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The multisensory-motor unity of speech (Speech Unit(e)s)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

This project is focussed on the speech unification process associating the auditory, visual and motor streams in the human brain, in an interdisciplinary approach combining cognitive psychology, neurosciences, phonetics (both descriptive and developmental) and computational models. The framework is provided by the “Perception-for-Action-Control Theory (PACT)” developed by the PI.PACT is a perceptu ...
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Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmosphere (ExTrA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Since the discoveries of giant planets outside our Solar System, over 800 extra-solar planets have been detected and several thousands candidates are awaiting confirmation. They have revolutionized planetary science, by placing our once unique solar system into context. The subset of extrasolar planets that transit their parent star have had most impact on our understanding of their planetary stru ...
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Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread obligate intracellular protozoan parasite causing toxoplasmosis, a severe disease in immunocompromised or congenitally infected humans. It can infect any type of nucleated cells and grow inside a parasitophorous vacuole (PV) from where it directs profound changes in their transcriptome, proteome and microRNome. During invasion and creation of the PV membrane, apic ...
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Microfluidic techniques developed since the year 2000 have now matured to provide a unique tool to produce large amounts of microbubbles that are not only finely tuned in size, but that can also be embedded in tiny microfabricated structures.In the present proposal, we plan to take advantage of these novel microfabrication techniques to develop two innovative acoustic applications. These applicati ...
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"Multi-Way factor Analysis (MWA) is attracting growing interest in many disciplines of engineering, as described in this proposal. Because the applications are much more numerous than those that serve as focus for this project, the tools developed in the framework of the project will have major impact. MWA is probably the simplest extension of the well-known (linear) Factor Analysis. However, desp ...
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In the brain, fast neurotransmission involves the release of neurotransmitters in the synapse, their binding to specific receptors, which then open and let ions flow over the postsynaptic membrane. The Cys-loop receptor family directly mediates this neurotransmission.Cys-loop receptors are the targets of a legion of psycho-active and therapeutic compounds (including nicotine, alcohol, benzodiazepi ...
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Quantum Plasmonics

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

I propose to unravel the quantum properties of Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs), thanks to an experimental approach new in France and used by only a couple of groups in Europe. This ambitious project I propose will be conducted at the Institut Néel, in Grenoble (France), as the first project I would develop there as a newly appointed permanent CNRS researcher.SPPs, thanks to their ability to high ...
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"The project will explore many-body physics in emergent quantum Hall effect systems (graphitic layers and surface states of topological insulators) and in layered metals of transition metal dichalcogenides using magneto-optical spectroscopy - unconventional for this purpose, but uniquely applicable to these unconventional systems. Studying the inter Landau level excitations (with Raman scattering ...
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Critical State Soil Mechanics Revisited: Fabric Effects (SOMEF)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The theory of Critical State Soil Mechanics (CSSM) has become a paradigm within the framework of which elastoplastic soil constitutive models have been developed for the last 50 years. The present project will constructively challenge this paradigm from a missing fundamental perspective, namely the effect of soil fabric on the premises of CSSM.The current CSSM postulates that at critical state the ...
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"The renewable energy technologies already available are not yet capable of competing with fossil fuels mainly due to a poorratio cost/efficiency. A clear example is photovoltaic energy, for which high costs and moderate performances yield too longpayback times, despite the huge amount of solar energy constantly reaching the Earth. The key to cheap and more efficientrenewable energy sources lies i ...
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Spine plasticity in changing environment and diseases (SPICED)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Given the persistence of stress-related disorders, it is critical to identify the circuits, cells and mechanisms that fail to recover from stressor exposure. The stress hormone glucocorticoid causes reversible remodeling of brain circuits involved in cognitive, executive and hedonic behaviors. While small amounts of glucocorticoids support cognition and spine synapse turnover, excess stimulation b ...
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The main goal of the project is to provide excellent initial training to young researchers in the field of high energy particle physics, paving the road for new discoveries about the fundamental nature of the Universe at a time when new discoveries are expected, and when the new Standard Model of Particle Physics is going to be forged.The research goal of HiggsTools is the investigation of electro ...
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"In quantum nanoelectronics, one of the paradigms is to use quantum mechanics in order to build more efficient nanoprocessors. In this context, the electron spin has been identified as a good degree of freedom to store and to manipulate quantum information efficiently. The defined building block of this quantum computer strategy is called a spin qubit. Towards this goal, intense experimental effor ...
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"This project concerns the field of coherent, nonlinear, ultrafast light-matter interaction on a quantum level in solids. It proposes to experimentally explore limits of: i) internal coherence of an individual emitter; ii) radiative coupling between pairs of emitters. A potential long term application of this work could be envisaged, as one can expect that individual emitters could serve as qubits ...
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Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications (OPERAs)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Human use and exploitation of the biosphere is increasing at such a pace and scale that the sustainability of major ecosystems is threatened, and may not be able to continue to function in ways that are vital to the existence of humanity. Re-framing environmental resource use has led to the emergence of the concepts of ecosystem services (ES) and natural capital (NC). This discourse indicates not ...
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High current coated conductors (CC´s) have high potential for developing electrical power applications and very high field magnets. The key issues for market success are low cost robust processes, high performance and a reliable manufacturing methodology of long length conductors. In recent years EU researchers and companies have made substantial progress towards these goals, based on vacuum (PLD) ...
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Carbohydrate biomass constitutes an abundant and renewable resource that is attracting growing interest as a biomaterial. Convincingly the use of different natural “elementary bricks”, from oligosaccharides to fibers found in biomass, when mimicking self-assembly as Nature does, is a promising field towards innovative nanostructured biomaterials, leading to eco-friendly manufacturing processes of ...
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Scalable ProactivE Event-Driven Decision making (SPEEDD)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

SPEEDD (Scalable ProactivE Event-Driven Decision making) will develop a system for proactive event-based decision-making: decisions will be triggered by forecasting events -whether they correspond to problems or opportunities- instead of reacting to them once they happen. The decisions and actions will be real-time, in the sense that they will be taken under tight time constraints, and require on- ...
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Membrane Protein Nanocrystallography (NanoMem)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Modern structural biology builds upon synergies between lab-bench scale science on the one hand and large scale research infrastructure on the other. NanoMem recognises the transformative opportunities that are created by current X-ray source and detector developments to impact strongly on membrane protein structure, a challenging sub-field of structural biology. We will exploit synchrotron based ...
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Toward Eco-Evolutionary Models for BIODiversity Scenarios (TEEMBIO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Given the contemporary biodiversity crisis, effective conservation strategies that offset the threats to ecosystem integrity are crucial for maintaining biodiversity. The development of sound biodiversity scenarios is thus a major challenge for the scientific community. However, current biodiversity models rarely incorporate recent advances in ecological and evolutionary theory like: (i) how evol ...
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Materials for a Magnetic Memory in Three Dimensions (M3d)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

This project concerns data storage in three dimensions (3D). Conventional planar (2D) devices are expected to reach the limits of scaling within less than a decade. We will develop the materials needed for 3D memories based on magnetic shift-register devices, namely dense arrays of vertical magnetic wires in a matrix (race-track memory, IBM patent). In this concept series of bits are shifted alo ...
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Wavelength tunable Advanced Single Photon Sources (WASPS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Quantum communication and computation are emerging fields with the potential to launch new technologies to control, propagate and process information. Amongst candidate systems for transporting quantum information, photons are the most promising as they can both maintain coherence over long distances, and interact strongly with electrons to generate nonlinear effects and allow transfer of informat ...
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Compound Semiconductors for 3D integration (COMPOSE3)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

COMPOSE3 aims to develop 3D stacked circuits in the front end of line of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, based on high mobility channel materials. The final objective is a 3D stacked SRAM cell, designed with gates length taken from the 14nm technology node. This technology will provide a new paradigm shift in density scaling combined with a dramatic increase in the power ...
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Spin-Orbit Torques for magnetic memory applications (SPORT FOR MEMORY)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Current research in spintronics focuses on a new type of memory device where the information is stored in the resistance state of magnetic tunnel junctions. This device generates high expectations, since it combines most qualities encountered separately in existing random access memories, among which one of the key features is the non-volatility. The present writing scheme of MRAMs, based on Amper ...
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Description The objective of this research proposal is to bring time awareness and evolution into the design of System-of-Systems (SoS), to establish a sound conceptual model, a generic architectural framework and a design methodology including tools for prototyping, for the modeling, development and evolution of time-sensitive SoSes with po ...
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Environmental Acclimation of Photosynthesis (ACCLIPHOT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

AccliPhot is an interdisciplinary, intersectorial research andtraining network devoted to study photosynthetic acclimation processesin plants and algae. We will train 13 early-stage researchers (ESRs)and 1 experienced researcher (ER) in cutting-edge experimentaltechnologies, modern modelling approaches, industrial applications anda wide spectrum of complementary and industry-relevant skills. In th ...
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Molecular Quantum Spintronics (MoQuaS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

MoQuaS aims at developing devices and protocols to read out and process quantum information using individual molecular spins embedded in electronic circuits. To this end, prototypical hybrid nano-devices addressing single molecular spins will be designed and reliable methods for their realization will be developed. Core of such nano-architectures are magnetic molecules, specifically functionalized ...
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The science of complex systems distinguishes linear from non-linear dynamics. Simpler systems can often be satisfactory described by linear models, but complex systems require non-linear models that can capture more of the characteristics of such systems, such as thresholds, feedback loops, avalanche effects, and irreversibility. Linear systems can be validated by aligning models to the past and u ...
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Despite the great success of quantum theory, a clear understanding of its foundations is missing; the question of why the world follows such puzzling rules is still begging for an answer. By revolutionizing the way we perceive and manipulate information, the emergence of quantum information science has allowed recent progress in quantum foundations, and led to the development of innovative applica ...
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The research project deals with the geometry of random and disordered media at a mesoscopic level and its study from a signal processing perspective. The main application is wave physics in random and complex media.Two topical and innovative questions are addressed.1- Can we obtain a multiscale geometrical image of a random/complex medium from observations of waves properties at the output of the ...
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Extensive UNIfied-domain SimulatiON of the human voice (Eunison)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2016,

Everyone needs their voice, and speech has a pivotal function in modern society. A detailed, working model of the voice would contribute to the human atlas and would find profound applications in fields such as speech technology, medical research, pedagogy, linguistics and the arts. But the physics are very intricate: we make the sounds of speech, song and emotions using multiple mechanisms; and t ...
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"In order to gauge its significance, conceptual change in the study of borders must be seen in relation to fundamental social, economic and geopolitical transformations that have taken place in the past decades. In addition, major paradigmatic shifts in scientific debate, and in the social sciences in particular, must also be considered. Recognising the close interrelationships between social chan ...
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The microelectronics industry will face major challenges related to power dissipation and energy consumption in the next years. Both static and dynamic consumption will soon start to limit microprocessor performance growth. The goal of the spOt project is to modify the memory hierarchy by the integration of non-volatility (NV) as a new feature of memory cache, which would immediately minimize stat ...
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We propose to develop advanced imaging arrays of kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) for space-based observations at mm-far-infrared (mm-FIR) wavelengths. This development addresses the FP7 topic SPA.2012.2.2-01: Key technologies enabling observations in and from space.Future space science and earth observation missions are limited by the availability of imaging detector array technology for the m ...
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"The increase in information storage in computer hard drives is the result of considerable effort towards the miniaturization of magnetic bits and the development of magnetic materials with suitable magnetic anisotropy. As information access rates are now well into the GHz range, understanding the dynamics of spin excitations in confined geometries becomes important to solve the problem of cross- ...
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Space Thermoacoustic Radio-Isotopic Power System (Space TRIPS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The project relates to an advanced thermal to electric conversion for radio-isotopic power systems (RPS). Indeed RPSs are a key for space exploration as the solar power is very low in deep space, notably in Jupiter orbit and beyond. These systems will be also useful for Mars exploration, where solar power is subject to nights and dust storms.So Europe aims to get its independence for such missions ...
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This project will integrate at the highest possible level expertise and technologies to increase the efficiency and decrease the environmental footprint of ruminant production, significantly advancing current knowledge in this sector. The project will exploit state-of-the-art –omics technologies to understand how ruminant gastrointestinal microbial ecosystems, or microbiomes, are controlled by the ...
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Membrane-based phononic engineering for energy harvesting (MERGING)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The aim of this proposal is to realise a compact thermoelectric module to harvest the energy of devices to be used in applications requiring heterogeneous integration packaging techniques leading to small size, integrability and high thermoelectric efficiency.Our concept, which goes up to a test device, is based on deep understanding of the behaviour of phonons, their control leading to the contro ...
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Strong statistical fluctuations in meso- and nano-scale structures make their thermodynamic properties extremely dependent on the information available about them. The most basic process illustrating the importance of information to statistical systems is the information-to-energy conversion in the famous Maxwell's Demon (MD). Our primary goal is to study both experimentally and theoretically the ...
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