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15 European Projects Found

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Conservation of Marine Protected Species in Mainland Portugal (MarPro)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Background One of the main constraints to the enlargement of the Natura 2000 network to marine environments is the lack of research on marine habitats and species far from the coast. Few organisations or institutions have the necessary means to undertake such work. The designation of SCIs has thus been affected by the lack of relevant data on specific spe ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Creation of a transnational network with the aim of improving competitiveness and economic and social sustainability of European brown crab industry, by proposing policies, encouraging the adoption of accredited procedures for the delivery of brown crabs in different markets with high quality and sourced from sustainable fisheries. Introduction of practices and innovative products, increase the p ...
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Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: May 30, 2014,

Fisheries management through a platform of governance that associates professional, scientific sectors and NGOs. Channeled through the South Western and North Western Regional Advisory Councils, Gepeto combines stakeholders’ resources and capabilities to improve the bio-socio-economical sustainability of long term fisheries management plans in the AA. ...
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OBJETIVOS: Transferencia de herramientas para la implantación de la Directiva Marco del Agua en aguas de transición y costeras del NO de la Península Ibérica, con objeto de armonizar los planes hidrológicos de España y Portugal para las aguas internacionales del río Miño. ACCIONES: Clasificación del estado ecológico en los estuarios del Miño, Oitavén y Lima; intercalibración y validación de las co ...
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OBJETIVOS: Establecimiento de una red de cooperación científica y técnica transfronteriza Algarve-Andalucía para el desarrollo de buenas prácticas sanitarias e indicadores de calidad en acuicultura marina ACCIONES: Cooperación científico técnica para caracterizar las principales patologías presentes en la acuicultura en la región sur atlántica investigar sobre los factores que influyen en su apari ...
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Marine protected Areas In the Atlantic arc (MAIA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The project aims to: 1) share experience on how to draw up management plans for activities which take place in existing marine protected areas (MPAs) and thus fulfill the nature conservation objectives that justified their designation; 2) define and implement joint methodology to identify the marine areas, both inshore and offshore, whose habitats and/or species justify special protection or manag ...
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SEAFARE will develop solutions to specific constraints on industry development for Europe's fish and shellfish farmers, through species diversification and development of low-intensity aquaculture systems that are compatible with sensitive coastal habitats. SEAFARE brings together applied R&D centres, aquaculture industry organisations and environmental agencies across the Atlantic maritime regio ...
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The Biotecmar project supports the development of a chain for the production of valuable ingredients using underexploited marine products derived from fishing, aquaculture, seaweed and food industry. Biotecmar will - analyse the current blocking points for by-products use and studying the possible exploitation by value chains (by species, and by-product). - establish an Atlantic network with conne ...
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The strong presence of artisanal fisheries along the Atlantic coast, assumes increasing importance due to a variety of factors, namely, the great diversity of fishing gears and target species; the high commercial value of the products; the large number of fishermen and stakeholders involved; the socio-economic and cultural importance at local, regional and national level and the decreasing importa ...
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OBJETIVO: Establecimiento de una red interregional de cooperación científica y técnica para la incorporación a la acuicultura de nuevas especies y nuevos sistemas de producción acuícola que generen un menor impacto medioambiental y un ahorro de energía.ACCIONES: Desarrollo de prototipos para uso de energía térmica en acuicultura; mejora de sistemas de tratamiento y recirculación de agua; prospecci ...
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Towards Integrated Management of Ensis Stocks (TIMES)

Start date: Feb 28, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

...e the geographical distribution of razor clam populations as well as the depth at which Siliqua razor clam beds are found. These results were compared with the data gathered in the same region by IPIMAR over the long term. ✔ Monitoring abyssal community restoration after putting a halt to fishing: - Evaluation of how the razor clam population changes after fishing is halted. - Recommendation on ha ...
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Ensis Sustainable Collect (SHARE)

Start date: Feb 29, 2004, End date: Feb 27, 2007,

..., with information about it and availability online of the technical datasheets used for breeding razor clams enhanced by the website of the project partners: - creation of a "Share" logo, used on all documents in the project and on the technical protocols and posters - 11 scientific papers: 8 papers about the project and 3 ...
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Biotechnological utilisation of marines resources (VALBIOMAR)

Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The VALBIOMAR project seeks to develop an Atlantic network of competences in the domain of maximising the biotechnological value of living marine resources, and energising relations among laboratories and SMEs to produce concrete co-operation, and the development of new activities. The principal object of VALBIOMAR rests on the necessity, in the context of the rarefaction of certain marine resourc ...
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« SUBMED » sintéresse au tourisme subaquatique, à travers la plongée, en Méditerranée. Il a pour but de structurer une offre de haute qualité environnementale dans le domaine de la plongée et dorienter celle-ci vers des pratiques à caractère éco-touristique. Pour cela, le projet vise à mobiliser les collectivités locales, les acteurs du tourisme des régions littorales, et les milieux de la plongée ...
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Despite its success in the Atlantic Area over the last twenty years, the shellfish industry today is still threatened by the presence, on the coasts, of a micro-organism (a phytoplankton) which is harmless to shellfish but toxic for humans – Dinophysis – and which leads to the closure of aquaculture sites for long and frequent periods. Faced with the disadvantages and shortcomings of current techn ...
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