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12 European Projects Found

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The aim of this Project is to create an International and Intersectoral network to facilitate the exchange of staff to progress developments in reminding technologies for persons with dementia which can be deployed in smart environments. The focus will be on developing staff and partner skills in the areas of user centered design and behavioral science coupled with improved computational technique ...
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Bayesian Biometrics For Forensics (BBfor2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

With various forms of biometric technologies becoming available, there is a growing need for scientists who are able to assess the merits of these technologies when applied to forensics. The Marie Curie ITN `Bayesian Biometrics for Forensics,' or BBfor2, will provide a training infrastructure that will educate Early Stage Researchers in the core biometric technologies of speaker, face and fingerpr ...
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Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation (SCANDRIA)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Sep 8, 2012,

Against the background of doubling freight transport volumes by 2050 in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), capable transport infrastructures are required for efficient, integrated and sustainable freight and passenger traffic.The Scandinavian-Adriatic Development Corridor is the shortest geographical link between Baltic and Adriatic Sea. It provides freight transport capacities to relieve overloaded Wes ...
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The farmer as water manager under changing climatic conditions (Aquarius)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The project focuses on enabling farmers to act successfully as water managers in changing climatic conditions. The project will present water risk management practices that will reduce the consequences of flooding, droughts, water shortage and nutrient transport. The emphasis on the farmer as a water manager is contributing towards implementing EU policies, such as the Water Framework Directive. T ...
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This project is focused on female students with a scientific-engineering background to teach them creativity for innovation and leadership. It aims to create increased collaboration between industry, academia and professional associations to produce a training tool to increase creativity and leadership skills of female engineers. Making Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based econo ...
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The project Euronet-PBL develops a common approach to Practice-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning (PBL) in three areas of studies (vocational teacher education, business administration and engineering studies). In all these areas, existing models are promoting cooperation between universities and enterprises via supporting learning that engages students with real tasks and problems of the w ...
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More practical casework in technical higher education curricula : The project will attempt to integrate more empirical casework into higher education technical study courses. Criteria will be drawn up against which individual cases can be judged for suitability. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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ICT Employee empowerment : A portal and online learning tool are in the process of being refined. They will provide work guidance counselors with the skills to train ICT company employees in personalised career management. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The project 'SME Knowledge Exploitation and Learning Through Knowledge Management' will improve the informal learning process and knowledge exploitation in SMEs through the application of knowledge management principles. A knowledge management tool will be developed and adapted for use in small firms, with the idea that this can lead to SME self-learning and business-focused training. Project outp ...
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Workshops and curricula for dissemination of Open Dynamic Design (ODD) findings. : The project will entail the integration of ODD recommendations into training for engineers so that training programmes will become more flexible and better suit the needs of industry. This project started in 2001 and lasted 24 months.
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'Virtual Exchange', an Internet-based 'one stop shop' being developed by WiTEC (Women in Science and Technology) will provide training and guidance for female students in business, science, engineering and technology (B-SET) to prepare them for work placements abroad. There is a particular need for specific supportive training for young female undergraduates in the B-SET due to the low numbers o ...
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The project PESCALEX aims at creating CLIL (content and language integrated learning) courses in fish health/disease. Target languages are EL, ES, EN, FR, PL, NO. The project targets areas where aquaculture is important (Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Poland, France. Target groups are vocational and tertiary students and trainers, fish farm workers. Potential users are training institutions and S ...
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