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The main goal of AGROinLOG is the demonstration of Integrated Biomass Logistic Centres (IBLC) for food and non-food products, evaluating their technical, environmental and economic feasibility. The project is based on three agro-industries in the fodder (Spain), olive oil production (Greece) and cereal processing (Sweden) sectors that are willing to deploy new business lines in their facilities to ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

The overall objective of WADI project is to contribute to the reduction of losses in water transmission systems and decrease the related energy consumption required for the process. WADI aims to develop an airborne water leak detection surveillance service to provide water utilities with adequate information on leaks in water infrastructure outside urban areas, thus enabling the utility to promptl ...
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Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids (MEAN4SG)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

MEAN4SG network aims to educate 11 young researchers in the smart grids metrology field by constructing a training network gathering the whole innovation value chain. The main EU actors in the field of smart grids metrology have worked together, under the umbrella of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), and relying on the support of the International Electrotechnica ...
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The main goal of VULKANO is the retrofitting of two types of industrial furnaces, namely preheating and melting, applied on three energy–intensive sectors (steel, ceramic and aluminium) with a huge number of potential users in Europe. Thus, this project aims to design, implement and validate an advanced retrofitting integrated solution to increase the energy and environmental efficiency in existin ...
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The transition to a low carbon economy needs to achieve multiple aims: competitiveness, protection of the environment, creation of quality jobs, and social welfare. Thus policy-makers and other key stakeholders require tools that need to focus beyond the energy sector by including these other domains of economy, society and the environment. Currently, most available tools lack integration of these ...
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Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

By 2020, several areas of the HVAC pan-European transmission system will be operated with extremely high penetrations of Power Electronics(PE)-interfaced generators, thus becoming the only generating units for some periods of the day or of the year – due to renewable (wind, solar) electricity. This will result in i) growing dynamic stability issues for the power system (possibly a new major barrie ...
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Heating consumption in the residential sector in Europe is around 2300 TWh/y, DHW consumptions reaches 500 TWh/y, while cooling consumption is less than 100 TWh/y. The construction sector offers unique opportunities to decarbonise the European economy. However, as the replacement rate of the existing stock is very small (1-1.5 % per year), acceleration is needed.On top of this, the reorganisation ...
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Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency (Indus3Es)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Large quantities of waste heat are continuously rejected from industries. Most of this waste energy, however, is of low-quality and is not practical or economical to recover it with current technologies. The Indus3Es project will develop an innovative Absorption Heat Transformer (AHT) for this purpose, focused on low temperature waste heat recovery (below 130ºC). The Indus3Es System will effective ...
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uP_running project aims to set the path for the development of the bioenergy utilisation of agrarian pruning and plantation removal (APPR) wood obtained from vineyards, olive groves and fruit tree plantations. uP_running vocation is the abatement of the current immobilism of the value chain actors for the utilization of APPR woody biomass. For that purpose uP_running incorporates a set of straight ...
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Saving COOPerative Energy (SCOoPE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

SCOoPE project will work directly with energy-intense agro-food industries to implement cross-cutting and collaborative energy management systems addressed to reduce their energy consumption, and will further spread this knowledge within technicians, businesses managers, and energy and agro-food institutions.The project SCOoPE aims at achieving the challenges of the topic EE 16-2014/2015. Regardin ...
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Four major Distribution System Operators (in Italy, France, Spain and Sweden) with smart metering infrastructure in place, associated with electricity retailers, aggregators, software providers, research organizations and one large consumer, propose five large-scale demonstrations to show that the deployment of novel services in the electricity retail markets (ranging from advanced monitoring to l ...
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SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning (SIMPLA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

SIMPLA responds to topic EE 7 ‘Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures’ and its ultimate goal is empowering public authorities to develop, implement and finance sustainable energy policies and actions by creating the conditions for a smart integration between SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mob ...
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ENERINVEST Spanish Sustainable Energy financing Platform (ENERINVEST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

The technical and economic viability of sustainable energy projects is of great interest to public institutions, businesses and individuals due to the associated energy savings and the additional economic and environmental benefits. The EU has articulated numerous mechanisms to encourage the mobilization of investment in terms of sustainable energy, and in Spain there are currently several of them ...
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Supermarkets comprise various technical disciplines: buildings, heating-, cooling- and ventilations systems. Over one million supermarkets across Europe require ca. 4% of the total electricity. New integrated technologies for more efficient supermarkets are now available and efficiency improvements up to 30% have already been demonstrated. These heating and cooling technologies offer in the mid-te ...
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AWESOME network aims to educate eleven young researchers in the wind power operation and maintenance (O&M) field by constructing a sustainable training network gathering the whole innovation value chain. The main EU actors in the field of wind O&M have worked together, under the umbrella of the European Wind Energy Academy (EAWE), in order to design a training program coping with the principal R&D ...
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"A group of eight Transmission System Operators with a generator company, manufacturers and research organisations, propose 5 demonstration projects to remove, in 4 years, several barriers which prevent large-scale penetration of renewable electricity production in the European transmission network. The full scale demonstrations led by industry aim at proving the benefits of novel technologies cou ...
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TRaIning Behaviours towards Energy efficiency: Play it! (TRIBE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

TRIBE project aims to contribute to a citizens’ behaviour change towards energy efficiency in public buildings, through their engagement in the experience of playing a social game, linked by ICT to real time data collected from 5 pilot buildings hosting around 1.300 regular users (employees, tenants…) and almost 12.000 eventual users (visitors). The targeted average energy savings in the pilots is ...
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Integrated Research Programme on Wind Energy (IRPWIND)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

IRPWIND is an integrated research programme that combines strategic research projects and support activities within the field of Wind Energy, with the aim of leveraging the long term European research potential. The concept behind this programme is built on the success of existing initiatives supporting the SET Plan Agenda such as the European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme on Wind Ener ...
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New Energy Efficient Demonstration for Buildings (NEED4B)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

NEED4B aims to develop an open and easily replicable methodology for designing, constructing, and operating new low energy buildings, aiming to a large market uptake. The NEED4B methodology will be validated and refined by a strong demonstration programme, envisaging the construction of 27.000 square meters, spread among five different climatic zones, buildings types and uses.The weighted average ...
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"The objective of SteamBio is to demonstrate a mobile processing concept that will enable efficient pre-treatment of agro-forestry residues for use as flexible feedstocks in chemical and process industries. These ligno-cellulosic materials originated from rural locations will be upgraded and densified into uniform sizes at source, allowing cost-effective transportation to existing industrial sites ...
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FABRIC addresses directly the technological feasibility, economic viability and socio-environmental of dynamic on-road charging of electric vehicles.FABRIC responds to the need to assess the potential and feasibility of a more extensive integration of electric vehicles in the mobility and transportation system, focusing primarily on dynamic wireless charging which would allow practically all of th ...
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The DISIRE project has been inspired by the real existing needs of multiple industrial sectors, including the world leading industrial partners in the non-ferrous, ferrous, chemical and steel industries that are highly connected and already affiliated with the SPIRE PPP and its objectives. The overall clear and measurable objective of the DISIRE project is to evolve the existing industrial process ...
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The aim of greenGain is to strengthen the energy use of regional and local biomass from the maintenance of areas and landscape elements, which is performed in the public interest. The scope of the biomass used, will be any material predominantly produced from nature conservation and landscape management, but not from energy-crops. The main target groups are regional and local players, who are res ...
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Buildings Operational stage represents 80% of building’s life-cycle cost of which 50% is consequence of the energy use. Up to 90% of the buildings’ life cycle carbon emissions occur during their operational phase, mainly as consequence of the HVAC, lighting and appliances’ energy use. Therefore, energy and cost saving strategies addressing this building operation phase will have a major impact in ...
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"TOP REF aims to develop and validate specific indicators, methodologies and non-invasive tools devoted to the improvement of resource efficiency in energy intensive continuous industrial processes in the non-ferrous, chemical and petrochemical sectors. This methodologies and tools, will allow the consecution of the TOP-REF final impacts:• To improve energy efficiency by 20% compared with the cu ...
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European Commission plans for wind energy development by 2020, highlights a fully competitive onshore wind power with 20% penetration. One of the better opportunities to fulfil this aim is the integration of small and medium wind turbines into urban and peri-urban environments, due to the potential market given. However, nowadays there are several barriers) that have relegated the Small Wind Turbi ...
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The EU Ecolabel identifies products and services that contribute to sustainability because they have demonstrated a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle. There are already more than 17,000 EU Ecolabelled products on the market, but there are no references for road products and infrastructuresThe concept of the LCE4ROADS project arises from the necessity of a new, green, holisti ...
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NIWE project will demonstrate a new production process able to decrease the embodied energy of the foundry products by over 25%, reducing drastically its carbon footprint. The demonstration will be performed in the aluminium, iron and steel sectors.The expected energy efficiency gains are due to a new furnace that, by means of a power transmission system based on induction, will allow a highly fle ...
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The main aim of this project is to support the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level through developing strategies, and roadmaps that will be informed by a “computerized and easy to use” toolset (and respective databases) with update harmonized datasets at local, regional, national and pan European level for EU27, western Balkans, Turkey and U ...
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Agricultural residues could represent a good source of biomass to convert into energy in particular wherever it is impractical to convert cropland to energy crop cultivation . According to FAO’s reportage (1997) , large quantities of ligneous biomass can be obtained from pruning operations carried out in Mediterranean fruit plantations. Agricultural residues therefore play an important role in any ...
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"Lightweight ceramics and fibre reinforced ceramic composites, such as non-oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) and Expanded Graphite (EG), represent very promising solutions for high temperature applications in strategic industrial sectors, such as transport and energy. In fact, these materials are one of topical priorities of the European Technology Platform EuMAT and a strategic issue of the ...
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The general objective of EFEVE project is the improvement of the new technologies to manufacturing of materials (aluminium and magnesium alloy) and processes and new technologies of production that are more energy efficient, improve manufacturing productivity, optimize raw material consumption, flexible mold changes and manufacturing capability of producing multiple components, ...etc.The developm ...
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As the patterns of power generation and distribution are rapidly changing in Europe towards a highly dispersed and volatile system, Distribution System Operators need to completely change traditional ways of grid operations. Currently developed solutions to increase the intelligence of medium and low voltage grids to cope with this task are often highly specialized, non-replicable and therefore no ...
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Societal challenges, RTD and innovation offer opportunities to rejuvenate and transform the resource intensive chemical and process industries into eco-efficient high-tech solution providers, by switching to bio-based feedstock, improving efficiency of processes, by recycling waste materials and by looking at industry as an integrated system (industrial symbiosis). Objective of the Chemicals Regio ...
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Optimization of Oxygen-based CFBC Technology with CO2 capture (O2GEN)

Start date: Oct 18, 2012, End date: Oct 17, 2015,

The project objective is to demonstrate the concept of the second generation oxyfuel combustion that reduce significantly (50%) the overall efficiency penalty of CO2 capture into power plants, from approximately 12 to 6 efficiency points.One of the main drawbacks of CCS is the additional energy used for operation. This energetic penalty reduces the power plant efficiency, and increases the cost of ...
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The proposed solution lies on getting user friendly LCA-LCC methodology specialized for the wine chain production. Thereby it is to make available a simplified LCA-LCC on-line available tool that enables wine makers (not expert in LCA methodology) to perform a self-assessment of its wine making process, in order to detect environmental charges, impacts and costs, for each process stage. Afterwards ...
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Wireless charging for Electic Vehicles (UNPLUGGED)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

UNPLUGGED project aims to investigate how the use of inductive charging of Electric Vehicles (EV) in urban environments improves the convenience and sustainability of car-based mobility. In particular, it will be investigated how smart inductive charging infrastructure can facilitate full EV integration in the urban road systems while improving customer acceptance and perceived practicality. UNPLU ...
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Water and Energy for Life in Libya (WELL)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"The WELL project aims to strength the capacities of the General Water Authority while turning it into an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Libyan’s water and energy sectors by defining research priorities in water and energy to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in the European water and energy resear ...
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Le secteur de la construction représente un secteur stratégique d'intérêt dans l'espace SUDOE, qui présente des interactions évidentes entre ladurabilité environnementale, la compétitivité économique et la R&D.Le projet UrbiLCA a pour objectif de promouvoir les économies d'énergie, de matières premières et la réduction des impacts environnementaux liés à la gestion des zones urbaines durant leur c ...
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New Designs of Ecological Furnaces (EDEFU)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2014,

The general objective of the EDEFU project consists in developing new technologies of heating, new refractory materials to improve heat insulations and new designs for innovating recovery systems for residues for industrial furnaces in Non ferrous metals, glass, ceramics and cement industries. The evaluation of the success of the project will be realised through the validation of real scale demon ...
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