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4 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Advanced Laminar Flow tAilplane (ALFA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Project ALFA (Advanced Laminar Flow tAilplane) is initiated by an industrial partner (Fokker) and a research centre (NLR), in response to the 2nd Call for proposal of CS2, under the topic “Laminar Horizontal Tail Plane full scale ground demonstrator”.The objective of ALFA is to push forward laminar flow technology by developing, designing and manufacturing a full scale demonstrator of a Natural L ...
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AFLoNext is a four year EC L2 project with the objective of proving and maturing highly promising flow control technologies for novel aircraft configurations to achieve a quantum leap in improving aircraft’s performance and thus reducing the environmental footprint. The project consortium is composed by forty European partners from fifteen countries. The work has been broken down into seven work p ...
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AGILE targets multidisciplinary optimization using distributed analysis frameworks. The involvement of many disciplinary analyses ranging up to high levels of fidelity and agile workflow management are considered to be state-of-the-art and starting point for AGILE. Advanced optimization techniques and strategies will be developed in order to exploit available computing systems and to gain faster c ...
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Cost Efficient Advanced Leading Edge Structure 2 (COALESCE2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2012,

"The objective is to develop new integrated technology and design concepts for fixed leading edge structure to achieve greater than 30% reduction in recurring manufacturing and assembly cost compared to to-day’s highly fabricated structure. The Project will explore material and processing technology options for both metallic and composite structural solutions that will result in preferred concepts ...
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