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Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The key objective of the “DEVELOPMENT OF NANOTECHNOLOGY BASED BIOSENSORS FOR AGRICULTURE” project is the coordinated transfer of knowledge and training activities between participating teams in the EU (Riga, Linkoping, Montpellier), in the Ukraine (Odessa and Kyiv) and the Belarus (Minsk) with the aim of strengthening the existing scientific partnerships and developing new collaboration for long lasting synergy, and to enhance the scientific excellence of participating early stage and experienced researchers. The transfer of knowledge and forming of an intellectual “critical mass” will occur through theoretical exercises and laboratory research in the important and growing field of optical fibre biosensors, aiming towards applications in agriculture and taking opportunities offered by the latest achievements in nanotechnology and biotechnology. The challenge is to create a unique devices for detecting animal diseases, viruses and toxins using fundamental phenomena such as light absorbance, reflectance, transmittance, fluorescence and photoluminescence.The consortia have theoretical and experimental experience and specific skills for making advances in research on biosensors for agriculture applications. The aim is to amplify their knowledge and skills via joint research on specific tasks in work packages and to ensure the transfer of knowledge via seminars, workshops and summer schools and training courses. Through these, the results will be disseminated effectively and interactions will be stimulated amongst experienced researchers and community of young researchers, PhD and MSc students. Mutual research efforts and contacts, including cross-generation interactions, young researchers meetings and appropriate creative environment will grant necessary pre-conditions for sustainability of cooperation among consortia partners after the project is concluded.In total 164 secondment months are planned, 7 summer schools or training courses and 2 conferences."
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