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mySMARTLife project aims at the development of an Urban Transformation Strategy to support cities in the definition of transition models, as a suitable path to reach high level of excellence in its development process, addressing the main city challenges and progressing to the smart people and smart economy concepts.The main instrument to achieve this very ambitious strategy will be the definition ...
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Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe (SmartEnCity)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

SmartEnCity’s main Objective is to develop a highly adaptable and replicable systemic approach towards urban transformation into sustainable, smart and resource-efficient urban environments in Europe through the integrated planning and implementation of measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in main consuming sectors in cities, while increasing their supply of renewable energy, and demonstr ...
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Based on a detailed mapping of urban challenges and relevant nature-based solutions (NBS), Nature4Cities aims at developing complementary and interactive modules to engage urban stakeholders in a collective-learning process about re-naturing cities, develop and circulate new business, financial and governance models for NBS projects, as well as provide tools for the impacts assessment, valorisatio ...
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Europe's position in the production of biochemicals from biomass and by-products is limited to a few compounds, while their demand is among the largest in the world. However, Europe has a lot of world leader chemical companies. On the other hand, lignocellulosic waste constitutes one of the most abundant resources without competing with food chain.REHAP’s 16 partners aim at revalorizing agricultur ...
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In the “secure, clean and efficient energy” initiative, it is stated that the most important milestones for such a transformation are the EU's energy and climate targets for 2030, which are: (i) at least 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990, (ii) at least 27% for the share of renewable energy consumed in the EU, and (iii) at least 27% improvement of energy efficiency and an e ...
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Background Although recycling rates have increased in Europe much waste is still landfilled, especially in Mediterranean and Eastern European countries. Landfills present long-term threats to soil, air, groundwater and surface water. This is mainly due to leachates, the liquid fraction continuously produced from solid waste that is dispersed when rainfall ...
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REMOURBAN aims at the development and validation in three lighthouse cities (Valladolid-Spain, Nottingham-UK and Tepebasi/Eskisehir-Turkey) of a sustainable urban regeneration model that leverages the convergence area of the energy, mobility and ICT sectors in order to accelerate the deployment of innovative technologies, organisational and economic solutions to significantly increase resource and ...
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The overall objective of BRESAER project is to design, develop and demonstrate an innovative, cost-effective, adaptable and industrialized envelope system for buildings refurbishment including combined active and passive pre-fabricated solutions integrated in a versatile lightweight structural mesh:‒ Dynamic window with automatic and controlled air-tightness and insulated solar blinds complementin ...
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Transforming Transport (TT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Big Data will have a profound economic and societal impact in the mobility and logistics sector, which is one of the most-used industries in the world contributing to approximately 15% of GDP. Big Data is expected to lead to 500 billion USD in value worldwide in the form of time and fuel savings, and savings of 380 megatons CO2 in mobility and logistics. With freight transport activities projected ...
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INCEPTION realises innovation in 3D modelling of cultural heritage through an inclusive approach for time-dynamic 3D reconstruction of artefacts, built and social environments. It enriches the European identity through understanding of how European cultural heritage continuously evolves over long periods of time. INCEPTION’s Inclusive approach comprises: time dynamics of 3D reconstruction (‘foreve ...
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"CITyFiED project aims to develop a replicable, systemic and integrated strategy to adapt European cities and urban ecosystems into the smart city of the future, focusing on reducing the energy demand and GHG emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources by developing and implementing innovative technologies and methodologies for building renovation, smart grid and district heating ...
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OptEEmAL aims to develop an Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for refurbishment at district level, which will deliver an optimised, integrated and systemic design based on an Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) approach for building and district retrofitting projects, reducing time delivery and uncertainties, resulting in improved solutions when compared to business-as-usual practices. This ...
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Background The management of solid waste – particularly the disposal of solid waste – is one of the most acute environmental problems in Greece and one that calls for immediate and efficient action. Waste disposal in landfills is the most common method of managing municipal solid waste (MSW); 82% of the waste generated in Greece in 2011 was disposed o ...
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NEED FOR INNOVATION: The critical mass of Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) in Europe by 2020 will be achieved through sustainable industrialisation of high-performance architectural, structural and building-service components. However, realising the targeted performance in design is hampered by critical shortcomings during on-site construction and refurbishment that cause a lower built-quality and ...
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Background The LIFE BATTLE-CO2 project is a demonstration project that will examine the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the substitution of fossil fuels in asphalt mix manufacturing plants, specifically in the three main processes from which emissions are generated: aggregate drying, bitumen heating and electricity generation. ...
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EVENT will develop, demonstrate and validate a cost effective, high energy efficient, low CO2 emissions, replicable, low intrusive, systemic approach for retrofitting of residential and commercial buildings, able to achieve NZEB retrofit standard levels, through the integration of an innovative adaptive ventilated façade system, including: • Embedded, breakthrough smart modular heat recovery units ...
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Background Hospitals contribute to climate change because of their consumption of natural resources and the waste that they generate. For instance, the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) estimates its carbon footprint at over 18 million tonnes CO2/year, or 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions of the entire UK public sector. According to US Enviro ...
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The Valor-Plus supports the realisation of sustainable, economically viable closed loop integrated biorefineries through the development of new knowledge, (bio-)technologies and products that enable valorisation of key biorefinery by-products. The project comprises five key areas:• Pre-treatment and fractionation: development of a novel methodology for the controlled and selective breakdown, relea ...
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CommONEnergy focuses on existing shopping malls to be refurbished and buildings with a different original function, redesigned to become shopping malls. Wholesales&Retail buildings represent 28% of the total non-residential building stock (BPIE, 2010), accounting for approximately 157 Mtoe in 2005 (EU EEAP). Considering typical shopping malls high impact on modern society (ICSC, 2008), the project ...
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"A scalable, replicable, high energy efficient, zero emissions and cost effective SYSTEM to refurbish existing public-owned non-residential buildings to achieve at least 50% energy consumption reduction through:a) A systemic methodology for optimal building retrofitting towards zero emissions, developed to ensure cost effectiveness, scalability and replicability of the interventions taking into ac ...
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Resource and Energy Efficient Manufacturing (REEMAIN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

REEMAIN combines cutting edge knowledge and experience from production processes, professional energy simulation, energy and resource planning, and renewable energy and storage to develop and demonstrate a methodology and platform for the boost, of efficiency resources.Based on the knowledge of who are the energy consumers in manufacturing REEMAIN offers 3 solutions. 1) Innovation in technologies ...
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Background Various vegetable oils and animal fats are used in the production of biodiesel, which is seen as a more environmentally friendly alternative to mineral diesel. However, despite the advantages of these biofuels, there are still significant costs attached to their production. Growing crops for the production of oilseed and breeding animals for fa ...
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Eucalyptus Integrated Wood Processing Project (LIFE Eucalyptus Energy)

Start date: Sep 2, 2013, End date: Sep 2, 2017,

Background In the EU, Spain and Portugal are significant producers of eucalyptus, with a total combine cultivated area of 1.4 million ha. Eucalyptus is one of the most common sources of short fibres for the production of wood pulp for making paper. Other products that can be obtained from the tree include charcoal and biochar, dyes and eucalyptus oil. E ...
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Background The production and marketing of food leads to the production of a range of by-products not intended for human consumption. To avoid risks for the environment and human and animal health, the management of these by-products is regulated by the EC Regulation 1069/2009, which classes them into three categories, according to their potential risks. ...
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LASHARE will develop a robust assessment framework for innovative laser equipment paving the way for new manufacturing applications. It will carry out a large number of assessment experiments for a variety of laser equipment targeting strategic manufacturing areas for Europe.The Laser Equipment Assessment (LEA) will be carried out by a trio of research/supplier/user partners. Each LEA will define ...
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R2CITIES aims to develop and demonstrate an open and easily replicable strategy for designing, constructing, and managing large scale district renovation projects for achieving nearly zero energy cities. For this purpose, it will be developed a demonstration and dissemination framework of very innovative strategies and solutions for building energy renovation at district level, based in the follow ...
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Refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, rhenium, molybdenum and niobium) are highly strategic metals today mainly imported from a few countries. The European primary production remains below a few percentage. However, resources exist in Europe, as primary resources but mainly as secondary resources (industrial waste, urban mines). Valorizing these resources requires coordination and networking betw ...
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Background Transport infrastructure is essential for economic and social development, as well as being an important sector in its own right. Among the various transport infrastructure options, rail is considered as one of the most sustainable, especially with regard to the fight against climate change. Rail is therefore an essential element of European tr ...
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Background Nitrogen oxides (NOX) are one of the main atmospheric pollutants generated by human activities, especially traffic, which accounts for around 70% of the total emissions. Through photolytic reactions this pollutant is responsible for the production of acid rain and smog, which have a very negative impact on human health. ...
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Background Society’s consumption patterns continue to increase at a rate that is considered unsustainable in the longer term. Waste volumes remain a growing problem for EU Member States. For example, waste streams in landfills from used expanded polystyrene (EPS) have increased dramatically in recent years. EPS is not biodegradable and because of its lo ...
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Background Spain accounts for 14% of the EU’s livestock, producing around 76 million tonnes of manure every year. About 70% of this manure is used as fertiliser, giving a new use. However, mismanagement of manure can lead to soil, air (greenhouse gas emissions) and water pollution (eutrophication). The plastic industry is another important source of wa ...
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Most of the energy consumption in Europe is due to heating and cooling used for domestic, tertiary and industrial purposes; This energy is largely produced by directly burning fossil fuels with a negative environmental impact. RES directive and the SET Plan focuses its attention on the use of RES to drive systems for heating and cooling in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the dependenc ...
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Background While the benefits of modern fertilisers are well known, their manufacture has a huge impact on the environment. The fertiliser industry alone accounts for 1.2% of the world’s total energy consumption. Ammonium is the basic component for the production of nitrogen fertilisers, but this process is very energy intensive (36.6 GJ/t NH3) as we ...
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Buildings as a Service (Ecosystem) (BaaS)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The BaaS system aims to optimize energy performance in the application domain of "non-residential buildings, in operational stage. In the building operational life-cycle three significant tasks have to be continuously performed: collect information and assessment of the buildings current state (identifying possible faults and inefficiencies if they exist); prediction of the effect that various dec ...
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Fast Direct Atmospheric Dioxin Detection (LIFE DIOXDETECTOR)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Background Incineration of municipal solid waste releases highly toxic pollutants into the environment. The gases emitted are persistent organic pollutants, including dioxins, which are highly toxic and bioaccumulative in the food chain. These pollutants can travel long distances and have an adverse affect on people and the environment. The term ‘dioxi ...
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DIRECTION project aims at the creation of a framework of demonstration and dissemination of very innovative and cost-effective energy efficiency technologies for the achievement of very low energy new buildings . This framework is based in three pillars:• Analysis of suitable energy efficiency technologies (technical and economic viability)• Demonstration activity deployed in three new buildings• ...
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"In a context of wide use of transport, it is necessary to increase efficiency of the different transport modes as well as their interaction. To that effect, rail transport will play an important role in the future by increasing its capacity. Thus, it would be necessary to strength the competitiveness of railway ensuring a sustainable, efficient and safe service.In that sense, it is essential to i ...
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CAMPUS 21 focuses on the energy-efficient operation of public buildings and spaces. It brings together the expertise of national research centres from Germany (Telecommunications), Ireland (IT in AEC, Artificial Intelligence), Austria (Building Physics), and Spain (Information Technology); the management experience of Public Authorities and bundles this with the process expertise from multiple ind ...
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Green eMotion aims at enabling mass deployment of electromobility in Europe. To achieve this, major players from industry, the energy sector, municipalities as well as universities and research institutions have joined forces to develop and demonstrate a commonly accepted and user-friendly framework consisting of interoperable and scalable technical solutions in connection with a sustainable busin ...
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The aim of LiveCity is to empower the citizens of a city to interact with each other in a more productive, efficient and socially useful way by using high quality video-to-video (v2v) over the Internet. Video-to-video can be used to save patients' lives, improve city administration, reduce fuel costs, reduce carbon footprint, enhance education and improve city experiences for tourists and cultural ...
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