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"Type 1 diabetes is caused by an inflammatory process which damage insulin-producing beta-cells in the pancreas. It is one of the most common chronic diseases and its incidence is rapidly increasing. Due to its complications it causes a significant medical and economic burden to European society. A causal association between enterovirus and type 1 diabetes has become more and more likely. The aim ...
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Chronic inflammatory diseases associated with allergy, including asthma and rhinitis, constitute a major and continuously growing public health concern for Europe. However, the causative factors and mechanisms converting a physiological inflammatory reaction to a chronic response triggering allergic disease remain elusive.Viral infections, particularly those caused by human rhinoviruses (RV) are t ...
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Europe must face the Grand Challenges of climate change and global warming, which will seriously affect the production of foods, including animal feeds. Tightening supplies of energy, foods and feeds will further impact on food security. Feeding animals in Europe with large quantities of imported soyabeans is not sustainable. ‘Home-grown’ protein sources, such as forage legumes, offer a valuable a ...
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Environmental change and particularly amplified global climate change are accelerating in the Arctic. These changes already affect local residents and feedback from the Arctic’s land surface to the climate system, will have global implications. However, climate change and its impacts are variable throughout the wide environmental and land use envelopes of the Arctic. Unfortunately, the Arctic is g ...
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Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong, incapacitating disease affecting multiple organs. Worldwide prevalence figures estimate that there will be 246 million diabetic patients in 2007 and 380 million in 2025. Presently, diabetes can neither be prevented nor cured and the disease is associated with devastating chronic complications including coronary heart disease and stroke (macrovascular disease) as we ...
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Faced with important social, professional and technological developments, research training in translation and multilingual/multimedia communication must meet new needs and develop common strategies between private/public institutions and academia. TIME will create a unique training platform to meet these needs.General objectives1. To train four ESRs and one ER to become experts in translation and ...
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Europe has the highest proportion of elderly people in the world. Cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), sarcopenia and cognitive decline frequently coexist in the same aged individual, sharing common early risk factors and being mutually reinforcing. Obesity is a main health concern in the world. In the EU one-third of women of reproductive age are overweight and 20% are obese, a pr ...
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Chemical Bioanalysis (CHEBANA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Chemical Bioanalysis aims for retrieving selective information out of complex biological systems. Sensors, probes and devices are the future tools of medicinal diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food analysis and molecular biology. The ITN CHEBANA provides interdisciplinary research training for early stage and experienced researchers and focuses on the most important techniques in the field. ...
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"It is a worldwide, worrisome phenomenon that faunal endemism is threatened by introduced species populating new habitats, a process that is aided by the growing globalization which makes natural dispersal barriers more permeable. One of the most successful invaders of Europe is the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), a mammal that severely affects endemic biodiversity while thriving in new en ...
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"The Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA will be the first open facility for gamma-ray astronomy in thevery-high-energy domain, with a performance which is dramatically improved over existing instruments in terms of sensitivity, energy coverage, survey capability and flexibility. CTA will probe non-thermal phenomena in the Universe – known to have comparable energy content to other forms of energy ...
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Chemical Biology is a new, supradisciplinary field that unites the classically separate disciplines of Chemistry and Biology. This network is centred around understanding the central biological process of phosphate transfer and combines leading experts in synthetic chemistry, enzyme model building, kinetic analysis, protein chemistry and directed evolution in a concerted effort to gain a quantitat ...
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The objective of the ACUSEP research project is to develop an integrated, dry-reagent based disposable ready-to-use cartridge enabling rapid analysis of sepsis-causing organisms and eventual identification of antibiotic resistance directly from suspected blood samples. Sepsis causes annually up to 135 000 deaths in Europe and the early diagnosis is the key to improved survival. Identification of t ...
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"Preliminary data indicate that there is a strong association between the incidence of immune-mediated diseases and improving standard of living and hygiene. One of the steepest gradient in standard of living worldwide is present at the border between Russian Karelia and Finland with a sevenfold difference in the gross national product, while Estonia represents a country in rapid transition. These ...
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The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor is an evolutionary conserved widely expressed transcription factor that mediates the toxicity of a substantial variety of exogenous toxins, but is also stimulated by endogenous physiological ligands. While it is known that this receptor mediates the toxicity of dioxin, this is unlikely to be its physiological function. We have recently identified selective expression ...
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The SEPServer project will address the topic SPA.2010.2.1-03, Exploitation of space science and exploration data, of the call FP7-SPACE-2010-1. Through its impact, the project may also support other projects funded through the topic SPA.2010.2.3-01, Security of space assets from space weather events.The main objective of the SEPServer project is to produce a new tool, which greatly facilitates the ...
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"The MemTide Initial Training Network will create a new generation of synthesis technologies for peptide and oligonucleotide (“tide”) manufacture, with focus on the use of emerging membrane technology to effect critical separations. New nanofiltration membranes with improved chemical stability, and closely controlled molecular discrimination properties, will be developed. Novel synthesis strategie ...
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Systems Biology of T-cell Activation in Health and Disease (SYBILLA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

T-cell activation, whether induced by pathogens or auto-antigens, is a complex process relying on multiple layers of tightly controlled intracellular signalling modules that form an intricate network. Defects in this network can cause severe and chronic disorders such as autoimmune diseases. Although 5% of the population suffer from these diseases, only a few therapeutic treatments are available. ...
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Given the increasing number of patients/consumers with dementia, political action is urgently required to prepare the health care services throughout Europe to deliver cost effective high quality long-term care to people concerned. Currently there is a lack of clinical research data of patients/consumers and informal caregivers to develop best practice strategies for long-term care. RightTimePlace ...
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"New and recent developments have revolutionized the prostate cancer research and clinical arenas, requiring the next generation scientists to have comprehensive knowledge and expertise in basic, clinical and applied research. PRO-NEST offers young researchers a European integrated, multi-disciplinary training programme to become an independent and all-round scientist and team leader in (prostate) ...
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"Photoprotection against excess absorbed light energy is an essential and universal attribute of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. This requirement has been a strong force in the evolution of plants and micro-organisms, and a diverse range of solutions have arisen. It has determined survival, productivity and habitat preference, and it determines the ceiling on the efficiency of energy conversion ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

The search for effective therapies and early detection strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), the major cause of dementia in Europe, is imperative. It is known that β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide plays a central role in neurodegeneration. In AD brain, Aβ is released in a soluble form that progressively becomes insoluble forming aggregates; extracellular plaques mainly composed of Aβ are a hallmark of po ...
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Cancer progression, characterized by uncontrolled proliferation and motility of cells, is a complex and deadly process. Integrins, a major cell surface adhesion receptor family, are transmembrane proteins known to regulate cell behaviour by transducing extracellular signals to cytoplasmic protein complexes. We and others have shown that recruitment of specific protein complexes by the cytoplasmic ...
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Antigenic landscape analysis of dengue virus serotypes (ALADVS)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

"Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease, which has become an important international public health problem. Dengue can be caused by any of the four closely related, yet antigenically distinct serotypes of dengue viruses (DENV-1, -2, 3 and -4) that are members of family Flaviviridae (genus flavivirus). DENV causes disease ranging from mild dengue fever, to the potentially fatal dengue hemorrhagic ...
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Genetic biodiversity is recognised by the Convention on Biological Diversity and the EC Biodiversity Strategy as one of three essential elements of living diversity, yet it is poorly represented at the policy level, compared to the two other components, species and ecosystems. The CONGRESS consortium aims to rectify this situation by delivering dissemination tools which policy makers and conservat ...
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"The GOETE project will analyse the role of school in re-conceptualising education in terms of lifelong learning by combining a life course and a governance perspective. In European knowledge societies adequacy of education means a balance of individual, social and economic aspects. This is operationalised by exploring how educational institutions conceptualise and organise individual educational ...
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Privacy - Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics (PRACTIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The vision that motivates PRACTIS is of a society that is aware of the evolving challenges to privacy posed by emerging technologies and is equipped to respond to them. PRACTIS will assess the potential impacts on privacy from emerging technologies and new scientific knowledge. It will propose ethical frameworks and legal procedures for coping with potential risks to privacy. It will explore novel ...
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The development of sensitive, non-invasive methods for the characterisation and quantification of beta-cell mass would greatly enhance our means for gaining understanding of the pathophysiology of diabetes and allow the development of novel therapies to prevent, halt and reverse the disease. The aim of this project is to develop and apply innovative approaches for beta-cell imaging, the emphasis b ...
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Prostate cancer: profiling and evaluation of ncRNA (ProspeR)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2012,

Annually, over 200 000 new prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in Europe. This number is expected to further increase due to widespread use of prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests on asymptomatic men and an aging population. This leads to high rate of over-detection, where most cases will never experience cancer symptoms during their lifetime. Hence, our current lack of means to predict prostate ...
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Chloroplast Signals (COSI)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"COSI integrates young researchers in a network of 10 leading European research centres, including Bayer BioScience as industrial partner. We aim at identification of regulatory principles governing chloroplast metabolism, a crucial factor for agricultural productivity. Specifically we want to identify chloroplast-related protein kinases and their targets and associated calcium signals. A long ter ...
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Integrating and Developing European Asian Studies (IDEAS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"Many EU and non-EU governments have concluded that the Humanities and Social Sciences could and should make a greater contribution to public policy making. For instance, the Pentagon has recently admitted that top US decision-makers were not sufficiently informed about the cultural background of Iraq when they planned the 2003 US-led invasion. Cultural perspective is essential in foreign policy-m ...
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The main purpose of the EVINCI-study is to test the impact of combined “anatomo-functional” non invasive cardiac imaging for detection and characterization of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD). The EVINCI-study is a prospective clinical European multicenter trial performed in a cohort of 700 patients with suspected IHD. Patients with intermediate pre-test probability will undergo clinical and biohumora ...
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"The overall objective of this proposal is to develop and validate a quantitative, minimally invasive diagnostic tool for early and conclusive detection, diagnosis and monitoring of disease and disease progression of breast and prostate cancer. A methodology will be developed making use of a combination of the probably most exciting recent advances in the field of light microscopy, for fluorescenc ...
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Developmental effects of environment on reproductive health (DEER)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"The multidisciplinary research teams in this consortium have played lead roles in establishing that fetal and childhood periods are vulnerable to environmental disruption leading to common reproductive disorders. This proposal will investigate: (1) connections between normal/abnormal perinatal reproductive development and maturation of reproductive function at puberty and in adulthood; (2) system ...
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"SOLAR-H2 brings together 12 world-leading European laboratories to carry out integrated, basic research aimed at achieving renewable hydrogen (H2) production from environmentally safe resources. The vision is to develop novel routes for the production of a Solar-fuel, in our case H2, from the very abundant, effectively inexhaustible resources, solar energy and water. Our multidisciplinary experti ...
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In recent years, Foresight has emerged as a key instrument for the development and implementation of research and innovation policies with long-term perspectives. Much futures work and Foresight exercises are little more than extrapolations. Some activities show an interesting mix of approaches combining three types of elements: prospective studies of long-term opportunities and alternatives, part ...
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Promotional Platform for Short Sea Shipping and Intermodality (PROPS)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

The PROPS project builds on previous EU and national activities undertaken to promote and develop short sea shipping. In particular, PROPS aims to work closely with the Short Sea Promotion Centres (SPCs) to develop a workable and replicable methodology that will enhance their practical promotion activities – in the fields of legislative, technical, and operational actions – and to extend their ope ...
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Over the past two decades, an increasing proportion of North Atlantic salmon are dying at sea during their oceanic feeding migration. The specific reasons for the decline in this important species are as yet unknown, however, climate change is likely to be an important factor. In some rivers in the southern part of the salmons range, wild salmon now face extinction. This is in spite of unprecedent ...
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PAthways for Carbon Transitions (PACT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Most «business-as-usual scenarios» built up till now have shown that hydrocarbon resources scarcity and the growing release of greenhouse gases will bring the world far away from sustainability over the next decades. Then, deep changes in behaviours away from «BAU» are unavoidable long before the turn of the century in a move towards a post-carbon society. Urbanisation and mobility are probably ...
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Engineered nanomaterials (ENs) present tremendous opportunities for industrial growth and development, and hold great promise for the enrichment of the lives of citizens, in medicine, electronics, and numerous other areas. However, there are considerable gaps in our knowledge concerning the potential hazardous effects of ENs on human health and the environment. Our EU-US partnership is committed t ...
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Novel strategic approach to design better vaccines (INNOVAC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2011,

"The structure and thermodynamic properties of Y. pestis capsular Caf1 antigen were studied to explain the failure of this protein to induce the cellular immune response. During the assembling of the Caf1 capsule, the collapse of Caf1 hydrophobic core results in the formation of extremely stable Caf1 fibers. This increases resistance of the Caf1 antigen to processing in macrophages and thereby abo ...
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