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Developing English through ARt-oriented activities
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is aimed at creating a new curricula to develop students’ language competences through Art-oriented activities in an ICT-based environment. When choosing these major thematic fields we took into account the following realities: -learning a foreign language is absolutely necessary for a successful integration into the open labour market and for a complete personal and professional development -classes can sometimes fall into routine, that’s why using Art as a means for creating a more enjoyable learning environment will help students become more enthusiastic and motivated to develop language competences in a non-classical manner, by experiential learning and educational games. The project will be implemented by collaborative working of 9 schools from all over Europe: 3 high-schools focused on Arts which will guide the Art related activities (Romania1, England and Portugal), 4 elementary schools with English and Arts expertise at their level which will contribute to the creation of the Art-based English teaching activities (Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia and Turkey) and 2 Computer Science high-schools in charge with transferring the teaching activities into the digital book (Spain and Romania2). The target groups will be made of students aged 6 to 18, according to each partner school’s type. The project will last for 36 months: September 2015 – August 2018. From October 2015 till March 2018 we will create the course and its curricula which will include the rationale, objectives, learning contents, learning activities, and expected results, indicators of achievement and evaluation tools, time resources and methodological suggestions for English classes taught through Art-oriented activities. It will contain 8 modules, one for each month of the school year, consisting of various learning topics which will cover different areas of interest/ knowledge connected with everyday life/ human activities/ natural environment and/or with Arts. Starting from these topics, each partner school will make 2 lesson plans for English classes which should be taught through Art-oriented activities. Each lesson will include English, Art and ICT tasks. According to their own school type, each partner will suggest 2 lessons for either primary, lower secondary or high-school students, respectively. There will be 144 lesson plans totally which will serve as support for local project activities (classes held in each partner school) and short-term students exchanges. During these activities films, photos, and ICT and art-related tutorials will also be created to illustrate parts of the project activities. These digital materials will be used for creating the digital version of the book. From April 2018 till June 2018 we will make the augmented reality book in paper format containing project-related information, videos and images created during the project’s activities which can be read both in the classical way and by using a device (smartphone, tablet) having installed Aurasma. There will be organized 6 short-term students exchanges and 6 teaching activities aimed at trying out the course curricula created at local level. For a good project management and implementation there will be organized 3 transnational project meetings, one at the beginning of each year of the project. Among project results, we can mention: -a new website .eu domain which will contain the course curricula, project information and an e-learning platform -the course curricula on paper and in its digital version which will be freely available and openly licensed for downloading from our e-learning platform for anyone interested in using it as teaching aid. The augmented reality book will be printed in several copies so that each partner school's library could have it. Other books can be offered to schools on different occasions. Thus, schools from the neighbourhood will benefit from the promotion of this innovative project product which can be used during English classes for both primary and secondary education. Impact: -Students will enhance their English competences and digital skills, creativity, team working skills, self-confidence. -Teachers will broaden their horizons and exchange information on different school systems and develop their teaching competence, foreign languages abilities, social, managerial and ICT competence -Participant schools will increase their visibility and improve their own image in the eyes of the local community -The local community will become internationally known and will have the possibility to get in contact with institutions from foreign countries with which they can develop future partnerships Monitoring and evaluation will be done permanently. As evaluation tools we will use questionnaires, interviews, periodical reports.

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8 Partners Participants