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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Creation of a transnational network with the aim of improving competitiveness and economic and social sustainability of European brown crab industry, by proposing policies, encouraging the adoption of accredited procedures for the delivery of brown crabs in different markets with high quality and sourced from sustainable fisheries. Introduction of practices and innovative products, increase the presence and visibility of the brown crabs market. Achievements: There was agreement that industry needs to be equipped to respond in a rational and open manner when such situations arise; the response of industry needs to be consistent and well-informed. The promotional materials developed by ACRUNET have an important role to play and are already being deployed in France which continues to be the single largest market for brown crab.The product format is very important but there is considerable variation in what appeals to the consumer from country to country. ACRUNET has produced a detailed report on the types of presentation and there are plans to follow-up with trials in Spain which has, up to now, been primarily interested in the more basic product such as live or cooked and frozen.Partners have continued to look at ways to improve transport, particularly live crab, and continued progress has been made on efficiency measures that will reduce the quantity of water needed for live transport.There are also on-going studies, again in Spain, on waste utilisation where composting samples have been analysed to ensure a successful implementation of the commercial scale trial. Developing a workable and acceptable management system for brown crab fisheries, particularly in the UK and Ireland, remains a major challenge for all stakeholders.In France, where there has been a long-established permit system, it is less of a problem but issues such as latent effort continue to hinder progress elsewhere. Lack of consistent data has been identified as a crucial stumbling-block to headway in this vital area.ACRUNET science partners have been gathering the relevant data and plan to meet with industry partners in early 2015 to discuss future options.more information on achievements is available on the projects web site:
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  • 65%   1 463 224,75
  • 2007 - 2013 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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14 Partners Participants