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32 European Projects Found

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The GELCLAD project aims at creating a novel cost-effective, durable, industrialised and easy to install composite insulation cladding system, based on a single multi-meso-structured panel with excellent insulation properties, made from functional bio-polymer composite (ecoWPC) as skin coupling with unique advanced foamable extrudable aerogel (FEA) as insulation core/layer. The GELCLAD is produced ...
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In order for the European Union (EU) to be successful in the global markets, higher education institutions (HEI) must be able to produce independent, creative, entrepreneurial individuals, who understand inter- and multidisciplinary challenges of the socio-economic environment and as a result can contribute to open innovation in true convergence with technological growth. EU’s success in the globa ...
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Get xPEERience

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Three business support centres, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation in Poznań, Instituto Pedro Nunes and Instituto Pedro Nunes Incubator in Coimbra, over 2000 kilometres away from each other yet close regarding profiles of operation, decided to join forces in order to increase quality of their services for youth through project "Get xPEERience". "Get xPEERience" project parcticipants will be ...
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Therapeutic Exercise at the Work Space

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Context/background of project: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as neck/back pain or upper limb disorders remain the most common occupational disease in the European Union and workers in all sectors and occupations can be affected. They are also an increasing problem and one of the most important causes of long-term sickness absence. Beside the effects on workers themselves, MSDs may lead to ...
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Dorothy Project is targeted to develop the potential of innovation and research in the four Regions Tuscany (Italy),Valencia (Spain),Lisbon and Tagus (Portugal) and Oltenia (Romania) composing the Consortium in the field of Urban Logistics, one of the main focus of attention of the Flagship Initiative. In fact UL could reach 40% of the total cost of transportation and has great relevancy for ener ...
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Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing (MIA)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

This project describes a teaming partnership between the University of Coimbra (UC) (partner in a low-performing country) and the University of Newcastle (UNEW) (partner in a high-performing country) to create, in Coimbra, a new Centre of Excellence in Ageing Research - the Coimbra Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing (MIA). This flagship project for the Centro Region of Portugal is aligned with ...
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Since the beginning of the 20th century, the ever growing demand for more agricultural products forced farmers to adopt resource-intensive and unsustainable practices which increased economic and environmental costs. Precision agriculture (PA), one of the most significant advancement in agriculture since the advent of mechanization, allows taking into account the spatial and temporal needs of soil ...
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While the world is experiencing a strong demand for energy savings measures, today still 40% of energy consumption and 36% CO2 emissions in Europe are directly related to the construction sector, due mainly to inefficient insulation materials and systems. On the verge of a major European building retrofitting action that must be put into practice within a deep economic crisis, inevitably tradition ...
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Building on a mapping analysis of existing/emerging good practices in internationalization and cross border venturing in Europe, a group of ICT clusters, incubators and accelerators will collaborate in the development and pilot testing of the new Accelerate Cross- border Engagement (ACE) operational programme. The overall aim is to deliver targeted cross border services to highly innovative entr ...
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Réseau de Coopération Transnationale dans le Secteur Textile (SUDOTEX)

Start date: Apr 30, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

L'industrie textile constitue un des principaux secteurs traditionnels en Europe et représente une importante source d'emploi dans l'espace SUDOE. Toutefois, au cours des dernières années, un accroissement constant de la concurrence internationale est constaté ; le développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux domaines d'application dans le secteur textile provoque une diminution de la co ...
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We all like aesthetical pleasant colors in our every day products: kitchen and bath accessories; domestic appliances; architectural, nautical or automotive fittings; electronics components; jewelry; medical devices. In fact color coatings are present in most everyday products. PVD is one of the most promising coating processes offering brilliant and decorative finishes, superior hardness and wear ...
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FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (FI-WARE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. FI-WARE is designed to meet the demands of key market stakeholders across many different sectors, e.g., healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental services. FI- ...
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40% of energy consumption and 36% CO2 emissions in Europe are directly related to the buildings due mainly to inefficient insulation materials and systems. Currently required insulation performance may only be achieved either by installing extremely thick ordinary insulation materials and sacrificing living spaces or by using unaffordable the state-of-the-art insulation materials (e.g. silica aero ...
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Le but général du projet TRANSCREATIVA est de faire des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (ICC) de l'espace SUDOE une bonne pratique européenne capable de concilier développement économique (transfert de technologie) et cohésion sociale (jeunes au chômage).Les ICC sont ces industries qui combinent la création, la production et la commercialisation de contenus créatifs intangibles pouvant prendre ...
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A travers l'expérience du projet FIBNATEX (approuvé dans le cadre du premier appel à projets) et de ses résultats et retombées industrielles positifs, l'objectif de ce nouveau projet est d'élargir les domaines d'utilisation des fibres de chanvre, y compris leur mise en oeuvre, dans des textiles techniques à haute valeur ajoutée.Le projet FIBNATEX 2 se centrera sur trois axes. Le premier consiste e ...
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Relance des PME : Innovation et International (RYME)

Start date: Oct 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Le projet RYME est né du constat d'un des principaux problèmes que rencontrent les jeunes entreprises innovantes situées dans le territoire SUDOE après leurs premiers succès commerciaux sur leur marché national : la difficulté de développer de nouveaux marchés. Bien souvent, la faiblesse de leur capacité financière et le manque de compétences à l'international ne leur permettent pas d'envisager ce ...
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New building strategies addressing climate change effects and reduction of heating/cooling energy are two fundamental issues at EU level. Figures as the 35,000 excess deaths attributed to the last heat wave in the continent in 2003, or 10% of the world’s energy being used just for heating of buildings support European citizen’s concerns and new EU legislation. New national and communitarian string ...
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Temperature Sensor Coatings for Smart Machining Tools (Turncoat)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

We are seeking FP7 funding for the design and development of a machining tool with a wear-resistant ceramic thin film temperature sensor, for in-situ, continuous wireless monitoring of the temperature during a machining operation. The main benefits are • machining process optimalisation • Optimal use of the tools within their temperature range resulting in increased lifetime of the tool • Detectio ...
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SMEs and Cooperative Economy for Local Development (ICS)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The main project objectives are to strengthen the potential of innovation of the cooperative enterprises in fishery, agriculture, tourism and environmental sectors and to promote them on the international markets. The main activities are: survey on regional policies supporting the cooperative entrepreneurship common action plan for the integration of cooperative systems feasibility study for the ...
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The EU fishing industry is a major source of employment and food providing more than 7.5 million tonnes of fish and employing over 526,000 people of which 88% work within the SME community. The European SMEs in this sector are under increased pressure to increase efficiency due to rising crude oil prices. In addition, there is the EU legislation on Total Allowable Catch or minimum landing sizes a ...
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El proyecto FIBNATEX pretende poner en red a centros de competencias complementarias del espacio SUDOE para crear textiles innovadores preparados a partir de fibras naturales de cáñamo, productos más respetuosos con el medioambiente que los textiles preparados a partir de las fibras sintéticas. Estas nuevas tecnologías serán destinadas al sector de la confección. Esta idea responde a la demanda ca ...
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"The AIR-SEAL project proposes the development of a second generation RFID security seal, capable of monitoring the integrity of an aircraft galley trolley or transportation vehicle. Since the September 11th terrorism attacks in the United States, catering services through-out the world have been seen as the weakest link in the aviation industry’s service supply chain. Existing sealing technologie ...
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Light, easy to Cut and moisture proof façade Wallboard (CuteWall)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2011,

The construction sector employs directly 11.8 million people and is EU's largest industrial employer accounting for 7% of total employment in EU. About 910 billion Euro was invested in construction in 2003, representing 10% of the GDP. The construction sector is characterised by a large number of small enterprises, and relatively few large ones, with most enterprises serving a relatively small geo ...
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Leveraging diverse technologies in a coherent future Internet test bed is difficult. Extending the reach of such a test bed to people living in remote areas, that have special complex requirements, adds to the challenge. The target of the N4C project is the deployment and testing of ubiquitous and pervasive networking for communications challenged areas in a manner consistent with an overall visio ...
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The overall technological aim is to develop a mould-brick acoustic solution based on noise absorption and insulation due material density and porosity that will at least increase levels in 6 dB in performance but at a 20% lower weight and will avoid or minimize noise flanking. The acoustic insulation and absorption of the brick will be achieved by developing the concept of layers oand forms in the ...
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Administración electrónica II (ADMITRON II)

Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

- Un estudio sobre la firma electrónica en la Administración; - El uso de TIC en la administración mediante el uso de métodos de e-learning; - El desarrollo de los servicios sobre las infraestructuras creadas en ADMITRON (servidor de correo, servidores web, cortafuegos, sistemas de backup...); - El desarrollo de los portarles web, sobre las infraestructuras creadas en ADMITRON (Servicios al ciudad ...
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O projecto WATCH IT pretende incrementar a competitividade, reduzir as diferenças existentes entre as grandes aglomerações metropolitanas e as pequenas cidades e melhorar as perspectivas de futuro dos sistemas urbanos compostos por pequenas cidades e pequenos núcleos industriais da região do SUDOE através da criação de pólos de competitividade baseados no conhecimento, a inovação, o desenvolviment ...
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The ceramics and polymers (synthetic materials) industries are highly present in the Atlantic Area, but are suffering today from the migration of experienced professionals and from an insufficient capacity in materials. That is why the MNAA project proposes to develop a specialised inter-regional and international network in the domain of materials. Thanks to the development of new materials, it i ...
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Electronic Administration (ADMITRON)

Start date: Nov 30, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

The main objective of the Electronic Administration project is to use new technology as a strategic tool to achieve permanent interaction between local Governments, regional authorities, town halls, local councils and parliaments, as well as citizens and businesses by simplifying administrative procedures through online services, the restructuring of services and the re-organisation of functions a ...
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The Citek project involves relevant innovation stakeholders of the MED and IPA area coming from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia) as well as external relevant partners. The project aims at fostering the setting up of transnational and trans-local system of Innovation in the MED area capitalizing the guidelines, strategies, working methodology and web-based tools produ ...
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N4C (Networking for Communications Challenged Communities: Architecture, Test Beds and Innovative Alliances) was a FP7 project in which the partners developed internet for remote regions where it is not simple or not cheap or, even feasible to gain access in any of the conventional ways. N4C used Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) technology. In eLearning-DTN the project team aims to o ...
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A wider objective of this project is to provide a strategic support and lasting impact on Ukrainian higher education in establishing a structural change towards a educational system that promotes students’ creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the IT related educational programs. This will include extensive promotion of knowledge triangle instantiations that involve education programs, re ...
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