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18 European Projects Found

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Background Thanks to conservation efforts started in the 1980s, the Hungarian population of the eastern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pa ...
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Background Salt-affected soils started to form in the Hortobágy area in the Pleistocene era as mineral-rich sediments were deposited by two rivers. Later the area was cut off by the river Tisza and prolonged dry periods became normal. Since that time, large ungulates have been continuously present in the area, and thus a grass-dominated landscape with Pa ...
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Background The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) is an Annex I species of the Birds Directive, classified as ‘vulnerable’ by the IUCN Red List. The global population trend for the species has shown rapid decline (30-49%) during the period 1998-2008, accompanied by breeding range fragmentation. The wild population of the goose in the Fennos ...
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Background The eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) is a globally threatened Eurasian bird species, with a world population of only a few thousand breeding pairs. Hungary is home to the largest population in the EU – in 2010, 62% of the species were found in the country including 117 nesting pairs. Since the 1980’s, the population is slowly increas ...
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Background The project will target priority habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, namely, Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes. The salinity of the target area is increasing due to a drainage system. As water away is removed from the surface, water from deeper layers also evaporates. These habitat types are partly of natural origin and p ...
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 FINISHED a range of threats. Such sites include Nagy-szik and Magdolna-puszta. Objectives The primary objective of the HORTOBAGY SODIC LAKES project was to promote the restoration of soda lake habitats and neighbouring steppic grasslands in the Hortobágy area at the Nagy-szik and Magdolna-puszta sites. Project actions focusse ...
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Background The Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is a very rare and threatened species in Europe. The total European breeding population was, until recently, estimated at 450 pairs. Hungary and Slovakia hold about 40% of this population. Therefore, the conservation of the population in the Carpathian basin in these two countries was crucial to the survival of ...
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Background The red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus), a threatened species in Annex I of the Birds Directive, is also identified as a priority species in Hungary and Romania. Together these two countries account for 90% of the total red-footed falcon European population, notwithstanding a separate sub-population in the former Soviet Union. The conservatio ...
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Background The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) is a goose species breeding in the tundra zone (low-arctic and forest) from northern Fennoscandia to eastern Siberia. Its historical range covers the whole subarctic Eurasia, but nowadays the distribution is patchy. The recent estimate of its world population is 22 000-27 000 individuals. Presen ...
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Background The Egyek-Pusztakócs area is a mosaic of dry and wet grasslands, marshes and arable land. River regulations and drainage for intensive agriculture in the 19th century resulted in the drying up and fragmentation of much of the area. As a result, the valuable Pannonic loess steppic grasslands have almost completely disappeared. Although the la ...
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Background The wetlands of the Central Bereg Plain, located in the least developed region of Hungary, next to the border with Ukraine, harbour a complex mosaic of habitats. These include 7 different Annex I habitat types: active raised bogs, alkaline fens, transition mires, lowland hay meadows and several forest habitats... The raised bogs are of special ...
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Conservation of Otis tarda in Hungary (OTISHU)

Start date: Oct 1, 2004, End date: Sep 30, 2008,

Background Hungary’s population of the globally threatened great bustard (Otis tarda) decreased dramatically in the latter part of the Twentieth Century (from 8 557 in 1941 to no more than 1 300 individuals by 1988). The population of this priority European species was stagnating and the bird’s long term conservation status in Hungary remained threate ...
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Background The herb, Angelica palustris, is a flowering species listed in the annex II of the Habitats Directive. It thrives in wet alluvial meadows and alder swamps, where it can locally form dense populations if conditions are favourable. The continental species has a western range limit in Germany. Although still relatively abundant in Russia and Eston ...
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Background The Vezseny Bend floodplain area is a site of several important wildlife habitats. Due to its relative distance from urban areas, it is a site of unique ecological significance both at national and international level. Its significant biodiversity and migratory potential make the area an important site for preservation activities. At the same t ...
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...early 10,000 ha in the Hortobágy National Park. It also created favourable conservation status of oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of Isoeto- Nanojuncetea (3130). Hortobagy was declared a Natura 2000 site, designated as an SPA and proposed as an SCI during the project. Bulldozing eliminated 560 km of disused dyke and canal systems. Seeding activities over 60 ha and m ...
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The project aims to provide training, leading to a qualification, to meet the need for professionalisation of people who work in environmental tourism (ecotourism), agro-tourism and biodiversity management in rural areas. The first project stage will be to conduct a strategic analysis of training needs; training modules, both initial and continuous, will then be designed and tested before dissemin ...
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The project aimed to prepare for the availability of documentation required forthe implementation of the complex rehabilitation of the River Túr water systemso that it could be utilized, partly or entirely, for the development of the region.Therefore the funding was used for completing an environmental survey of the area,for mapping tourist attractions in connection with water flora and fauna and ...
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The project aimed to assist the investigation of the section of the River Szamosdelimited by flood protection dikes between Vásárosnamény and the border. Theriver regulation concept constituted an urgent task. Design of the waterway enabledthe traffic of watercraft of small dive. The large water riverbed rearrangement concepthad a great impact on the rehabilitation of dead riverbeds valuable from ...
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