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12 European Projects Found

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Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to differentiate into any type of cell as well as to renew indefinitely in culture. They hold great potential for the development of personalized medicines. However, the molecular mechanisms underpinning cell fate decisions by individual cells are poorly understood. There is compelling evidence that two large multi-protein machines, the Nucleosome Remod ...
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Systems Biology of Stem Cells and Reprogramming (SyBoSS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Stem cells are central to emerging concepts in health, medicine and therapy. The realization that specific cell reservoirs retain multipotency for tissue establishment and replenishment has implications for both the emerging field of regenerative therapy and the long standing problems of cancer, ageing and degenerative diseases. Recently the prospects for regenerative therapy have been boosted by ...
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AIM: To identify the molecular mechanisms characterizing cilium function, and the discrete perturbations associated with dysfunction caused by mutations in inherited ciliopathies, applying a systems biology approach. BACKGROUND: Cilia are microtubule-based, centriole-derived projections from the cell surface. They transduce extracellular signals and regulate key processes in which signals of the e ...
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RNA localization allows eukaryotic cells to control gene expression in space and time and contributes importantly to cell polarization, allowing asymmetry in events such as cell division, oogenesis and body patterning. Major contributions to our understanding of the functional aspects of RNA regulation control have come from studies in Drosophila. Investigation into oskar mRNA localization in the ...
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The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is one of the most intricate multi-protein assemblies found in eukaryotic cells encompassing ~30 different components called nucleoporins (Nups). The structural determination of the NPC represents a major challenge due to its size and location in the nuclear envelope. Accurate quantitative data on NPC composition that are required to generate structural models at ato ...
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Historically, the central nervous system (CNS) and the immune system have been regarded as strictly separate. However, in the brain, resident macrophages, called microglia, play both immune and glial cell functions. Indeed, these cells constantly extend and retract branches to monitor neuronal activity directly. Upon contacts with neurons they have been shown to either support their functional int ...
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Early mammalian development is characterized by formation of the blastocyst, composed of the pluripotent inner cell mass surrounded by a one-cell layer of epithelial cells, the trophectoderm. Despite its importance for understanding mammalian development and for stem cell research, the mechanism of blastocyst morphogenesis and patterning has long been elusive and a subject of controversy. The ulti ...
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Neuropathic pain is a significant worldwide health problem that is poorly understood and often untreatable. A major factor in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain is an activation of microglial cells in the spinal cord. Following damage to peripheral nerves, these activated cells release factors that increase excitability in spinal pain circuitry. Using expression profiling studies of microglial c ...
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The brain structures and neural circuits regulating anxiety behavior are poorly understood. The hippocampus contribute to anxiety via its role in the behavioral inhibition system and descending outputs via the fornix to the septum and frontal cortex are thought to be critical to this modulating effect. However, it is not clear what the contributions of septal and frontal cortical outputs are to an ...
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The objective of this project is to understand what controls outgrowth along the margins of leaves and other plant lateral organs. There is evidence that blade outgrowth requires two conditions. One is the establishment of a genetic boundary between the upper (dorsal) and lower (ventral) sides of the leaf organ, which relies on the combined action of polarity genes. The other is the accumulation o ...
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"Transcription factor IID (TFIID) is a key player in regulated transcription of eukaryotic genes by RNA polymerase II. The scaffold of TFIID is composed of a number of TATA-box binding protein-associated factors (TAFs), which are also found in other multimeric transcription factors (e.g. SAGA). An elaborate system of decision-making therefore must occur that directs the assembly of TAFs into eithe ...
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"Chemokines and their receptors (GPCRs –G-Protein Coupled Receptors) play important roles in biological processes such as embryonic development, inflammation, immunity and cancer. Therefore, a great amount of effort is directed to study their function and regulation. The SDF1 chemokine receptors, CXCR4 and CXCR7, are expressed by a wide range of human metastasis. They can also act as co-receptors ...
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