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Organic agriculture is considered to be one of the important development pathways towards a more sustainable agriculture and food production. This development has been and will be dependent on continuous research and innovation.CORE Organic started in 2004 and has been evolving for more than a decade. The present proposal for a CORE Organic Cofund will continue, to update and consolidate the serie ...
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European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems (SusAn)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

This proposal seeks funding under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015 to establish an ERA-NET for joint European research coordination on Sustainable Animal Production (SusAn). The scope for this ERA-NET has been developed under the SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWG-SAP). Funding organisations from 22 European countries initially seek to support one co-fu ...
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The main objectives of the 2nd Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the Joint Programming Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) are to support the further implementation of JPI HDHL and to create a sustainable collaboration of Member States (MS), the European Commission (EC) and related international organisations. Support facilitated by the 2nd CSA will ensure sufficient progr ...
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NoAW : No Agro-Waste.Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets.Driven by a “near zero-waste” society requirement, the goal of NoAW project is to generate innovative efficient approaches to convert growing agricultural waste issues into eco-efficient bio-based products opportunities with direct benefits for both environment, economy and EU consumer. To ach ...
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The Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), launched in October 2010 by the European Council, brings together 21 countries committed to “building an integrated European Research Area addressing the challenges of agriculture, food security and climate change” (FACCE-JPI Strategic Research Agenda). The JPI aims at aligning research programming among ...
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The objective of FACCE SURPLUS is to strengthen the European Research Area in support of different integrated food and non-food biomass production and transformation systems, especially by organising, implementing and cofunding with the EU a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of sustainable and resilient agriculture. As this topic falls within the scope of the Strategic Re ...
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Feed-a-Gene aims to better adapt different components of monogastric livestock production systems (i.e., pigs, poultry and rabbits) to improve the overall efficiency and to reduce the environmental impact. This involves the development of new and alternative feed resources and feed technologies, the identification and selection of robust animals that are better adapted to fluctuating conditions, a ...
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"SheepNet is a thematic network project about practice-driven innovation to improve sheep productivity (number of lambs weaned/ewe mated): a critical component of farmers’ income and therefore of the sustainability and attractiveness of sheep farming. SheepNet will establish durable exchange of scientific and practical knowledge among researchers, farmers and advisors, through a multi-actor and tr ...
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LAND Management: Assessment, Research, Knowledge base (LANDMARK)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

LANDMARK is a pan-European multi-actor consortium of leading academic and applied research institutes, chambers of agriculture and policy makers that will develop a coherent framework for soil management aimed at sustainable food production across Europe.The LANDMARK proposal builds on the concept that soils are a finite resource that provides a range of ecosystem services known as “soil functions ...
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EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration (EUCLID)

Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Sep 14, 2019,

More sustainable pest management methods are needed in order to reduce the negative effects of pesticides on human health and the environment. The overall goal of EUCLID is to contribute to secure the production of food for the increasing worldwide population while developing sustainable production approaches to be used in the European and Chinese agriculture.The choice of the crops of interest in ...
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Sustainable intensive pig and poultry production (PROHEALTH)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Production diseases compromise health and welfare, generating inefficiencies which impact adversely on profitability, environmental footprint, antibiotic use and product quality.The PROHEALTH project will develop understanding of the multi-factorial dimension of animal pa-thologies linked to the intensification of production and use this to develop, evaluate and disseminate ef-fective control stra ...
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Organic agriculture is considered to be one of the important development pathways for improving agriculture’s relation with the environment while at the same time ensuring food safety and future food security. This role is dependent on continuous research and innovation.CORE Organic Plus will continue, update and consolidate the series of transnational research calls which support a focused and co ...
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The main goal of the FACCE-ERA-NET+ Action is to organise, implement and fund a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of climate change adaptation, which is a core research theme of the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE–JPI) and thus to contribute to the delivery of the FACCE–JPI Strategic Research Agenda. It will thereby als ...
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Agricultural research in the Mediterranean is characterised by three main features: it is scattered within the EU members and in Mediterranean Partner Countries as well as most of the problems and challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing are shared by all the countries in the area and even further, its objectives are largely the same in the whole area, even if priorities can vary fr ...
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"Many EU and nationally funded research projects in the fields of agriculture and forestry provide excellent results, but the outreach and translation of these results into field practices is limited. The overall aim of VALERIE is to boost the outreach of research by facilitating the integration into innovative field practices. The work in VALERIE consists of three major approaches. (1). Stakehold ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Agroforestry is the practice of deliberately integrating woody vegetation (trees or shrubs) with crop and/or animal systems to benefit from the resulting ecological and economic interactions. AGFORWARD (AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development) is a four-year project, developed by 23 organisations at the forefront of agroforestry research, practice and promotion in Europe, with the goal o ...
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Information and Communication technologies (ICT) and robotics for sustainable agriculture
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Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe (C-IPM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Europe faces the challenge of responding to the mandatory implementation of the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as called for by Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides. Most European countries are investing in research and extension to face this challenge, reduce reliance on pesticides, and reduce risks associated with their use. Added value and synergies can be ...
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...r and lifelong learning. Such activities should take advantage of existing initiatives like the Forest Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP), the Mediterranean Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (EFIMED) and the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda (MFRA) developed jointly by the FTP and EFIMED.Mediterranean forest ecosystems provide multiple goods and services that are crucial to t ...
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Animal Health and Welfare (ANIHWA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The activities of consumer groups and animal protectionists and the effects of large-scale sanitary crises have increased the awareness that animal production is more than just an industry. Farm animal welfare is now clearly an important issue for people across Europe and there is clear demand for higher animal welfare standards. Exotic or emerging infectious threats are ever present and their pot ...
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The SMARTRIPE project will help SMEs from the cheese-making and equipment supply chain to exploit the results of the FP6 TRUEFOOD project, which focused on the introduction of new technologies for the elaboration of European Traditional Food Products, and covered a large range of activities, from consumer behaviour to food safety and nutritional impact. The improvement of ripening of traditional c ...
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"To meet both the worldwide demand for food security and new environmental needs, agriculture must increase food production and quality while decreasing its ecological footprint. Ensuring sustainability and competitiveness with reduced pesticide inputs is a major challenge.PURE will provide integrated pest management (IPM) solutions and a practical toolbox for their implementation in key European ...
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Sustainable Food (SUSFOOD)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"The goal of SUSFOOD is to reinforce the scientific cooperation between EU member and associated states in order to maximise the contribution of research to the development of more sustainable food systems: responding to the increasing demand for food to be met by increasing production sustainably and reducing losses and waste mitigating the impact on the environment combating obesity, malnutri ...
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This horizontal ERA-NET proposal is cutting across several themes in the Cooperation Programme: Theme 2 (Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology), Theme 3 (Information and Communication Technologies) and Theme 6 (Environment including Climate Change). The overall strategic objective - also beyond the time frame of the ERA-NET proposal - is a contribution to increase quality, effectivene ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The Community Plant Health Regime (CPHR) aims to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of regulated and quarantine plant pests. These pests pose increasing risks to European agriculture, horticulture, forestry and the environment. This is due to increased globalisation of trade (volume and diversity), but is exacerbated by climate change and EU expansion (increased pathways). In compa ...
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...ons and between them at the European scale. The multiple functions expected from a sustainable European agriculture have to cope with these changes. A European approach will enhance understanding the institutional and governance approaches that will allow addressing these new challenges. In a context of deep modification of agricultural and rural development policies at a European scale, research ...
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The development and implementation of bio-refinery processes is an absolute necessity and the key to meet the vision towards bio-based economy. The EuroBioRef concept is an integrated, sustainable and diversified bio-refinery involving all biomass value chain stakeholders. The latter will allow large-scale research, testing, optimisation and demonstration of processes in the production of a wide r ...
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Organic agriculture and food markets have grown considerably and organic agriculture addresses important challenges of European agriculture, such as sustainable production of high quality food, reducing dependency on high energy inputs, improving environmental and nature conservation, climate change adaptation, animal welfare and rural livelihoods. Organic farming and food systems still have a big ...
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El objetivo del proyecto ECOTECH-SUDOE es desarrollar la capacidad de innovación en el campo de las tecnologías ambientales mediante el fortalecimiento de la educación e investigación en el Espacio SUDOE y el desarrollo de tecnologías ambientales y herramientas de evaluación propias de la ecología industrial. Todo ello persigue una utilización racional y eficiente de los recursos naturales, en esp ...
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...ocess which results are not made available openly.The technology used will itself become open source, so that the model of the service can be adopted by enterprises (including SMEs) or other kinds of institutions as a value-added, community-oriented model for open access content.
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Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean (ARIMNet)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

Agricultural research in the Mediterranean is characterised by three main features: it is scattered within the EU members and in Mediterranean Partner Countries as well as most of the problems and challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing are shared by all the countries in the area and even further, its objectives are largely the same in the whole area, even if priorities can vary fr ...
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The QualiRedFruits project deals with the competitiveness of raspberry production and market. This market is in constant evolution due to consumer interest in the health benefits of antioxidant molecules (AOM) in raspberry fruits and public requirement for new fruit production technology safer for the environment. The aims of the project are therefore to identify raspberry varieties with higher qu ...
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Im Rahmen dieses Projektes soll das Produktions- und Verwertungspotential von verschiedenen Energiepflanzen in der Großregion bewertet werden, wobei insbesondere geprüft werden soll, welche Pflanzen sich besonders gut zur Energiegewinnung eignen und wie diese nachhaltig angebaut werden können.
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The first ERA-NET on wood material science and engineering, WoodWisdom-Net started in 2004 with 12 partners from 5 countries. In 2006 the network expanded with 6 partners (3 new countries). As a main result, late 2006 the first joint Transnational Research Programme (2006-11) with 17 projects of a total volume of over 20 M€ was launched. WoodWisdom-Net 2 with 19 partners from 12 countries aims at ...
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"The disease threats to the livestock industry have increased steadily over the past decades as a result of globalisation, evolving pathogens and climate change. Responding to animal disease threats relies heavily on science; research makes a significant contribution to the development of disease control policy and the translation of policy, and other drivers for improving animal health, into prac ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2011,

"Current procedures for the design of WWTP controllers are usually based on long and very expensive experimental studies. In this respect, the availability of WWTP simulation tools specific for control design would allow automation companies to establish and complement experimental procedures with enhanced procedures based on mathematical modeling and simulation. In addition, WWTP simulation softw ...
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Background The impact of agriculture on Europe’s water resources will have to be reduced if the quality of surface and groundwater is to be improved. The agricultural soils of EU countries contain large nitrogen surplus that can potentially pollute both surface and groundwater. Furthermore, in many European countries pesticides contaminate the drinking ...
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The EU strategy to prevent processes of genetic erosion of biodiversity, which includes agrobiodiversity, focuses on practical approaches for the preservation and sustainable usage of biodiversity. One of the negative effects of the intensive agricultural production introduced by the “green revolution” of the 1960s has been the irreversible loss of local varieties that had adapted over the centuri ...
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Stock-rearing farms carry out many functions in territorial development. They play a direct economic role by maintaining jobs and services in difficult areas and supplying consumers with quality agricultural products. Cattle play a role in the management of natural areas stretching from coasts to highmountain transhumance areas, and the surface areas involved account for hundreds of thousands of h ...
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Le projet MedCypre considère le cyprès toujours vert (Cupressus sempervirens L.) comme l'espèce de référence pour toutes ces fonctions dans le Bassin Méditerranéen Occidental. Le but principal du projet MedCypre est d'affronter le problème du contrôle des incendies avec des plates-bandes de cyprès à houppier horizontal qui, avec leurs branches longues et fines, freinent la formation du sous-bois d ...
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