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33 European Projects Found

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The Flagship ERA-NET (FLAG-ERA II)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

FLAG-ERA, the Flagship ERA-NET, gathers national and regional funding organisation with the goal of supporting, together with the European Commission, the FET Flagship initiatives and more generally the FET Flagship programme. Most funding organisations in Europe participate, either directly or as associated members. FLAG-ERA contributes to the construction of the two Flagship initiatives on Graph ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

Nanomedicine is the application of nanotechnology to medicine and healthcare. The field takes advantage of the physical, chemical and biological properties of materials at the nanometer scale to be used for a better understanding of the biological mechanisms of diseases at the molecular level, leading to new targets for earlier and more precise diagnostics and therapeutics. Nanomedicine, rated amo ...
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QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies (QuantERA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2021,

QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum TechnologiesQuantum Technologies (QT) has become a new and fast developing area of research initiated by a realisation that quantum physics opens up radically new modes of quantum information processing and communication. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technolog ...
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Cancer is a worldwide health burden and represents a major public health challenge in Europe. It is responsible for 25% of all deaths, being the second most common cause of death after cardio-vascular diseases and the main cause of mortality among people aged 45–64. Today, an estimated 9 million individuals in Europe live with cancer (Globocan 2008, Cancer became a chron ...
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ERA-NET rare disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives (E-Rare-3)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

Rare diseases (RD) are diseases that affect not more than 5 per 10 000 persons (according to the EU definition). 7000 distinct rare diseases exist, affecting between 6% and 8% of the population (about 30 million EU citizens). The lack of specific health policies for rare diseases and the scarcity of the expertise, translate into delayed diagnosis, few medicinal products and difficult access to car ...
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The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Techn ...
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The main aim of the project is to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region. The project aims at reducing fragmentation of programming in the Mediterranean region by increasing coordination among national research programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.Followin ...
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Research and innovation are central elements in the Europe 2020 Strategy and it is recognised that bioeconomy is an important element of the Strategy. DG RTD has issued a European Strategy “Innovating for sustainable growth: a bioeconomy for Europe” paving the way to a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society that reconciles food security with the sustainable use of renewable re ...
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Synthetic biology is an emerging and promising research area with the potential to have a strong impact on innovation and technological progress that is beneficial for the economy and for society as a whole. It is an area at the intersection of engineering, bioscience, chemistry, and information technology.The central idea of ERASynBio is to promote the robust development of synthetic biology by ...
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ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Cancer is a worldwide health burden and a major public health challenge in Europe, responsible for 25% of all deaths; a situation expected to worsen with population ageing. The strengthening of translational cancer research is an urgent need in European cancer research, i.e. the integration of basic, epidemiological, preclinical and clinical research with the implementation and evaluation of inte ...
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ERA-Net on Rare Diseases (E-Rare-2)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Rare diseases represent an important public-health issue, affecting 26-30 million persons across Europe, and a major challenge for research. The fragmentation of resources and knowledge for the 6000-8000 rare diseases and the lack of treatment for the majority of them necessitate a coordinated European approach to unravel the underlying molecular defects and pathophysiological mechanisms. The low ...
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In a multi-polar and rapidly changing world the European Union is a world-class player and its policies have an impact at global level. In this respect, policies for International Cooperation/INCO in S & T & I between EU countries (and associated countries) and /or third countries, highlight and enhance the EU role in response to the societal challenges worldwide. In this regard, the proposal sugg ...
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This proposal is intended to take into account the ongoing and previous integrating initiatives (AMPERA, marinERA, Marifish,...) so as to constitute a stable and durable structure for coordination and integration of national and regional marine and maritime research programmes with the major goal of providing a clear reply to the need for developing and implementing common research strategies and ...
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Western Balkan Countries INCO-NET (WBC-INCO.NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

The Western Balkan countries INCO-NET assists to develop the relationship between the EU and the WBCs in the area of science and technology (S&T). The project supports the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in the facilitation of interaction between the Western Balkan countries, the EU Member States, states associated to the Framework Programmes for RTD and the European ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

SmartGrids ERA-NET develops transnational research activities to speed up the development of a Smart European Electrical Infrastructure. A necessity for a successful realisation of the European Action Plan “Energy Policy for Europe”. This will change the European electricity supply with strong consumer response, large scale supplies of renewable electricity and high levels of distributed generati ...
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Major objectives of ERA.Net RUS are: • RAISING KNOWLEDGE on bilateral and national S&T programmes with or towards Russia and on relevant activities of other programme owners; IDENTIFYING STRENGTHS AND CHALLENGES of present bilateral S&T programmes of MS/AC with Russia. • LEARNING LESSONS from ongoing (thematic) ERA-NETs involving Russian programme owners and IDENTIFYING GOOD PRACTICE from other in ...
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Air Transport Net (AirTN) (AirTN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The AirTN ERA-Net was established under FP6 as a network of Member States whose ministries and agencies manage public funded national research activities and programmes in Aeronautics and Air Transport. The results from AirTN in FP6 are prerequisites for the implementation of joint activities to enhance co-operation and coordination of national and regional research programmes. AirTN in FP7 will s ...
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The main objective of VISION RD4SD is to ensure that Europe is able to contribute to a Sustainable Development of the world by formulating policies and decisions based on robust, up to date knowledge of highest scientific quality.The project focuses on a dialogue among European science policy-makers, administrators and those funding-policy makers in general who demand and need solutions from VISIO ...
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"In essence, SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is the next step in further integrating the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and selected key research communities into the European Research Area. It will further enhance the coordination of bilateral R&D cooperation with WBC. By joining forces and by pooling financial resources, the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS consortium will bring critical mass to bear. The main objective of SE ...
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A new ERA-NET is proposed to further the integration of national, EC and global e-infrastructure programmes. An experienced consortium comprising relevant national programme managers is proposed to develop the ERA-NET, called e-InfraNet. The partners know well the existing policy initiatives and identify a gap in the uptake and integration of innovative policy at national and EC level.A sustainabl ...
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The project focuses on the strengthening and deepening of the S&T cooperation with the Central Asian and South Caucasus countries, as well as with Moldova. It will be implemented in close coordination with the ongoing IncoNet EECA project (International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian countries). The main aims of the IncoNet CA/SC project are: enhancing the policy dialog ...
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HiPER is a multi-national laser facility designed to allow Europe to take a leading position in the pursuit of Inertial Fusion Energy, whilst offering an internationally unique capability for science in extreme conditions. It will open up entirely new areas of research, providing access to physics regimes which cannot be explored on any other science facility. It has been formally endorsed by 6 Eu ...
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Medically related Life Sciences use the mouse as a model system to understand the molecular basis of health and disease in humans (>95% similarity of genes in humans and mice). An essential task for Biomedical Sciences in the 21st century will be the functional analysis of mouse models for every gene in the mammalian genome. The major bottlenecks identified by the user community will be proper ...
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"The main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project are: - reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes; - to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region. -to ...
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The I-SEEMob project is a bottom-up policy coordination initiative undertaken by 8 countries in the region of South-eastern Europe (SEE). The proposal focuses on the specific research policy issue of enhancing the career development and the intersectoral mobility of R&D personnel in SEE. The aim of the project is to develop a set of policy recommendations targeting national governments for the rem ...
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ERACOBUILD aims at strengthening and enlarging the strategic networking of RDI programmes in the field of “construction and operation of buildings” initiated in the previous ERABUILD coordination action. ERACOBUILD gathers 34 programme owners or managers coming from 17 EU Members States, 4 Associated Countries and 1 European Region. The new countries will benefit from the experience and results o ...
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Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"ERA-NET TRANSPORT II (ENT II) brings together the owners of national transport re-search programmes from thirteen countries, representing an annual public funding volume in the access of € 300 Mio in total. The vision behind ENT is to supplement and enrich na-tional RTD programmes through trans-national cooperation where national programme representatives can see an added value. Since 2003 the EN ...
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South East European Research Area for eInfrastructures (SEERA-EI)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

"The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives aim to ensure equal participation of the region in European networking and Grid computing trends. SEEREN initiative has established regional network and SEE-GRID the regional Grid. SEE-LIGHT project is currently establishing dark-fibre backbone in the region, and SEE-GRID-SCI empowering strategic regional user communities in common use of the eI ...
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ERA-NET for Nuclear Physics Infrastructures (NuPNET)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

To face the increase in the complexity of facilities, and the cost and technical demands in a global context of international user groups and expertise, 18 European Funding Agencies representing 14 countries have decided to submit an ERA-NET project to provide Europe with a more coherent funding of its Nuclear Physics Infrastructures and equipments. The project will ensure exchange of information, ...
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COPAL has the objective of providing the European scientific community with an unique research aircraft platform, capable of reaching and operating in any remote area in the world and offering a heavy-payload for integration of a large panoply of instruments for research in environmental and Geo-sciences. It will offer an unprecedented opportunity to countries that are not yet operating research a ...
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Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

The Preparatory Phase for a pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) will focus on technical, legal, governance, and financial issues to • prepare to construct BBMRI, building on existing biobanks, resources and technologies, specifically complemented with innovative components and properly embedded into European scientific, ethical, legal and societal fra ...
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The European Commission has decided to experiment under FP7 a new approach for an Exploratory Awards (EA) scheme for a limited period. As a first approach, the general aim of this EA scheme is to provide financial support to SMEs and SMEs Associations in order to submit better prepared proposals for actions under “Research for the benefit of SMEs”.The general idea of the present proposal is to ide ...
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QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum TechnologiesQuantum Technologies (QT) has become a new and fast developing area of research initiated by a realisation that quantum physics opens up radically new modes of quantum information processing and communication. European researchers have been at the forefront of these developments delivering many groundbreaking scientific results and advancing technolog ...
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