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16 European Projects Found

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Background According to the European Environment Agency, agriculture is the fourth highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in the EU, accounting for 9.9% of GHG emissions in 2011. The agricultural sector, moreover, is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Consequently, the sector faces the challenge of mitigating climate change and a ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

Drug residues in foodstuffs, natural enemies and the killing of wildlife, disruption of the natural balance, some potential switch to the main pest status of pests, to cause phytotoxicity on crop plants, increase of frequent and unnecessary pesticide costs, environmental pollution and so on. reveals many drawbacks. These resolve to drawbacks, for an alternative to chemical warfare, is switched to ...
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Sustainable agriculture in Carbon arithmetics (LIFE+AGRICARBON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Background Emissions of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from agriculture account for 10% of the GHGs at a global level. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in farming come mainly from ploughing, which causes soil carbon loss. Conservation Agriculture (CA) can play a significant role here, as a provider of carbon sinks to counteract emissions. Precisi ...
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Objetivos principales:Mejorar la productividad empresarial en los sectores de producción de aceite, aceituna de mesa, y pastelería artesanal, desde un enfoque integrado (toda la cadena productiva), a través de la creación de un sistema de acompañamiento que identifique y refuerce la importancia de capital relacional en los procesos de innovaciónAcciones del proyecto:Todas las acciones están encami ...
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Reforzar la excelencia tecnológica y científica en el campo de la gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos en las regiones participantes mediante la integración de la capacidad investigadora y la transferencia de conocimientos entre los socios del proyecto. ...
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AGRO+ pretende crear, en el marco de un escenario de cooperación hispano-marroquí, el entorno adecuado para definir estrategias competitivas de innovación e integración empresarial en el sector agroalimentario y generar capacidades en las empresas para la mejora de su competitividad. ...
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OBJETIVOS: Se trata de un proyecto de iniciativa regional, iniciado por actores destacados del sector de la agroindustria junto con actores destacados del sector de desarrollo tecnológico. El objetivo principal del proyecto A2 TRANFER es la Promoción de la Transferencia de nuevas tecnologías para la mejora de procesos en la industria agroalimentaria y está orientado a tener un impacto directo en e ...
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OBJETIVOS: Establecimiento de una red de cooperación científica y técnica transfronteriza Algarve-Andalucía para el desarrollo de buenas prácticas sanitarias e indicadores de calidad en acuicultura marina ACCIONES: Cooperación científico técnica para caracterizar las principales patologías presentes en la acuicultura en la región sur atlántica investigar sobre los factores que influyen en su apari ...
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SEAFARE will develop solutions to specific constraints on industry development for Europe's fish and shellfish farmers, through species diversification and development of low-intensity aquaculture systems that are compatible with sensitive coastal habitats. SEAFARE brings together applied R&D centres, aquaculture industry organisations and environmental agencies across the Atlantic maritime regio ...
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The strong presence of artisanal fisheries along the Atlantic coast, assumes increasing importance due to a variety of factors, namely, the great diversity of fishing gears and target species; the high commercial value of the products; the large number of fishermen and stakeholders involved; the socio-economic and cultural importance at local, regional and national level and the decreasing importa ...
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OBJETIVO: Desenvolvimento e articulação de novas estratégias, metodologias e ferramentas comuns de base científica, por Portugal e Espanha, para aplicação da Directiva Quadro da Água (DQA) às massas de água de transição e costeira do Guadiana.ACCIONES: 1. Avaliação da aplicação da DQA às zonas de transição e costeira do Guadiana; 2. Recolha de dados e desenvolvimento de ferramentas de gestão intgr ...
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OBJETIVO: Establecimiento de una red interregional de cooperación científica y técnica para la incorporación a la acuicultura de nuevas especies y nuevos sistemas de producción acuícola que generen un menor impacto medioambiental y un ahorro de energía.ACCIONES: Desarrollo de prototipos para uso de energía térmica en acuicultura; mejora de sistemas de tratamiento y recirculación de agua; prospecci ...
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Atlantic Arc Aquaculture Group 2 (AAAG 2)

Start date: Dec 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

AAAG2 will help ensure that aquaculture can continue to grow and provide much needed economic activity in isolated Atlantic Area coastal communities while at the same time ensuring natural habitats are protected. Specific sub-projects are aimed at: -Reducing estuarine pollution by using waste nutrients from cage and land-based fish farms to produce valuable secondary crops such as samphire, sea ur ...
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Scientific Observatory of Artisan Fishing (OCP)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

Certain towns of the Atlantic Area are highly dependent on traditional fishing, which is currently in crisis, so they are suffering from depopulation and a lack of services. In order to improve the local economy, protect the natural resources, and preserve the social and cultural heritage and motor of initiative that traditional fishing represents, it is important to react to this crisis. With thi ...
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The original web-based maritime English learning tool MarEng was finished in the spring 2007 as a result of a transnational Leonardo da Vinci project MarEng. During the first year of its existence, the learning tool was widely taken into use by different user groups (e.g. maritime students and workers) all over the world. However, based on the feedback received, the tool was missing some relevant ...
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ObjectivesOur project is aimed at developing and implementing unit modules within studentteacher training from agricultural education in the perspective of a better adaptation tothe European context. Therefore, this project will:- introduce new concepts and courses within student teacher training- improve and adapt the training of student teachers to their European environment- promote concepts su ...
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