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13 European Projects Found

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The Baltic fashion sector is mainly composed of SMEs, with large share of females not only in services & administration but also production (80% in new member states). Despite dramatic changes within the last decade resulting in a loss of a third of its volume and jobs textile, clothing and leather industries still highly contribute to employment esp in the E-BSR, where the sector counts for appro ...
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How to link strong research nodes, clusters and SME networks in the Baltic Sea region in order to jointly reach globally-leading innovation partnerships? How to use the high innovation potential of the region to address common societal challenges?StarDust was designed to give answers to these questions. Besides the concrete testing of collaboration methods, policy implication should be drawn on ho ...
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Helsinki-Tallinn Transport and Planning Scenarios (H-TTransPlan)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

In Estonia and in Finland the closer integration of the countries is seen important to support competitiveness of the sparsely populated area. The Helsinki-Tallinn twin-city region (HTTCR) is seen as the driver of integration due to proximity of the capitals. Despite vision documents created in all political levels, the region is not yet truly developed together. The project will discuss the imp ...
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The objective is to create permanent co-operation and network between cultural historical museums and artisans of Southwest Finland and Estonia by improving the co-operation between museums at the field of archaeology and pedagogism. This goal is also achieved by increasing the professionalism of artisans and developing new museum products. The project strengthens also the identity and historical ...
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SHARE Academic Network

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Through the SHARE Academic Network (STEP CHANGE HIGHER ARTS RESEARCH + EDUCATION), the European Higher Arts Education sector delivers a systematically coordinated STEP CHANGE in realising an EU-wide integrated enhancement of 3rd cycle creative education. The 3rd cycle in higher arts education is the essential education and research bed for the creative industries, a key fast growing sector in Euro ...
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Turning the Skills ON

Start date: Sep 1, 2009,

The international training course will gather 28 youth workers from Programme Countries and Eastern European and Caucasus neighbouring partner countries for improving the working skills, knowledge, competences and attitudes on conflict management in the frame of youth wokr and to learn how can they implement these methods and new competences in their organisations and daily life.
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Sex Doesn't Matter - or does it?

Start date: Sep 1, 2007,

Atomic Culture / SDF Gunnared, Gothenburg, is organizing a training course for a total of 41 youth leaders from Sweden, Lithuania, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Norway, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Greece and Estonia. Training course aims at raising awareness of gender equality and its importance in work with young people. During training, a practical tool will be develope ...
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EMAIL III is an Erasmus Mundus Action II project for the cooperation of higher education institutions from the EU and Israel. The consortium consists of 18 full partners and 4 associated partners, from Israel 8 HEIs and 1 NGO in the role of associated partner, from the EU, 10 HEIs and 3 associated partners (2 university networks and 1 NGO).The main activity of EMAIL III is the mobility exchange be ...
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Creativity and innovation are crucial aspects of learning and personal development, though they are often overlooked in education due to the cross-disciplinary nature of their scope. To address this problem, creaCIT will deliver narrative driven education modules containing interactive media content, using state of the art web 2.0 technologies within the creaCIT Learning Environment (LE).The creaC ...
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The project intends to develop a training tool in the field of the application of new technologies to music, which aims at setting an EU-wide standard in this field. The training will enrich teaching of music composition by integrating it with the use of information technologies in several areas (sound design and sound conception). The following steps are planned: analysis of the music teaching pr ...
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Contemporary Self-Portraits

Start date: Sep 3, 2012,

...e in self-portrayal, method development, communal arts, curating, organising exhibitions and cooperation on European level. The partners of the consortium are: Association ISSP (LV), Bildmuseet (SE), Estonian Academy of Arts and National Academy of Arts and Design (IE). CSP partners have defined their primary workshop target groups: disadvantaged communities, elderly, immigrants, school classes, s ...
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Start date: May 1, 2010,

The project "Recuperating the Invisible Past" with wide range of activities - research, exhibitions, festival, symposium, conference, educational program and publications - will focus on reconstruction and articulation of art and culture in former Eastern European countries - their histories and role during Socialist period, and their contemporary legacy. These histories are complex and specific i ...
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