p ...
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The prime focus of IMMEDIATE is to develop high performing MEAs aimed for automotive applications through material R&D & process optimisation. The technical targets aimed in IMMEDIATE are addressing the JTI targets for automotive MEAs with respect to performance & cost. The proposed project is a continuation of the recently terminated and very successful FP6 R&D-project: IPHE-GENIE. The IMMEDIATE ...
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"The aim of this ITN is to promote research and training in the field of epigenetics associated with human disease. Expression of imprinted genes is mono-allelic and gamete of origin-dependent. This is due to different epigenetic modifications present on the maternal and paternal chromosomes. Failure in normal establishment, maintenance or erasure of these marks results in gene dosage dysregulatio ...
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ADenoViruses as novel clinical treatments (ADVANCE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

ADVance is designed to integrate 8 leading academic centres and 4 private companies under a single umbrella to create an opportunity to train young scientists in adenovirus (AdV) research. Our full partners and industrial partners represent internationally leading academic centres of excellence in key facets of research into the basic biology of AdV and their application as vectors for clinical p ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

"The key and direct objective of DYNANO is to provide training with a deep knowledge and expertise on Dynamic Interactive Nanosystems for biomedical and biotechnological applications on the basis of the existing scientific and technological areas: dynamic chemistry / glycosciences / biology / nanosciences. DYNANO will expose researchers in training to the process of design, generation, optimizatio ...
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Very-high-energy (VHE; 50 GeV < E < 100 TeV) gamma-ray telescopes observe cosmic particle accelerators, probing fundamental acceleration processes at energies far beyond those achievable at terrestrial accelerators and in extreme environments such as supernova remnants, pulsars, pulsar winds, and the Galactic Center. The upgraded H.E.S.S.-II telescope array saw first light in July 2012 and repres ...
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Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic micro-organisms are major causes of death, disability, and social and economic disruption for millions of people. During evolution these pathogens have developed intricate strategies to manipulate host defence mechanisms and outwit the immune system. To reduce the burden of infectious diseases it is important to increase understanding of these host-pathogen ...
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ARTEMIS is a collaborative project whose aim is to develop new high temperature PEMFC MEAs for operation up to at least 130 °C, and preferably 150 to 180 °C, and their validation in a stack for automotive application as a range extender.There is increasing industrial interest in developing HT-PEMFC systems in conjunction with Diesel or methanol-reformer to continuously charge batteries onboard of ...
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Safety issues are of fundamental importance for the acceptance and sustainable application of nuclear energy. Actinides play a central role in the nuclear fuel cycle from mining, fuel fabrication, energy production, up to treatment of used fuel by reprocessing, partitioning and transmutation and/or finally management and disposal of radioactive waste. A fundamental understanding of actinide proper ...
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Virtual Embodiment and Robotic Re-Embodiment (VERE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

VERE aims to carry out research on the fusion of the human body with virtual or physical surrogates. By fuse we mean that human participants would operate under the illusion that the virtual body is their own, or that they are actually in the physical space of the real world in a robotic body that they perceive as their own. As well as providing a radical extension of traditional virtual reality ...
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Overdominance occurs when individuals carrying two different alleles at a specific locus have higher Darwinian fitness than both homozygotes, who carry only one allele. It is involved in a range of observations in genetics and evolution (e.g. genetic diversity, inbreeding depression, heterosis) and has been controversial for over a century. Empirical studies on the frequency of spontaneous mutati ...
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