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20 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

inteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid (DG), fostering the stability and coordination of distributed energy resources and enabling collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewa ...
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Most maritime products are typically associated with large investments and are seldom built in large series. Where other modes of transport benefit from the economy of series production, this is not the case for maritime products which are typically designed to refined customer requirements increasingly determined by the need for high efficiency, flexibility and low environmental impact at a compe ...
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Fortissimo 2 will drive the uptake of advanced modelling, simulation and data analytics by European engineering and manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps. Such an uptake will deliver improved design processes, better products and services, and improved competitiveness. For the European Union as a whole this means improved employment opportunities and economic growth.The importance of advanced ICT to the ...
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A recent study found evidence for growth in international flows of cultural goods and services over the recent years, for increases in cultural exports against other traded goods. However, internationalisation seems to be hard to conceive for many sectors in the creative industries. Despite the advantages of embracing globalisation and the risks of not doing so, many European SMEs still remain foc ...
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The overall objectives of the INNWIND.EU project are the high performance innovative design of a beyond-state-of-the-art 10-20MW offshore wind turbine and hardware demonstrators of some of the critical components. These ambitious primary objectives lead to a set of secondary objectives, which are the specific innovations, new concepts, new technologies and proof of concepts at the sub system and t ...
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Since its inception the IMI has funded over 30 public-private partnership projects. Many of these projects are centered upon data intensive translational research and are employing integrative analysis approaches to achieve their goals. Although a common KM platform for IMI projects was envisioned in the original IMI Strategic Research Agenda it has not yet been implemented. The lack of a common p ...
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Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support today's information society as inter-system communication enabler.Consequently boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role. At the same time, multi-core and ma ...
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Optimal Design Tools for Ocean Energy Arrays (DTOCEAN)

Start date: Oct 28, 2013, End date: Oct 27, 2016,

The DTOcean project is aimed at accelerating the industrial development of ocean energy power generation knowledge, and providing design tools for deploying the first generation of wave and tidal energy converter arrays.The areas of hydrodynamic array layout, electrical infrastructure, operations, maintenance & control, moorings & foundations, and installation & logistics bring critical challenges ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON 2020The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installations in order to better ensure their safe long term operation, integrating private and public efforts, and initiating international collaboration that will create added value in its a ...
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...he use of simulation. However, the simulation of, for example, high-pressure gas cylinders, the moulding of plastics or the thermodynamic properties of hazardous materials requires enormous computing power and specialised software tools and services. Generally, large companies, which have a greater pool of skills and resources, find access to advanced simulation easier than SMEs which can neither ...
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Proactive Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources (PANACEA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The main objective of the project "PANACEA" is to provide Proactive Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources as a remedy to the exponentially growing complexity.If you look at the system resources (Internet) at the bottom of the stack, that system resource can be servers, storage, data centres, and network resources, the concept is then to build a level of virtualization of those resources so that ...
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Description Active Constraints Technologies in Neurosurgery for Ill-defined or Volatile Environments The ACTIVE project exploits ICT and other engineering methods and technologies for the design and development of an integrated redundant robotic platform for neurosurgery. A light and agile redunda ...
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In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the ARCHER project will extend the state-of-the-art European (V)HTR technology basis with generic technical effort in support of nuclear cogeneration demonstration.The partner consortium consists of representatives of conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Te ...
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...ture. The H2OCEAN consortium aims at developing an innovative design for an economically and environmentally sustainable multi-use open-sea platform. The H2OCEAN platform will harvest wind and wave power, using part of the energy on-site for multiple applications – including a multi-trophic aquaculture farm, and convert on-site the excess energy into hydrogen that can be stored and shipped to shor ...
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Micro ECM for SMEs (µECM)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Current ECM process technology is limited in machining accuracy and process stability. The primary reason for this limitation is that the power supply units, which are at the heart of ECM are traditionally designed for the millisecond pulsed current range. Developing a power supply unit that has the capability of pulsing in the microsecond / nanosecond range, will result in more control of the pr ...
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"The electric ship concept offers many benefits; among other aspects if offers flexibility of control and effectiveness of power transmission. But predominantly it enables higher energy conversion efficiency by ensuring that prime movers are effectively loaded at all times and across all operating conditions. This dominating advantage cannot be matched by mechanical transmission systems because ge ...
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Sustainable energy for the rural village environment (SERVE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2007, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

The SERVE project demonstrates sustainable energy use in rural communities. Retrofit work is led by the Local Authority (NTCC) and new build by a not-for-profit co-operative (SPIL). SPIL is selling serviced sites in an Eco-Village to members, who will then build under the control and guidance of SPIL. This 132-home project is already under way. Thus, it will act as a flagship for Concerto from the ...
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The objective of this coordination action is to develop best practice guidelines for the performance of Level-2 PSA methodologies with a view to harmonization at EU level and allowing a meaningful and practical uncertainty evaluation in a Level-2 PSA. Speficic relationships with community in charge of nuclear reactor safety (utilities, safety authorities, vendors, research or services companies) ...
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The development of GENERATION IV nuclear systems is identified as an important objective of the present Euratom work programme. The significant support given in FP5 and FP6 allowed Europe to acquire strong assets in the technology of one of the 6 GENERATION IV reactor types, the (V)HTR. In line with these assets and with the recommendation of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform, whi ...
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The ROBOCAST project aims to develop ICT scientific methods and technologies which focus on robot assisted keyhole neurosurgery. A modular system, allowing a reduction of the footprint, will be developed with two robots and one active bio-mimetic probe, able to cooperate among themselves in a biomimetic sensory-motor integrated framework. A gross positioning 3-axes robot will support a miniature p ...
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