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12 European Projects Found

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PEM with Innovative low cost Core for Automotive applicatioN (PEMICAN)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

... will be useful also In the future when non pure Pt is available.The Consortium is built-up on the expertises of 6 European organisations with complementary skills: 2 Research Institutes (CEA and INASMET), 1 University (IMPERIAL COLLEGE), 2 industrial suppliers (SOLEXIS, TIMCAL) and 1 automotive OEM (OPEL). Among these partners, 4 of them are active members of the FCH JTI."
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El objetivo final del proyecto APSAT es disponer de un cierto número de territorios ("living labs") sobre los que sean desplegados, de forma operativa, servicios basados en las tecnologías satelitales, las cuales abren múltiples vías de aplicación. La posibilidad de experimentación propuesta en el proyecto permitirá la evaluación y validación a escala real de estas aplicaciones satelitales punta, ...
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La detección tardía del cáncer es una de las causas de muerte más importantes en la zona, debido a la modificación que en los últimos años se está produciendo en los hábitos de conducta y alimentarios. Cada año se detectan en la zona transfronteriza unos 12000 nuevos casos de cáncer de pulmón, localizados de manera similar en todo el ámbito de eje transpirenaico, de los cuales 10500 morirán en un ...
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"The ASE-TB project will design, manufacture and tune an innovative and smart Test Bench for linear actuators that will be capable of conducting synchronized tests on two linear actuators of the same type while applying different loads on them. The test bench will also include a thermal chamber for conducting tests at regulated temperatures with one of the actuators. This actuator test bench will ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

La gestión de los recursos derivados de subproductos de explotación forestal y agrícola se convierte en un foco de interés para el sector energético biomasa. La región objeto del proyecto tiene una fuente de recursos: el bosque de las Landas. El sector químico y de materiales está tan presente en el sur de Aquitania como en Gipuzkoa. A pesar de este activo, resulta destacable que son pocos los act ...
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Energy Foresight Network (EFONET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

"The EFONET CA addresses Task 9.2.1 Energy foresight network. It primarily aims at providing policy relevant input to the EC, notably in relation with the Review of the EU Energy Strategy, the establishment of the Strategic Technology Plan, the implementation of the Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. EFONET will establish and run a discussion platform gathering representatives from the research co ...
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"To develop adequate and well accepted security for mass transportation in Europe and the citizens affected by it, is a formidable task. The malicious threats, particularly those posed by terrorists, require a comprehensive approach: if security improvements are patchy, perpetrators are likely to find the loopholes left. With their open access points and interconnections, surface mass transportati ...
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Background Currently most used frying oil is treated as waste material and is disposed of in landfill sites, or discharged into sewage systems causing malfunctions in the filters and oil/water separators of wastewater treatment plants. With adequate collection and treatment, such oil can however be recycled into an environmentally friendly biodiesel for t ...
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Background Small wastewater plants can present problems due to poor performance arising from inadequate design, treatment and control; uncontrolled discharge of pollutants into public water systems; lack of training for operators; unmanned nocturnal plant operations; plant locations in inappropriate sites; and lack of information for water consumers. How ...
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Technology Transfer Research Results Atlantic Area (2XTRA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

De nos jours, l’innovation est vitale pour le développement socio-économique. Le paradoxe européen est que l’on observe des difficultés à mettre l’innovation sur le marché alors que le niveau scientifique et technologique est élevé. Le processus de transfert de technologie en Europe fonctionne par conséquent moins bien qu’aux Etats Unis ou au Japon. 2XTRA est une proposition ambitieuse résultant d ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2003, End date: Aug 31, 2006,

Background The territory of Tiermes, situated in the province of Soria in the Castilla y León region, suffers from a harsh climate, peripheral position, low population, a tendency to depopulate and little economic activity. All of these factors have led to complete abandonment of the architectural heritage and natural resources by the local inhabitants. ...
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Il s’agit de transfert de technologie spécialisée dans l’assemblage par collage. Le fondement du projet est de mettre en place des synergies entre les ressources technologiques des centres aragonais, navarrais et basques d’une part, et les savoir-faire d’interface ainsi que les ressources technologiques développées dans le bassin de l’Adour d’autre part. Cette action collective est focalisée sur l ...
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