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Research and Innovation in the service of Economy and Society EU Neighbourhood and the Black Sea region (RINES CONFERENCE)
Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a multi-polar and rapidly changing world the European Union is a world-class player and its policies have an impact at global level. In this respect, policies for International Cooperation/INCO in S & T & I between EU countries (and associated countries) and /or third countries, highlight and enhance the EU role in response to the societal challenges worldwide. In this regard, the proposal suggests the organization of a Conference, namely RInES, under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the European Council. Its overall objective is to highlight the crucial INCO’s role for the EU by reinforcing its collaboration with the European Neighbourhood and Black Sea region within the framework of the HORIZON2020. Within the framework of the Conference, the EU INCO’s policy will also be demonstrated addressing the new trends and emerging societal challenges, such as Environment/Marine Research and Sustainable Energy, Clean and Decarbonized Economy. Furthermore, the event will promote the role of the industrial sector by bringing together RTD&I participants from the public and private sector, thus mobilizing the service to economy and society. The Conference will take place in Thessaloniki in May 29th-30th 2013. It is also envisaged to result in a Joint Declaration, the “Thessaloniki declaration”, accompanied by a Roadmap presenting the future steps for the EU INCO Policy and external R&I relations in the above-mentioned target countries.

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