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Background The project focuses on areas that are pivotal for the conservation of the two sea turtle species occurring in the EU and listed as priority species in Annex II of the Habitats Directive, the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas). In the EU, the loggerhead turtle has major nesting sites in Greece and Cyprus, a ...
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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2020,

The BLUEMED Project is a Coordination and Support Action for the exploitation of the BLUEMED Research and Innovation Initiative for blue jobs and growth in the Mediterranean area, with particular reference to the implementation of the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The ultimate objective is to support the activation of sustainable ‘blue’ innovation and growth, by fosterin ...
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European aquaculture production provides direct employment to 80,000 people and a 3-billion € annual turnover. Parasites cause severe disease outbreaks and high economic losses in finfish aquaculture. The overarching goal of ParaFishControl is to increase the sustainability and competitiveness of European Aquaculture by improving understanding of fish-parasite interactions and by developing innova ...
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Safeguarding the Saimaa Ringed Seal (LIFE Saimaa Seal)

Start date: Aug 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Background Once widespread in Finland, the Saimaa ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis) is now found only in the Saimaa fragmented freshwater lake complex. With a small population of about 310 seals, it is probably the world’s most endangered seal species and is categorized by the IUCN as Critically Endangered. In Annex II of the Habitats Directive, it ...
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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The AquaSpace project has the goal of providing increased space for aquaculture to allow increased production. Following the call, we will achieve this by identifying the key constraints experienced by aquaculture development in a wide range of contexts and aquaculture types, taking into account all relevant factors and advised by a Reference User Group. We will then map these constraints against ...
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"The objective of INAPRO is to mobilise industry, member states and stakeholders to promote a new and innovative technical and technological approach right up to an Aquaponic system which allows a nearly emission free sustainable production and contributes remarkably to global food security for the 21st century. Considering that traditional Aquaponic systems, combining aquaculture and hydroponics, ...
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Proposal for a multi-partner ITN (“ARAMACC”: Annually Resolved Archives of MArine Climate Change) based around the newly emerging field of molluscan sclerochronology/climatology. ARAMACC is a network of eight Full Participants and three Associated Partners. Training will be provided to ten ESRs and one ER.ARAMACC science will consist of four work packages, which will address (1) the construction o ...
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EUROFLEETS2 is the enhancement of EUROFLEETS1, with the aim of developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with common strategic vision and coordinated access to Research Vessels (RVs) and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 will furthermore undertake specific actions to consolidate research fleets’ organization, methodology and tools through operational initiatives (like virtual fleets) le ...
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...d competitive society that reconciles food security with the sustainable use of renewable resources, while ensuring environmental protection. COFASP will directly address actions envisaged within fisheries, aquaculture and seafood: 1) to enhance scientific knowledge and innovation reinforcing advice on fisheries management supporting decision making and strengthening an ecosystem-based fisheries m ...
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Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture (ARRAINA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Sustainable development of European fish farming is dependent on the availability, environmental sustainability of feeds relying less and less on capture fisheries derived fishmeal and fish oil. The European aquaculture industry has made a determined shift towards the use of feeds based on alternative ingredients which continue to ensure the health and welfare of fish and the nutritional value of ...
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"The proposal IDREEM will create smarter greener growth for one of Europe’s most important industrial sectors: the aquaculture industry. It will achieve this through taking waste streams that are at present lost to the environment (as pollution) and converting them into secondary raw materials for the production of high value organisms such as seaweed and shellfish. To do this IDREEM will develop, ...
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Environmental policies focus on protecting habitats valuable for their biodiversity, as well as producing energy in cleaner ways. The establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks and installing Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) are important ways to achieve these goals. The protection and management of marine biodiversity has focused on placing MPAs in areas important for biodiversity. This has p ...
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Background In 2006, FOREST EUROPE (The Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe) and the Council for Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy (PEBLDS) jointly recognized sustainable forest management to be consistent with the Ecosystem Approach. Finland is Europe's most forested country – three quarters of its land ...
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...ncreasing population since it is an efficient user of feed and water resources, and fish is a unique source of unsaturated fatty acids that have significant health benefits.The Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) is a regional centre of excellence and an important representative in various European initiatives aiming at aquaculture development. This has been recogni ...
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The overall scientific objectives of PERSEUS are to identify the interacting patterns of natural and human-derived pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, assess their impact on marine ecosystems and, using the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research governance framework based on sound scientific knowl ...
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One of the main industries in the South Baltic area is tourism, however faced by a strong seasonality, non-diversified offers and concentration on certain centres. Oceanographic and nature museums in the Baltic Sea region are primary attractions in their destination with thousands of visitors each year. These institutions are perceived as real lighthouses with profound knowledge and edutainment fo ...
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Energetic Recovery of Waste (VEDER)

Start date: Feb 19, 2013, End date: Aug 18, 2015,

Development of a sustainable energy sector in perspective of a sustainable use of energy resources, through the implementation of a system for electricity and heat production from biomass, municipal, agricultural and industrial waste. Expect ...
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Oceanographic museums are major attractions in the South Baltic region preserving and presenting the natural and cultural maritime heritage to domestic and international visitors. The exposition of that content is the very heart of the museums’ competence and uniqueness. In the South Baltic region, two scientific partners and four museums (including one partner from Kaliningrad) have cleared the w ...
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Coastal areas play an important role in the Baltic Sea ecosystem and provide habitat for a great variety of living organisms. However, Baltic shorelines are also important areas for human activities and as such are of high economic interest. They increasingly support human uses and claims for space through transport, fishing, tourism, and energy generation and supply activities. HERRING looks at a ...
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Background Marine biodiversity indicators are tools that enable changes in biological components of marine ecosystems to be identified and followed. They also enable those changes to be linked with pressures, and help in the assessment of the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce those pressures on different geographical scales, thereby providing a ba ...
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The Adriatic Sea is one of the most endangered areas in the Mediterranean, facing serious environmental challenges, especially taking into consideration that it constitutes an important oil transport route to the North-Adriatic ports of Trieste, Venice, Koper and Omišalj. From an economic point of view, the Adriatic region plays an important role in tourism and recreation, but is at the same time ...
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AQUAEXCEL will coordinate the highest class European aquaculture research facilities covering the entire range of production systems (recirculation, flow-through, cage, hatchery and pond systems), environments (freshwater and marine, cold and warm water), scales (small, medium and industrial scale), fish species (salmon, trout, sea bass, sea bream, cod, carp…), and fields of expertise (nutrition, ...
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... Results The WETMAN project involved a collaboration between ZRSVN and sectorial partners (water, fisheries and forestry), two municipalities (Ruše and Kranjska Gora) and Radi-television Slovenia. It made considerable progress in addressing the main conservation threats to the Slovene wetlands, namely disru ...
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... low and middle income countries suffer from malnutrition. To meet the UN Millennium Development Goals to eradicate hunger and poverty, it is essential to reduce post harvest losses, including in the fisheries sector. The overall objectives of SECUREFISH are to strengthen capacity in low cost technology; to improve the preservation of existing fish supplies; to utilise waste and bycatch to produce ...
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Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa (MEDINA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

MEDINA is designed to enhance Northern African Countries’s monitoring capacity of their coastal areas ecosystems, including fish stocks resources, and consequently their capacity to implement environmental policies, conventions and protocols. In response to this Call for proposal and supported by a strong European partnership, MEDINA focuses on the Mediterranean coasts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia ...
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"Aquaculture is widely considered as important for enhancing food security, alleviating poverty and improving nutrition. However, little information is available concerning the direct and indirect impacts of aquaculture on food security and poverty alleviation in most developing countries and LIFDCs. Strengthening the knowledge base surrounding aquaculture and food and nutrition security through t ...
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Kainuu-Karelia’s wild forest reindeer population is declining and cross-border cooperation is needed for solving the problems. The objective is to safeguard the wild forest reindeer by updating the status of Karelia’s wild forest reindeer population and establishing the cooperation between the game animal researchers. ...
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The project aims to produce well-being for people living in the Koillismaa and Karelia regions in Finland and Russia by ensuring sustainable use and healthy status of the migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations in the Oulanka River system. The goal will be achieved by developing, through collaboration of Finnish and Russian stakeholders, a model for the joint management of the trout popul ...
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Restoration of transborder salmonid rivers

Start date: Apr 9, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The idea of the project is to create conditions for restoration of the salmonid stocks in the Lieksa, Tohmajoki, Hiitola and Lososinka rivers by means of research, planning and education.A new business model will provide a platform for commercial synergy of the companies operating in the timber, bio energy and construction industries in the programme region.The activities include developing a prod ...
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Clean Rivers to Healthy Baltic Sea

Start date: Dec 12, 2012, End date: Dec 11, 2014,

Overall objective of the project is to create basic precondition for improving water quality and restore natural biodiversity of Luga river, that will contribute to reduce the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea and to solve tasks of the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Second objective is cooperation development between Russian and Finnish official, scientific, educational and non-governmental organizations, ...
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EU aquaculture currently produces around 1.3 million tonnes a year, with a value of some EUR 2.9 billion and employs about 65 000 people. This level represents 18 % of EU fish production but only 2 % of world aquaculture production. Catches of wild fish levelled off in the 1980s but between 1973 and 2003 world fish consumption doubled According to FAO estimates 47 % of all fish for human consumpti ...
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The aim of the project is to link the findings of the project to the outcomes of the earlier projects to support decision making by producing tools for marine spatial planning and management, including demonstrating a prototype of a marine spatial planning tool for decision making at an international, national and regional level. The aim is to test the possibilities of current technology to produc ...
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Fishing is one the strategic sectors in the Mediterranean area in terms of economic growth and employment. However several issues may hamper its development on the long run such as low profitability and competitiveness, impact of catch limits on marginal areas characterized by poor job opportunities and lack of an appropriate common strategy at Mediterranean level for small fishing communities. In ...
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The general aim of the ECOKNOWS project is to improve the use of biological knowledge in fisheries science and management. The lack of appropriate calculus methods and fear of statistical overparameterisation has limited biological reality in fisheries models. This reduces biological credibility perceived by many stakeholders. We solve this technical estimation problem by using up-to date methodol ...
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MEDiterranean Sea Acidification in a changing climate (MedSeA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2014,

Increases of atmospheric CO2 and associated decreases in seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration this century and beyond are likely to have wide impacts on marine ecosystems including those of the Mediterranean Sea. Consequences of this process, ocean acidification, threaten the health of the Mediterranean, adding to other anthropogenic pressures, including those from climate change. Yet in co ...
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Coastal environment, technology and innovation in the Arctic (CETIA)

Start date: Jun 29, 2011, End date: Jun 28, 2014,

The overall objective: To increase knowledge and provide innovative solutions to address common environmental risks and challenges in the Barents region. The specific objective: CETIA aims to contribute to develop new approaches to monitor the coastal environment and new technologies of bio-remeditation, and by establishing cross-border cooperation in academic training. ...
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It is widely accepted that a lowered input of pesticides on a farm level will also reduce leaching and outflow of pesticides to marine environments. In order to minimize input of pesticides on a farm level, several challenges exist as: a) weeds, pests and diseases are not homogeneously distributed in time and space, b) different weeds, pests and diseases have different negative impact in different ...
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"The Coordinating Action (hereafter ""the project"") will establish an effective collaboration network among key role players in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries research and management. The participants in the project include national research institutes from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries with a long history and active participation in fisheries research and assessment, who provide a ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The Community Plant Health Regime (CPHR) aims to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of regulated and quarantine plant pests. These pests pose increasing risks to European agriculture, horticulture, forestry and the environment. This is due to increased globalisation of trade (volume and diversity), but is exacerbated by climate change and EU expansion (increased pathways). In compa ...
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