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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2021,

Europe is facing major economic challenges that require an ambitious economic policy for the 21st century. The EU has set out its vision for Europe's social market economy in the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims at confronting our structural weaknesses through progress in three mutually reinforcing priorities:• smart growth, based on knowledge and innovation,• sustainable growth, promoting a more ...
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ERA-NET for materials research and innovation (M-ERA.NET 2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

M-ERA.NET 2 aims at coordinating the research efforts of the participating EU Member States, Associated States and Regions as well as of selected global partners in materials research and innovation, including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies.A large network of 43 national and regional funding organisations from 23 EU Members States and Associated St ...
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reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystem (ARIES)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

ARIES main goal is to deliver a comprehensive framework for reliable e-identity ecosystem comprising new technologies, processes and security features that ensure highest levels of quality in eID based on trustworthy security documents and biometrics for highly secure and privacy-respecting physical and virtual identity management, with the specific aim to tangibly achieve a reduction in levels of ...
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A New Way for New Talents in Teaching

Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Jan 14, 2019,

Our consortium members - 15 partners from the public, academic and non-government sectors from 7 EU countries - believe there are shared structural challenges related to the teaching profession in school systems across the EU. Unless adequately addressed, these challenges might jeopardize the achievement of the ambitious EU 2020 strategy education goals. These threats include: incipient teacher sh ...
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MachinE Tool ALliance for Skills

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The MachinE Tool ALliance for Skills (METALS) aims to provide the industry with entrepreneurial skills needed vis-à- vis emerging technologies. The Alliance is built on a partnership bringing together CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries, and its National Associations as well as VET providers, research institutes and regulatory bodies from Germany, Spain and Italy. The p ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

With the 2006 European Recommendation on Key Competences, all EU Member States have agreed on a framework of eight Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. Digital Competence is a transversal key competence which, as such, enables acquiring other key competences and is a very relevant and necessary skill to equip people more competitive on the labour market and overall digitally competent. Europe is ...
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Crossing cultures: Learning and sharing experiences in Europe

Start date: Jun 30, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2018,

Since 2008 one of the strong points, which is also a strategic project of the school, is it openness to internationalization through the participation in European projects (school exchanges, Erasmus +, online collaborative projects, multilingual project, English assistant ...). The aim of this project is to meet a growing interest and demand from our students and their families for these linguisti ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Tredu@Work is Tampere Vocational College Tredu's mobility project that enables student exchanges from various VET fields and also emphasizes the individual solutions concerning the needs of adult and special needs students. Project gives different mobility possibilities - True International Tredu- for all Tredu's VET fields and actors and thus enables development of the long-term partnerships wit ...
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Schools as Learning Communities in Europe aims to establish and expand a network of schools to exchange, develop and transfer Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) in Europe. SEAs have shown to improve educational attainment and social cohesion elsewhere. Those successful actions have been implemented in many diverse contexts (rural-urban; low-middle-high SES; high poverty areas, etc) and school a ...
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Evaluation of school leadership and teaching practice

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

CONTEXT Under the heading “EVALUATION OF SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND TEACHING PRACTICE (EOSLATP)” this KA2 Erasmus+ project will take place from 2015 to 2017. The project gives importance to school leadership and teaching practice assessment to improve quality in our educational systems. Partners have experience in evaluating School Leaders and Teachers, and Applicant organization has a longstanding i ...
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Innovazione delle Competenze Tecniche

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

I.C.T. is a mobility project with a training period abroad , for 50 young people, students and new graduates belonging to or coming from Institute in Fuscaldo, of which: - 20 VET students belonging to the 4th and 5th year addressed in the service sector for electronics, information technology, mechanics and energy. Is provided a theoretical and practical internship at Vocational Training Institu ...
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nearly Zero energy Neighborhoods (ZENN)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Large scale implementation of building renovation actions is affected by a number of barriers of diverse nature. The need for complex agreements, long returns of investment and the fact that often buildings with the worst performance belong to social low income groups unable to afford comprehensive renovation are amongst the main factors hindering the massive adoption of low or nearly zero energy ...
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Digitally Competent Youth

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

In today’s world, where the need for lifelong learning has been accepted and new technologies have taken on a significant role in increasing employability among young people, there is no other option than to reconsider the objectives of education, especially in non-formal context in the light of growing societal demands and new sociocultural trends. The current level of unemployment among young p ...
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The aim of MANUNET II is to cooperate among regions and countries around Europe with fruitful calls in the field of Manufacturing, to ensure that MANUNET II suits perfectly in ERA and, finally, to propose a sustainable cooperation structure for a very long term frame.In order to enhance this impact, the extension that will cover MANUNET II is going to be longer than MANUNET CA, having included mor ...
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Advancement in Bilingualism; Staff Mobility Project

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Context/Background of Project: The participants of this project are responsible for developing the Welsh language and bilingualism within the Further Education sector in Wales (some from individual Further Education colleges and others work all over Wales). The Welsh government has funded these posts and have developed policies and strategies across a number of sectors (including education) in ord ...
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IES Ategorri BHI is a public high school which offers the regular daytime high school program as well as evening high school. The most relevant projects and actions of the school are structured around the Innovation and Training Project "Crossing Cultures –Towards Multilingualism” which includes: the School Exchange Project, the multilingual programme, Erasmus+ projects, Technological Maturity and ...
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Sport is the most universal and accessible of cultural pursuits. European Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) are as diverse as our cultures. TSG organisations work tirelessly to promote participation in their sports, but also as custodians of custom, language and history. The TSG club or playing field is often the focal point of community life. Trends in globalisation have led to a convergence of ...
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The Objective of the Builtsmart-project is to demonstrate and mainstream innovative and cost effective techniques and methods for constructing very low energy buildings in various climates.Residential and non residential new buildings in Sweden, Ireland and Spain will participate in the project. The total gross floor space of the buildings will be 81 300 m2.New forms of incentives will be develope ...
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ICT 4 EVEU is a project born with the aim of deploying an innovative set of ICT services for electric vehicle (EV) in different and complementary pilots across Europe. The scope of the ICT services is the integration of different management systems operating on the existing EV infrastructures in the cities where the pilots will be run, so that related services are deployed making use of these inte ...
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La forêt de l'espace SUDOE est essentiellement de type méditerranéen. Elle présente une grande diversité d'espèces, les propriétés forestières sont très morcelées et les massifs discontinus. Les industries du bois du territoire SUDOE rencontrent des difficultés de compétitivité et elles importent fréquemment le bois et le sciage procédant d'autre pays.WOODTECH est un projet d'innovation et de tran ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Los socios del proyecto son conscientes de la importancia de la movilidad en la formación profesional, de las barreras existentes para llevar a cabo esta movilidad, y de la necesidad de reforzar la integración transfronteriza en materia de formación. Todos son miembros de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CTP) y se reúnen regularmente, afín de favorecer los intercambios y la innovación, la ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Constitution of a transnational network dedicated to the promotion and development of the Atlantic rail corridor for freight combinated with ports and multimodal logistics platforms in the Atlantic Area, in order to boost development, planning and implementation of railway infrastructure for the transport of goods, including the necessary infrastructure to connect to ports and promote competitive ...
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Background Pollarded trees provide particular habitat features for saproxylic invertebrates (i.e. species that depend on dead or decaying wood). Saproxylic insects are regarded as effective indicators of woodland biodiversity, and it is the most mature and untouched tracts of woodland that have the most diverse communities of saproxylic insects. Spain’s ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

SmartGrids ERA-NET develops transnational research activities to speed up the development of a Smart European Electrical Infrastructure. A necessity for a successful realisation of the European Action Plan “Energy Policy for Europe”. This will change the European electricity supply with strong consumer response, large scale supplies of renewable electricity and high levels of distributed generati ...
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Lead Market European research Area network (LEAD ERA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

The LEAD ERA project is aimed at fostering the coordination of a series of trans-regional programmes dedicated to research and innovation within the highly innovative and technology based themes of the EU Lead market initiative. Through a process of intensive knowledge sharing of the regional competences and programmes, LEAD ERA partners will develop a joint Scientific and Technological strategy a ...
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Background Estuarine habitats of community interest in the Basque Country (Spain) are threatened by the presence of the exotic and invasive bushy shrub Baccharis halimifolia. The beneficiary has previously undertaken actions to improve the estuaries of Urdaibai and Txingudi, which included a pilot project to remove Baccharis halimifolia from the Urdaibai ...
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ETB-PRO will reduce the fragmentation of ERA and support high quality R&D&I project cooperation of European biotech SMEs by building on success factors of the predecessor project and establish a sustainable joint program with high funding impact. This will be done in two steps thereby using four calls with a funding volume of € 35 Mio each as an implementation tool. First step: Integration ETB-PRO ...
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ERA-NET Plus on Materials Research (MATERA+)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The objective of MATERA+ is the launching, management and follow-up of a Joint Call in the field of materials. The project is a direct outcome of the coordination work initiated within ERA-NET on Materials (MATERA 016102) in FP6. MATERA+ takes advantage of the experience gained along the last 3 years in the previous transnational calls carried out in MATERA (MATERA Calls 2006, 2007 and 2008).Mater ...
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The overall objective of OPEN HOUSE is to develop and to implement a common European transparent building assessment methodology, complementing the existing ones, for planning and constructing sustainable buildings by means of an open approach and technical platform. OPEN HOUSE will develop a transparent approach able to emerge collectively in an open way across the EU. This approach will be commu ...
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RoK-FOR aims to create a ‘region of knowledge’ in the forestry sector in Europe, and will significantly contribute to forest sector supporting sustainable use of natural resources, renewable energy, sustainable construction materials and biobased products, without jeopardizing the environment. RoK-FOR is a Coordination Action of five regional research-driven clusters from six European countries: G ...
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La importancia ambiental del espacio conocido como la Bahía de Txingudi, su singularidad, los hábitats y las especies que acoge, se constata a través de las distintas formas de protección que recibe. Por otro lado, unidos por el sendero transfronterizo de la costa, las autoridades gestoras tienen problemáticas de preservación comunes. Estos lugares son visitados por el mismo público, y un enfoque ...
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Associated European Research and Technology Organisations (ÆRTOs)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

ÆRTOs will network major applied research activities of four EU Member States (DE, FR, FI, and NL) and one Associated State (NO). Further countries will join the project later. The research activities to be networked are “National Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs)”. These are programme organisations mandated by their national government to undertake strategic research in support of soc ...
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"• MNT-ERA.NET II will improve the coordination between funding programmes, research organisations and industries and secure durable cooperation between key actors from national and regional funding systems. It will promote the convergence of MNT programmes, the streamlining of procedures, and the efficient use of resources, thereby reducing the fragmentation of European funding instruments. The v ...
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Nanomedicine is an emerging field with a large potential for developing public welfare and economic growth. Critical issues for bringing up this potential in Europe concern especially the maturity of the economic players and their capability to move effectively innovation from knowledge to industrial technology and to clinical and public health applications. Industrial players need therefore to co ...
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El litoral transfronterizo de los Pirineos Atlánticos/ Guipuzcoa ocupa una posición central imprescindible en el Golfo de Vizcaya. Por ello, estos 120 km de costa se encuentran sometidos a una presión antropogénica cada vez mayor. Dicha presión hace necesario el desarrollo de herramientas de apoyo para la toma de decisiones que permitan conocer el estado del medio y predecir la llegada y repercusi ...
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The driving idea of REG CON is the advancement of the concept of “R&D based clustering” across regions of Europe with a thematic focus on construction. This sector is both dynamic in creation of growth and employment [~7% of national employment/GDP, ~14% when add design and materials], but relatively backward in absorbing innovation. The Strategic Research Agenda prepared by European Construction ...
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Dune regeneration on Laida beach (Urdaibai) (Dunas Laida)

Start date: May 1, 2004, End date: Apr 30, 2007,

Background Dunes are coastal ecosystems formed by the combined action of the wind, waves, sea currents and vegetation. They are fragile and dynamic ecosystems, which evolve in accordance with prevailing environmental conditions. They are of particular value along the Basque coast, where over 80% of the original dunes have disappeared and with them, import ...
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The overall goal of this project is to establish the bases to become regions of excellence (regions that have a proven record in competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development and social cohesion through implementation of a common methodology for managing scientific and technical knowledge and innovation at the regional level). Five major goals have been identified for the project: ·Eva ...
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motion of the Short Sea Shipping in the Atlantic Space (SSSAA)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 28, 2005,

The free circulation of goods has led to a significant increase in intra-European commercial exchanges, notably in the centre of the European Union. This concentration has led to an imbalance with the congestion of the great road axes of European on the one hand, and the pushing aside of the peripheral regions, such as the Atlantic Area, on the other hand. In this context, SSSAA proposes to create ...
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REPARTIR is a project developed within the framework of the European Union INTERREG III B SUDOE program and run by the Pôle Universitaire Européen of Toulouse-Midi-Pyrénées. The aim of the project is for each of the nine regions involved Andalucia, Aquitaine, Catalunya, Galicia, Illes Balears, Regiao Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Midi-Pyrénées, Região Norte, Pais Vasco to present their potential in the f ...
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