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Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

Emerging infectious diseases are occurring at increasing frequency in Europe and other regions of the world, having profound impacts on public and/or veterinary health as well as disruptive effects on sector, regional or even global economy. The predominantly zoonotic nature of emerging pathogens calls for a One Health approach uniting the human medical and veterinary fields, dedicated to swiftly ...
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Background The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change each stress the importance of addressing climate change through the effective management of Natura 2000 sites. It is necessary to integrate adaptation to climate change in biodiversity policies, including those that relate to Natura 2000 site management. ...
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"By far, most evolutionary research has focused on the changes that occur in the germline of individuals across generations, within and between species. For different reasons, much less attention has been given to the process of change within the somatic line of a multicellular individual. The formation of cancer tumors due to uncontrolled cell proliferation is one of the most prominent forms of s ...
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Background The implementation of the Water Framework Directive raises a number of shared technical challenges for Member States, which need to be addressed to help meet the Directive’s objective of achieving good ecological status for every water body in Europe. Water is polluted by a myriad of chemicals from the daily activities of industries, agricult ...
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"Due to the tremendous growth in mobile devices such as smartphones, tablet PCs, and laptops over the past years, a larger and larger fraction of Internet traffic is delivered wirelessly. Dealing with this vast increase in traffic is one of the most important challenges for future wireless networks. State-of-the-art wireless communication already operates close to Shannon capacity. The only viable ...
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In InanoMOF, we aim to develop frontier Supramolecular and Nanochemistry methodologies for the synthesis of a novel class of structures via controlled assembly of nanoscale metal-organic frameworks (nanoMOFs) and inorganic nanoparticles (INPs). These methods will embody the premise that “controlled object-by-object nano-assembly is a ground-breaking approach to explore for producing systems of hig ...
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Background According to the European Environment Agency, agriculture is the fourth highest greenhouse gas emitting sector in the EU, accounting for 9.9% of GHG emissions in 2011. The agricultural sector, moreover, is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Consequently, the sector faces the challenge of mitigating climate change and a ...
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Emerging evidence indicates that the gut microbiome contributes to our ability to extract energy from the diet and influences development and function of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, which regulate energy balance and behaviour. This has led to hypothesize that developing microbiome-based dietary interventions can be cost-effective measures to prevent diet-related and behavioural diso ...
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"A group of eight Transmission System Operators with a generator company, manufacturers and research organisations, propose 5 demonstration projects to remove, in 4 years, several barriers which prevent large-scale penetration of renewable electricity production in the European transmission network. The full scale demonstrations led by industry aim at proving the benefits of novel technologies cou ...
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RICHFIELDSResearch Infrastructure on Consumer Health and Food Intake using E-science with Linked Data SharingThere is growing interest in consumer health as related to food, behaviour and lifestyle determinants. However, data is fragmented, key information is lacking, and the resulting knowledge gap prohibits policy makers and companies to make effective public health nutrition strategies and refo ...
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The main objective of the HERITAGE PLUS proposal is to pool the necessary financial resources from the participating national programmes and the European Community and to launch a single Joint Call for Proposals for research projects in the cultural heritage field that will be evaluated and managed jointly by the participating programmes.The 18 Partners have a strong background in designing, promo ...
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Health services fragmentation is one of the main obstacles to effective health care in Latin-America, particularly for chronic diseases. This research builds upon results from Equity-LA (FP7-B-223123) and focuses on one of the most promoted policies to respond to fragmentation in LA, the development of Integrated Health Care Networks (IHN). The general objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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FORTIS - ein Bildungscampus mit internationaler Ausrichtung

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Organizations involved in the project are the FORTIS-AKADEMIE gGmbH (sending institution) and the Norwich Institute for Language Education in Great Britain as well as the Instituto de Ensananza Secundaria (I.E.S.) “Ezequiel Gonzales” in Spain (hosting institutions).The overall aim of this project is to facilitate the international orientation of the vocational school centre of FORTIS-AKADEMIE by q ...
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AFLoNext is a four year EC L2 project with the objective of proving and maturing highly promising flow control technologies for novel aircraft configurations to achieve a quantum leap in improving aircraft’s performance and thus reducing the environmental footprint. The project consortium is composed by forty European partners from fifteen countries. The work has been broken down into seven work p ...
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This project is coordinated by the Autonomous University of Barcelona with Yale University as outgoing partner. Using the research lines of the partners, it aims at enhancing the potential of the, integrated, multi-scale analysis of Water Metabolism of fracking activities to contribute to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM).Water connects human and ecosystem processes at different spatial- ...
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The EU-GUGLE project mobilises public / private resources to build showcases of totally around 226,000 m2 of cost-efficient urban Zero Carbon Building Renovation models in AT, FI, DE, IT, SK & ES - together with associated cities in SE&TR. EU-GUGLE is designed to respond to the needs of an effective take-off of the Smart City initiative within the EU SET-plan and in particular by demonstrating dif ...
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Metric Analysis for Emergent Technologies (MANET)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

"The scientific objective of the project is to develop new and highly sophisticated instruments of metric analysis with applications to the large spectrum of emergent technological fields from human to computer vision, to traffic dynamics. New European Doctoral Programme will be devoted to the training of young researchers on this new frontier of mathematics and its applications.Metric analysis, a ...
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Background Up until the 19th century, the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) could be found in all the regions of Spain and Portugal. Since then, and particularly in the last decades of the 20th century, its population and distribution area have suffered an alarming decline. The species is the most threatened carnivorous mammal in Europe. There are currently on ...
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"Peripheral nerves are basic communication structures guiding motor and sensitive information from CNS to effector or receptor units. Severe nerve injuries include axon bundles section and Schawnn cells destruction, which results in loss of motion control and sensorial perception. After the lesion, cells present in damaged nerves activate spontaneously self-regeneration programs that might facilit ...
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Complex wetting phenomena (COWET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Static and dynamic wetting of solid surfaces by liquids is a focus of numerous theoretical, computational and experimental investigations. Most of the research and training activities are focused on the wetting of simple solids by one-component liquids. However, a wide variety of industrial processes mostly include wetting/spreading of complex multiphase liquids over heterogeneous, structured or ( ...
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"Background: A significant proportion of pre-diabetics, show macro and micro vascular complications associated with hyperglycaemia. Although many trials have demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions in diabetes prevention, no trial has evaluated the extent to which mid- and long-term complications can be prevented by early interventions on hyperglycaemia.Aims: To ass ...
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The Valor-Plus supports the realisation of sustainable, economically viable closed loop integrated biorefineries through the development of new knowledge, (bio-)technologies and products that enable valorisation of key biorefinery by-products. The project comprises five key areas:• Pre-treatment and fractionation: development of a novel methodology for the controlled and selective breakdown, relea ...
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solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAta (CHANDA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

"The CHANDA project main objective is to address the challenges in the field of nuclear data for nuclear applications and its acronym stands for solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAtaThe project will prepare a proposal for an organization that will coordinate the nuclear data research program, and the infrastructures and capabilities of the EU Member States in a stable structure, well integrated with ...
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The AguaSociAL joint exchange programme aims to strengthen research cooperation and knowledge sharing between Brazil and Europe within the water related sciences. This venture will provide on-site training related to the rationale and benefits of water treatment techniques and technologies combined with social innovation approaches. AguaSociAL will seek to investigate and support community-driven ...
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"This project aims at understanding the generation of abstract concepts and theories in mathematical physics and their relation with theoretical practices. To achieve this, it focuses upon the emergence of the modern concepts of order and chaos in celestial and statistical mechanics. The research is articulated into three phases. The first phase discusses the problem of stability in a three-body s ...
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The marine food web is at the centre of both the climate-related CO2 cycle and food production in the marine environment. It plays a key role in regulating the climate system and is highly sensitive to climate change and other stressors. OCEAN-CERTAIN will investigate the impact of climatic and non climatic stressors on the food web and the connected biological pump , and the important feedbac ...
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"A scalable, replicable, high energy efficient, zero emissions and cost effective SYSTEM to refurbish existing public-owned non-residential buildings to achieve at least 50% energy consumption reduction through:a) A systemic methodology for optimal building retrofitting towards zero emissions, developed to ensure cost effectiveness, scalability and replicability of the interventions taking into ac ...
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Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2017,

The Mobility Programme is submitted by IES Manuel Martín González, educational centre located in the municipality of Guia de Isora, Tenerife. The aim of the programme is the realization of an internship in different companies by the students and teachers within the context of the European Union. In this setting, it is pursued the development of the linguistic abilities, as well as the social abili ...
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Background Alto Campoo lies at the top of the valley formed by the Cordel and Híjar mountain ranges, and crowned by the Tres Mares peak (2 200 m), in northern Spain. This high mountain area contains a wide diversity of ecosystems and priority habitats and includes two Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and one Special Protected Area (SPA). The developm ...
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Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network (FIXO3)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The Fixed point Open Ocean Observatory network (FixO3) seeks to integrate European open ocean fixed point observatories and to improve access to these key installations for the broader community. These will provide multidisciplinary observations in all parts of the oceans from the air-sea interface to the deep seafloor. Coordinated by the National Oceanography Centre, UK, FixO3 will build on the s ...
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Though of tremendous benefit, the overuse of antibiotics has lead to the emergence of antibiotic resistance and may cause adverse events that impact on patient healthcare. Current diagnostic tools for facilitating the appropriate use of antibiotics in patients are inadequate.We will establish a broad-based strategy (not limited to a particular antibiotic group) that can be implemented on a broad s ...
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Background Human activities can have a significant negative impact on the environment, particularly by affecting the global biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Water supplies to urban areas and subsequent sanitation and wastewater systems – even when conventional treatment occurs –produce enormous punctual loadings (point sources ...
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R2CITIES aims to develop and demonstrate an open and easily replicable strategy for designing, constructing, and managing large scale district renovation projects for achieving nearly zero energy cities. For this purpose, it will be developed a demonstration and dissemination framework of very innovative strategies and solutions for building energy renovation at district level, based in the follow ...
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"Pears rank third among the most important tree fruits grown in the world and fourth among all fruits for which statistics are available. Pears are a highly perishable, seasonal product, they need to be picked up before maturation and should undergo through a postharvest treatment to be commercialised in optimal conditions along the year. During this process pear production can be significantly re ...
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"The entire project of cooperation with Russia titled “Strengthening of Cooperation and Exchange for Nuclear Education and Training between the European Union and the Russian Federation” consist of two parallel projects on the EU side and the Russian side. The objectives of the entire project are:- based on the achievements of the FP7 ENEN-RU project, to further define a common basis for effective ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our CONTEXT is greatly influenced by the increasing number of exchanges across the border between the territories of Western Andalusia and the Portuguese Algarve and Alentejo, which causes those Spanish regions that hold ties with our neighbouring country to foster the study of the Portuguese language. Having been participating in the "José Saramago" programme over the last five years, and due to ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Pregateste-te de viitor!Stagii de practica in industria carnii.

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The mobility Project “Get ready for future! Practice internships in meat industry” appeared in the context of internationalization of the activities of “BRECOLT” consortium, which wants to ensure qualitative practice internships for students in reference companies from UE. The general objective of the project is the professional development in the field of meat industry for a number of 150 student ...
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