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6 European Projects Found

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Alternative Energy Forms for Green Chemistry (ALTEREGO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

"The ALTEREGO project aims at overcoming the existing bottlenecks towards implementation of alternative energy technologies for intensified chemical manufacturing. We plan to establish a new hierarchical methodology towards enabling highly efficient chemical syntheses with alternative energy forms through reliable process data collection with advanced analytical tools, robust multiscale modeling a ...
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Wings of the future (FUTUREWINGS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The project moves starting from a very simple concept: let us think of an airplane as a great body with its end structures that could have the possibility to change their shape as they had internal nerve endings and muscles.The aerodynamic shape of aircraft lifting surfaces must change during the flight, owing to the aerodynamic requirements of the different maneuvers (ascent and descent operation ...
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The DeICE-UT project will overcome the current limitations of existing wind turbine blade de-icing systems by developing an innovative dual de-icing system combining both high power ultrasonic guided waves and low frequency vibrations. Previous work on helicopter blades has shown that low frequency vibrations are highly effective at de-icing across the blades except at the leading edges, whilst th ...
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"WINTUR Demonstration Project will demonstrate the structural health monitoring (SHM) system that was developed successfully in the WinTur R4S project, in order to show that such a system is viable for blade monitoring and can help the wind sector to achieve the kind of energy delivery to business and communities that is desired by reducing operational and maintenance costs. This will be achieved ...
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This project will develop an integrated system to monitor the condition of aircraft components, using integrated transducer arrays for improved long range ultrasonic testing (LRUT) optimised to maximise UT wave-defect interaction in order to boost sensitivity. The project will: •Improve the defect detection capabilities of guided waves by generating / selecting wavemodes on the basis of optimised ...
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"This project will develop an integrated system to monitor continuously the condition of wind turbine blades, without human intervention on site, using a novel integration of acoustic emission (AE) and long range ultrasonics (LRU). The system will use flexible light weight sensors. It will not be hardwired, deriving its power from energy harvested from the continuous flexing of the blade and trans ...
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