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Liver cirrhosis is a very common chronic disease and one of the leading causes of death in European. Moreover, cirrhosis has a marked impact in patients quality of life and represents a major burden for health systems. Treatment of cirrhosis is currently based on symptomatic management of complications and has not changed substantially in the last 20 years. There is an unmet need for therapies tha ...
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The vision of EU-ToxRisk is to drive a paradigm shift in toxicology towards an animal-free, mechanism-based integrated approach to chemical safety assessment. The project will unite all relevant disciplines and stakeholders to establish: i) pragmatic, solid read-across procedures incorporating mechanistic and toxicokinetic knowledge; and ii) ab initio hazard and risk assessment strategies of chemi ...
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...LIXIR - the European life science Infrastructure for Biological Information - is a distributed organisation comprising national bioinformatics research infrastructures and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). This coordinated infrastructure includes data standards, exchange, interoperability, storage, security and training.Recognising the importance of a data foundation for European l ...
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Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceutical in the Environment (IPIE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can be released to the natural environment during the manufacturing process, following use by patients or when unused medicines are disposed of. As APIs are biologically active compounds concerns have been raised about the potential effects of APIs in the environment on human and environmental health. Over the past 15 years, a substantial amount of work has ...
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El Aquí y el Allá del Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project "The Here and Beyond of the Teaching-Learning Process" aims to promote the internationalization of Vocational Training at the level of the Institute Pompeu Fabra Badalona (Barcelona). Our proposal focuses on the mobility of students inin-job training and practice of observation / job-shadowing. Our goal is to increase the projection of Vocational Training at local, national and Europe ...
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Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation (HEIRRI) foster an alignment of research and innovation (R&I) with the needs, values and societal expectations. The six key aspects of “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)”-societal/public engagement, gender equality, open access, science education, ethics and governance in R&I-are transdisciplinary included at all stages ...
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Progress in biomedical research and healthcare requires profiting from the huge amount of data and knowledge that are generated. However, most of the potential users have no means to efficiently exploit this wealth of information. Up to now, many of the efforts done for developing bioinformatics methods and applications have not produced the expected societal impact for different reasons, includin ...
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Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 (HBP SGA1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Such an understanding can provide profound insights into our humanity, leading to fundamentally new computing technologies, and transforming the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. Modern ICT brings this prospect within reach. The HBP Flagship Initiative (HBP) thus proposes a unique strategy that uses I ...
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RAPID-MIX brings together 3 leading research institutions with 4 dynamic creative industries SMEs and 1 leading wearable technology SME in a technology transfer consortium to bring to market innovative interface products for music, gaming, and e-Health applications.RAPID-MIX uses an intensely user-centric development process to gauge industry pull and end-user desire for new modes of interaction t ...
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European Medical Information Framework (EMIF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

In response to the need to tackle increasingly complex medical research questions, a growing amount of human health data is being collected, either in routine Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) databases, through research-driven cohort studies, in biobanks or related efforts. However, data sources are typically fragmented and contain information gaps which prevent their full exploitation. EMIF aim ...
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Developing English through ARt-oriented activities

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...e their visibility and improve their own image in the eyes of the local community -The local community will become internationally known and will have the possibility to get in contact with institutions from foreign countries with which they can develop future partnerships Monitoring and evaluation will be done permanently. As evaluation tools we will use questionnaires, interviews, periodical rep ...
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ENTOMATIC addresses a major problem faced by EU Associations of Olive growing SMEs: the Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae). This insect pest causes yearly economical losses estimated to be almost €600/ha. ENTOMATIC aims to develop a novel stand-alone field monitoring system comprising: a fully autonomous trap with integrated insect bioacoustic recognition, embedded in a wireless sensor network ...
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All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (BEUCITIZEN)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

...of them: contradictions between different rights, ‘multilevel’ rights, and differences in priorities Member States accord these rights; differences in political, administrative, and legal institutions; financial restraints; lack of sufficient solidarity; administrative and bureaucratic hurdles; language problems; and other practical barriers to claiming and exercising rights - and related duties. ...
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Multilingual Exploration of Languages in Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Context of the project The role of English in upper secondary learning is nearly uncontested – 92,7% of students in (EU-27) Europe learn English. But other languages also play a role - in 2009/10, 60.8 % of students in lower secondary education learn at least two foreign languages ( , p. 2). How can learners - espec ...
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What You Say Is What You Did (WYSIWYD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The What You Say Is What You Did project (WYSIWYD) will create a new transparency in human robot interaction (HRI) by allowing robots to both understand their own actions and those of humans, and to interpret and communicate these in human compatible intentional terms expressed as a language-like communication channel we call WYSIWYD Robotese (WR). WYSIWYD will advance this critical communication ...
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The main objective of EUMSSI is developing technologies for identifying and aggregating data presented as unstructured information in sources of very different nature (video, image, audio, speech, text and social context), including both online (e.g., YouTube) and traditional media (e.g. audiovisual repositories), and for dealing with information of very different degrees of granularity. The multi ...
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Heart failure (HF) is one of the major health issues in Europe affecting 6 million patients and growing substantially because of the ageing population and improving survival following myocardial infarction. The poor short to medium term prognosis of these patients means that, treatments such as cardiac re-synchronisation therapy and mitral valve repair can have substantial impact. However, these t ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...imulation, High Performance Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromorphic Computing and Neurorobotics, and create a user community of research groups from within and outside the HBP, set up a European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, complete a set of pilot projects providing a first demonstration of the scientific value of the platforms and the Institute, develop the scientific and technolo ...
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"In the research part we will deal with the basic principles of the innate immune defense used to control tumors and viral infections with a focus on NK and NK/T cells, including analysis of NK receptor genomics/epigenetics, gene polymorphisms/disease linkage, differentiation of hitherto unrecognized NK cell subpopulations and novel ligands for NK receptors exposed by tumor and/or virally infected ...
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Measuring Youth Well-Being (MYWEB)

Start date: Mar 3, 2014, End date: Sep 2, 2016,

MYWeB takes a balanced approach to assessing the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP) through prioritising both scientific and policy imperatives. Striking the appropriate balance between science and policy is guaranteed through the use of an evaluation/appraisal methodology which ensures that the outcomes will be methodologically robust, technically ...
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Immersive and engaging participatory and collaborative modes of production are characteristic of the emerging creative economies of music media and require novel ICT solutions. The most innovative ICT solutions in this sector come from the top EU research centres. The MusicBricks project exploits the creative and commercial possibilities of music technologies by piloting innovative musical tools w ...
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Memory, Youth, Political Legacy And Civic Engagement (MYPLACE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

MYPLACE explores how young people‟s social participation is shaped by theshadows (past, present and future) of totalitarianism and populism in Europe.Conceptually, it goes beyond the comparison of discrete national „political cultures‟or reified classifications of political heritage („postcommunist‟/‟liberal democratic‟);it is premised rather on the pan-European nature of a range of radical and po ...
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The BrainScaleS project aims at understanding function and interaction of multiple spatial and temporal scales in brain information processing. The fundamentally new approach of BrainScaelS lies in the in-vivo biological experimentation and computational analysis. Spatial scales range from individual neurons over larger neuron populations to entire functional brain areas. Temporal scales range fro ...
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Commons for Europe (Commons4EU)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Cities face a scenario characterized by shrinking budgets, increasing demands of services from their citizens and the need to reinvent themselves in their quest to become Smart Cities.Simultaneously, the Internet brought new opportunities to orchestrate collaboration, fostering the creation of a large base of commons in code, user generated contents and even telecom infrastructures with the emerge ...
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"DASISH provides solutions to a number of common issues relevant for the five ESFRI projects in social science and humanities, being CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS and SHARE and therefore is supporting infrastructure construction. These five infrastructures are presently at different stages in the process of establishing ERICs. DASISH has identified four major areas namely data quality, data archivin ...
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The European Social Survey - Data for a Changing Europe (ESS-DACE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

...e European Social Survey (ESS) as a key data source for measuring and understanding long-term changes in public attitudes across Europe. This will be achieved by strengthening the links between the 7 institutions responsible for the central design and coordination of the ESS infrastructure, as well as between the ESS and its funders, data users, national teams and a distinguished network of advise ...
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We propose to develop new strategies to mobilize skeletal muscle tissue-associated stem cells as a tool for efficient tissue repair. This will be combined with exploring novel approaches that limit tissue damage, and will focus on agents that modify muscle and muscle vasculature progenitor cells. These molecules include nitric oxide associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, HMGB1, Cri ...
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Description Improving the treatment of lower back painThe MySpine project aims to improve the treatment of lower back pain. Nowadays treatment and prognosis of spinal disc degeneration are still based on trial and error decisions from the surgeon, leading to numerous post treatment complications and eventual morbidity. MySpine is working ...
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Euro-BioImaging brings together imaging technologies stretching from basic biological imaging with advanced light microscopy, in vivo molecular imaging of single cells to animal models up to the clinical and epidemiological level of medical imaging of humans and populations. Euro-BioImaging, in close consultation with its stakeholders, will address the imaging requirements of both biological and m ...
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OPEN INNOVATION Mechanisms in Smart Cities (Open Cities)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The success of cities is linked to their efficiency, in reducing transaction costs and providing services. However, in order to maintain this success, cities have reinvented themselves many times through history.Today, Information Technologies are doomed to be the key driver of a new wave of innovation in cities that will lead, one more time, to their reinvention.However, public procurement and ma ...
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Experimental Functional Android Assistant (EFAA) (EFAA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

Description As the introduction of robots into our daily life becomes a reality, the social compatibility of such robots gains importance. In order to meaningfully interact with humans, robots must develop an advanced real-world social intelligence that includes novel perceptual, behavioural, emotional, motivational and cognitive capabilitie ...
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This proposal aims to develop and implement efficacy of clinical trials with adult, tissue stem cells for degenerative diseases of epithelia and skeletal muscle. Extraordinary progress in the understanding of several key features of stem cells has been rapidly translated into novel cell therapy protocols that have yielded positive results in pre-clinical models of genetic and acquired diseases and ...
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eHealth Innovation TN will develop consensus among stakeholders and recommendations to-wards making innovative integrated, and therefore interoperable eHealth services operational and deployed at large scale in Europe.The focus will be to analyse, achieve consensus on and deliver a detailed summary report on how to achieve in the medium-term more patient/person-centred health services for an agein ...
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...ics deals with the integrative management and synergic exploitation of the wide ranging and inter-related scope of information that is generated and needed in healthcare settings, biomedical research institutions and health-related industry.Some key present challenges of Biomedical Informatics are:- The effective and synergic integration between computational methods and technologies supporting li ...
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Understanding and combating human age-related muscle weakness (MYOAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Ageing of skeletal muscle results in a progressive loss of mobility that decreases the quality of life and has major economic and social consequences for society at large. Increasing muscle weakness is a major component of muscle ageing. In the elderly muscles become atrophic (loss in muscle mass) and weaker (loss in muscle force), more susceptible to damage and consequently regenerate and recover ...
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Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2013,

...hysiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE), 2008-2013, served as a rallying point and source of best-practice information for the VPH community.  This role has now has been passed to the VPH Institute (  The tools and educational/outreach materials developed by the VPH NoE – and future contributions – will be maintained at the VPH Portal: ...
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Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch (MIReS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) has centered primarily on the analysis of sound signal for the purpose of more efficient search and faster access to digital collections of recorded music. The advent of web-mediated social networks has created a dynamic global market for digital music, collateral services and new user behaviours with significant challenges and opportunities for explo ...
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Description Motor disabilities of people arising from any origin have a dramatic effect on their quality of life. Some examples of neurologic nature include a person suffering from a severe brain injury resulting from a car collision or individuals who have suffered a brain stroke. For years, the severely disabled have learned to cope with t ...
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Migration between Africa and Europe (MAFE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"African migration has become a major concern for European policy makers. New policy measures are under development, but they rely on a poor understanding of the underlying causes and consequences of African migration. The MAFE project aims to overcome this lack of understanding, in order to improve the quality of migration policies. This involves three interrelated objectives. Objective 1. Creat ...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has a significant impact on the European society in terms of mortality, morbidity and allied healthcare costs. The opportunity of multi-scale modelling spanning, sub-cellular level up to whole heart is to improve CVD outcomes by providing a consistent, biophysically-based framework for the integration of the huge amount of fragmented and inhomogeneous data currently av ...
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