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36 European Projects Found

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The RUGGEDISED project will create urban spaces powered by secure, affordable and clean energy, smart electro-mobility, smart tools and services. The overall aims are:1. Improving the quality of life of the citizens, by offering the citizens a clean, safe, attractive, inclusive and affordable living environment.2. Reducing the environmental impacts of activities, by achieving a significant reducti ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Within the EU, and particularly following the economic crisis; tourism will be, the ‘engine for economic growth’, particularly in the underperforming Mediterranean economies; where tourism has traditionally been a dominant economic sector. The world market of tourists continues to grow and Europe has unique selling points for further tourist growth from within and outside the EU (including China). ...
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PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability (PORTIS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Port Cities can be seen as multidimensional laboratories where challenges connected with urban mobility are more complex due to the dual system of gravity centre: the city, the port, not to mention their shared hinterland.These peculiarities are at once a challenge and an opportunity, as they provide scope for planning, researching and implementing integrated mobility solutions in distinctively co ...
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The key objective of URBAN-EU-CHINA is to develop a robust, evidence-driven bottom-up approach to complement the existing top-down EU-China strategic approach to sustainable urbanisation. This will be accomplished via a coordinated series of actions including: a strategic R&I agenda, scoping and assessment, networking events, peer-to-peer exchanges, benchmarking and monitoring, and joint demonstra ...
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The Energy Union Framework Strategy laid out on 25 February 2015 has embraced a citizens-oriented energy transition based on a low-carbon transformation of the energy system. The success of the energy transition pillar in the Energy Union will hinge upon the social acceptability of the necessary reforms and on the public engagement in conceptualizing, planning, and implementing low carbon energy t ...
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NEW Business models for ITS (NEWBITS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The overall objective of the NEWBITS project is to provide with a deep understanding of the changing conditions and dynamics that affect and/or influence C-ITS innovations. New KPIs will be designed to feed reactive and network oriented value creation propositions that improve the collaborative decision-making process across the various stakeholders. This improved value definition must minimize th ...
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The 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) establishes a set of binding measures to help the EU reach its 20% energy efficiency target by 2020. Countries have also set their own indicative national energy efficiency targets. To reach these targets, EU countries have to implement energy efficiency policies and monitor their impact. The Commission has also the task of monitoring the impacts of the m ...
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With the experiences of 3 pilot projects and the expertise of 11 partners from 8 European countries, a digital European youth participation online platform will be built, which is tested and open to be used by administrations and youth organizations of any size and level to set up participative processes. The platform consists of• comprehensive eParticipation package (EUth-applications), bringing ...
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Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union (I3U)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Innovation has been placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy aimed at facing major structural changes, the increase of global competition and the current crisis, and to tackle major societal challenges such as climate change, energy and resource scarcity, health and ageing. The Innovation Union has the main objective to strengthen the European innovative potential, and sets 13 general objec ...
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BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel (BIOSURF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The objective of BIOSURF (BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel) is to increase the production and use of biomethane (from animal waste, other waste materials and sustainable biomass), for grid injection and as transport fuel, by removing non-technical barriers and by paving the way towards a European biomethane market. This objective will be achieved through the following founding pillars: ...
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The RRI-ICT Forum proposal aims at monitoring, analyzing, supporting and promoting SSH contribution to, and RRI approach in ICT research and innovation under H2020.The consortium approach is to constitute a team curating the RRI-ICT domain in H2020 without prejudice (not aiming at imposing its own views or agenda, but at facilitating community views and agenda), and empowering other projects and t ...
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FRESHER brings together ten research groups, including leaders in the management of large European Foresight projects and highly experienced health policy modelers, in an interdisciplinary team engaged in FoResight and Modelling for European Health policy and Regulation. The overall project objective is the representation of alternative futures where the detection of emerging health scenarios will ...
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The Mind-sets project (MS) will make a major contribution to our understanding of mobility in Europe:• How to better understand mobility (to better influence and change it)• How to predict the likely future attitudes to, and patterns of, mobility• What forms of mobility policies, products and services will best meet these future mobility needs The project provides a new approach to understanding m ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The mission of CIVITAS CAPITAL is to contribute significantly to the goals of the EU's Transport White Paper by capitalising systematically on the results of CIVITAS and creating an effective "value chain" for urban mobility innovation. CAPITAL will initiate and support a mainstreaming process of CIVITIAS principles based on a strengthened community of stakeholders. CAPITAL will help CIVITAS to bu ...
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Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility (CITYMOBIL2)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

European cities face four main mobility problems: congestion, land use , safety and environment. One of the main causes of such problems is the car-ownership rate. The centres of large cities address this issue combining efficient mass transits with car restriction policies but peripheral areas and smaller cities remain dominated by private cars.CityMobil has demonstrated how automating road vehi ...
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The objectives of FLAGSHIP are: i) Understanding and assessing the state of the art of forward looking methodologies in relation to Grand Societal Challenges (GSC) and developing tools and modelling frameworks beyond state of the art; ii) Applying an enhanced set of forward looking methods and tools to support EU policies, by analysing reference and alternative scenarios of long-term demographic, ...
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"""Sustainable Urbanisation in China : Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Mega-trends towards 2050 (URBACHINA) combines the knowledge and expertise from a number of different disciplines to provide new and innovative insights and scenarios that can be used guide urbanization in China over the next 40 years. A key strength of the proposal is the use of 'thematic pairs' of European and Chine ...
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Management of weather events in transport system (MOWE-IT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

The MOWE-IT project shall assess factors that prerequisite cross-modal transferability between the air and surface-based European transport systems in order to protect the passengers, shippers, European institutions and citizens against travel delays, cancellations and/or stoppages in freight transfer caused by extreme weather and/or other natural disasters. The on-going WEATHER and EWENT- project ...
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Impacts Quantification of global changes (Global-IQ)

Start date: Aug 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

World societies experience today large transformation processes both in the social, economic and environmental dimensions. These transformations are usually described under the heading of ‘global change’, to emphasize the increasing interactions between them. The objective of the proposal is three-fold: (1) to provide significant advances in the estimation of socio-economic impacts of global chall ...
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"The work to be carried out in COMPASS can build on a substantial body of knowledge on co-modal and intermodal passenger transport already available from past and current projects, in particular KITE, LINK, INTERCONNECT, HERMES, CLOSER, ORIGAMI and USEmobility. From this basis, COMPASS’s specific scientific and technological objectives are:To identify key trends (demographic, societal, economica ...
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"This proposal recognises that effective solutions to existing problems in long-distance door-to-door passenger transport chains require the provision of attractive integrated networks and services and this is likely to require vision and co-operation between stakeholders in the public and private sectors. ORIGAMI will build on the substantial body of knowledge on long-distance passenger transpor ...
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"STADIUM addresses the task 3.1.7 - Large event mobility management (especially in big cities) of the call FP7 – SST – 2008The ultimate goal of the project is to improve the performance of transport systems made available to a wide and differentiated range of users in the framework of large events hosted by big cities, through the development of a set of guidelines and tools to implement managemen ...
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Prospective Analysis for the Mediterranean Region (MEDPRO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"In response to SSH-2009 – 7.1.2, the MEDPRO project will undertake a deep foresight analysis of the development issues in eleven countries in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean participating in the Barcelona process and in the Union for the Mediterranean. The project will undertake an analysis of the current state and prospective development in main areas of socio-economic development: Geopol ...
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Since 2002, CIVITAS Initiative has been able to attract a raising interest among local authorities in Europe, becoming a true point of reference, even beyond the boundaries of the European Union. This is because worldwide, massive resources are poured into research and development of new solutions for a better urban environment. However, funds often target individual initiatives, which doubtlessly ...
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MODERN - MObility, Development and Energy use ReductioN (MODERN)

Start date: Oct 15, 2008, End date: Feb 14, 2013,

The project outlines a bold package of integrated measures in all the cities of the consortium, and covers all the areas required by the CIVITAS PLUS programme. The project shows ambitious goals which will have a substantial impact on the state of the mobility in the cities and a good visibility at the European level, mixing measures with large scale application actions based in existing and comme ...
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PAradigm SHifts Modelling and INnovative Approaches (PASHMINA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

The project will contribute to the goals of the Call showing that it is possible to better address global changes in a long term time perspective (2030–2050), making a first development of tools – new generations of models and indicators – with enhanced capabilities to take into account the interaction between the economy and the environment, paradigm shifts in the energy-transport-environment nex ...
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"The WEATHER project aims at adding to the current state of knowledge on the impacts of extreme weather events on economy and society in total and on European transport systems in particular. The project starts from the broad picture of climate scenarios and breaks them down to specific regions. Economic growth models are applied to study the impacts on economy and society and the inter-relations ...
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"The issue of concern of the AWARE project is the anthropogenic deterioration of water ecosystems, in particular in coastal areas. The new approach proposed by the AWARE project to enhance connectivity between research and policy-making exploit the concept of integrated adaptive ecosystem management, engaging scientists, policy makers and the public (the latter including both stakeholders and lay ...
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PAthways for Carbon Transitions (PACT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Most «business-as-usual scenarios» built up till now have shown that hydrocarbon resources scarcity and the growing release of greenhouse gases will bring the world far away from sustainability over the next decades. Then, deep changes in behaviours away from «BAU» are unavoidable long before the turn of the century in a move towards a post-carbon society. Urbanisation and mobility are probably ...
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The objective of CIVITAS CATALIST is to ensure that the experiences of the CIVITAS Initiative are exploited up to a maximum level. This means deploying actions aiming to:- consolidate, validate and deepen the knowledge of the wider impacts of CIVITAS through an integrated assessment of the CIVITAS measures;- promote the results of CIVITAS through a continuing knowledge transfer process;- increase ...
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"The main objectives of this project are to develop Key Performance Indicators that assist European municipalities in business decisions for ITS projects and to facilitate best practice experiences between municipalities on experiences with ITS. An important aspect of the research is further to link the performance indicators to the current traffic situation in the cities. The project consortium c ...
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"PASSO will assess Sustainable Development Indicators on Good Governance and its cross-cutting features from a social perspective. The starting point will be the list of SDIs adopted in the context of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy on the Good Governance Theme. Alternative sets of governance indicators from international initiatives (e.g. United Nations) will be considered too. These set ...
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intelligent Cars Thematic Network (iCars Network)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

The Network will exchange good practices and develop catalogues of methods of- using latest ITS developments in public procurement- dissemination and awareness activities on ITS developments- impact assessment- arriving at a road method towards energy efficiencywith the aim of- take-up of ITS developments- reducing the number of deaths on the road- reducing the environmental burden of road transpo ...
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Energy Foresight Network (EFONET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

"The EFONET CA addresses Task 9.2.1 Energy foresight network. It primarily aims at providing policy relevant input to the EC, notably in relation with the Review of the EU Energy Strategy, the establishment of the Strategic Technology Plan, the implementation of the Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. EFONET will establish and run a discussion platform gathering representatives from the research co ...
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The overall objectives of the ECO-BUILD project are to provide policy makers and stakeholders with an overview of the internationally most advanced concepts and technologies for Eco-buildings, best practice solutions for implementing those concepts and an assessment of the potential of and problems faced by different sets of policy measures adopted at the European and national levels. The latter p ...
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"The aim of the supporting action titled "Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment", MOVE TOGETHER project, is to build an awareness raising exercise to let people become fully: 1conscious of the sustainability implications of transport in the urban context, 2 aware of what EU transport research is doing and how research results c ...
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