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Translation Research Training: An integrated and intersectoral model for Europe (TIME)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Faced with important social, professional and technological developments, research training in translation and multilingual/multimedia communication must meet new needs and develop common strategies between private/public institutions and academia. TIME will create a unique training platform to meet these needs.General objectives1. To train four ESRs and one ER to become experts in translation and multilingual/multimedia communication, making them conscious of Europe’s needs for linguistic diversity and fit to meet the new market requirements of the European knowledge-based society;2. To create a network that is able to produce a new generation of doctoral graduates that meet the profile mentioned above;3. To increase the involvement of private/public institutions in research training in Translation Studies by kick-starting joint research training, which will lead to sustainable cooperation;4. To raise the awareness of industry of the scope and relevance of translation research and, conversely, to raise awareness within academia of the needs of private and public institutions;5. To establish the foundations for an academic/private sector joint PhD training and a joint doctoral degree.Specific objectives1. To provide insight into the state and evolution of the European translation market, i.e. knowledge about the future demand and supply for translation services other than from a purely economic viewpoint;2. To provide insight into the benefits for private/public institutions of a long-term strategic approach to translation and multilingual/multimedia communication, which will facilitate all forms of exchange and integration and promote linguistic diversity in Europe;3. To formulate best practices for this long-term strategic approach.Interdisciplinary objectives1. To use the insights generated by private/public sector-driven research for PhD training and vice versa;2. To become partner in the industry of language technology.
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