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22 European Projects Found

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Multi-cloud applications refer to applications that dynamically can distribute their components over heterogeneous cloud resources and still hold the functional, business and non-functional properties (NFP) declared in their SLAs. The main objective of the DECIDE action is to provide a new generation of multi-cloud service-based software framework, enabling techniques and mechanisms to design, dev ...
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C3ISP mission is to define a collaborative and confidential information sharing, analysis and protection framework as a service for cyber security management. C3ISP innovation is the possibility to share information in a flexible and controllable manner inside a collaborative multi-domain environment to improve detection of cyber threats and response capabilities, still preserving the confidential ...
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5G Exchange (5GEx)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The goal of the 5G Exchange (5GEx) project is to enable cross-domain orchestration of services over multiple administrations or over multi-domain single administrations. This will allow end-to-end network and service elements to mix in multi-vendor, heterogeneous technology and resource environments. Market fragmentation has resulted in a multitude of network operators each focused on different co ...
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"DISCOVERY aims at supporting dialogues between Europe and North America (US and Canada); and fostering cooperation in collaborative ICT R&I, both under Horizon 2020 and under US and Canada funding programmes. With this purpose, DISCOVERY proposes a radically new approach to engage more actively and strategically in supporting dialogues and partnership building for ICT R&I cooperation. At the core ...
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STORM CLOUDS aims at deeply exploring how the needed shift by Public Authorities to a cloud-based paradigm in service provisioning should be addressed, mainly from the point of view of the end-users, and taking full advantage of edge ICT.\nThe purpose of STORM CLOUDS is to define useful guidelines on how to address the process in order to accelerate it, for Public Authorities and policy makers. Th ...
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Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) is an emerging concept, which refers to the migration of certain network functionalities, traditionally performed by hardware elements, to virtualized IT infrastructures, where they are deployed as software components. NFV leverages commodity servers and storage, including cloud platforms, to enable rapid deployment, reconfiguration and elastic scaling of net ...
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Confidential and Compliant Clouds (Coco Cloud)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Confidential and Compliant Clouds (Coco Cloud) aims at allowing the cloud users to securely and privately share their data in the cloud. This will increase the trust of users in the cloud services and thus increase their widespread adoption with consequent benefits for the users and in general for digital economy.The outsourced nature of the Cloud, and the inherent loss of control that goes along ...
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eWall for Active Long Living (eWALL)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Description eWALL will be an affordable, easy-to-install prefabricated wall that can be mounted on an existing wall and includes all the ICT needed to enable a number of services for the senior citizen to cover major challenges in Active and Healthy Ageing. The project will carry out high-risk and multi-disciplinary research and will have a ...
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Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds (ASCETiC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT (ASCETiC) is focused on providing novel methods and tools to support software developers aiming to optimise energy efficiency and minimise the carbon footprint resulting from designing, developing, deploying, and running software in Clouds. At the same time, quality of service, experience and perception will still be takenInto account, so energy efficie ...
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Environmentally sustainable data centres for Smart Cities (DC4Cities)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Data centres are involved play two different and complementary roles in Smart Cities' energy policies with two roles: as ICT infrastructures supporting Smart City resource optimization systems - and more in general, delivering for ICT services to the citizens - and as large energy consumers. Therefore there are huge expectations on data centres being able to run at the highest levels of renewable ...
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Motivation. The last decades brought an exponential increase in mobile traffic volume. This will continue and a 1000-fold increase by 2020 has been forecasted. Small-cells promise to provide the required data rates through an increased spatial utilisation of the spectrum.Problem statement. Due to strong inter-cell interference, small-cell deployments will require a high degree of coordination as o ...
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Instead of focusing on the energy optimization of single ICT elements, or subsets of the ICT elements making up a data centre, All4Green broadens the scope of energy savings to the full ecosystem in which data centres operate. The novel approach proposed by All4Green specifically fosters collaboration between all entities in this ecosystem with the common goal of saving energy and emissions (hence ...
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"ADDPRIV proposes novel knowledge and developments to limit the storage of unnecessary data, to be implemented on existing multicamera networks in order to make them better comply with citizen´s privacy rights.ADDPRIV tackles the challenge of determining in a precise and reliable manner private data from video surveillance which is not relevant from the perspective of security and which need not t ...
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Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services (CONTRAIL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

In the future of corporate IT, companies will rely on highly dynamic distributed IT infrastructures. Federation models are envisioned where a given organisation will be both a Cloud provider during periods when its IT infrastructure is not used at its maximal capacity, and a Cloud customer in periods of peak activity.The main contribution of CONTRAIL will be the development of an integrated appro ...
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Inclusive Future-Internet Web Services (I2Web)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

I2Web will provide tools to develop inclusive Future Internet service front-ends to  address the challenges of ubiquitous/mobile Web, media convergence and user-generated content, in combination with cloud computing and Web 2.0, Social Networking, using User-Centred Design and Design for All (DfA)/Inclusive Design principles. By 2025 over 30% of Europe will be elderly, with many of current Interne ...
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Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

...totypes created with EU support in the SRS project will be tested at the "S.Maria Nascente" Centre in Milano and the IZA Care Center in San Sebastián. The final solution will be further developed by Hewlett-Packard and other industrial partners of the consortium for a worldwide market with significant potential and volume.
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Within nowadays global markets and complexity of ICT, collaboration has gained a critical importance towards creating competitive advantages in the R&D and industrial arenas. Within this context, important efforts have been carried out within FP to support collaboration amongst the different stakeholders involved in R&D at European level.The SSAI Constituency (Software Services - Engineering, Arch ...
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Federated IT for a sustainable environmental impact (FIT4Green)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

FIT4green aims at contributing to ICT energy reducing efforts by creating a energy-aware layer of plug-ins for data centre automation frameworks. The plug-ins enhance existing IT solutions deployment strategies by moving computation and services around a federation of IT data centres sites, with the final goal to minimize the overall power consumption figure. Without giving up on compliance to Se ...
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The aim of the ISISEMD project is to provide a pilot of innovative intelligent set of scalable services that will support the independent living of elderly people in general and in particular the group of elderly with cognitive problems or mild dementia and at the same time to support the formal and informal caregivers in their daily interaction with the elderly. The services will improve the elde ...
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According to recent studies, Risks Against Patient Safety (RAPS) represent one of the most important factors of dead in hospitals: during therapy, more then 8% of patients recovered in hospitals suffer for additional disease that in almost 50% of the cases produce either dead or significant additional health problems. RAPS occur in any stage of the patient care process.REMINE project idea origina ...
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Context-aware data-centric information sharing (Consequence)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2011,

Description The Consequence project will deliver a data-centric information protection framework based on data-sharing agreements.An efficient, fast and seamless data exchange is vital for today’s society. At the same time such exchange should not create risks of violating confidentiality and privacy that may be associated with the data. ...
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Genetic Message Oriented Secure Middleware (GEMOM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2010,

The core scientific focus of GEMOM is the significant and measurable increase in end-to-end intelligence and resilience of complex, distributed information systems. GEMOM's definition of intelligence and resilience include:- Insensitivity or significant reduction in sensitivity to individual and sometimes multiple faults in the system. Fault is defined as any deterioration of the functional profil ...
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