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6 European Projects Found

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Following the tradition of scientific collaboration between EU and the EECA region, and built on the sound outcomes and lessons learnt of three clustering projects (ISTOK-SOYUS, SCUBE and EXTEND), a group of leading EU and EECA specialists from twelve countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbeki ...
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Youth photo games

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

Training Course "Youth photo games" from 1st to 9th June 2012 is about promotion of voluntarism using creative photography as a method for social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities.Venue: Sremski Karlovci, SerbiaThe type of project: Training Course, Sub - Action 3.1The theme is promotion of voluntarism values and inclusion of excluded youth groups through photography.Target group on our t ...
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...-formaleducation will provide the participants step by step with theory, tools and skills for the realization of own futureactivities. The general goal of the project is to strengthen volunteering in European youth work, especially inSEE through e.g. raising the awareness of the value and importance of volunteering. The project will take placein Gradacac, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 26.03.-02.04.2011 with ...
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The SEMINAR "Sharing-Leaming-Protecting: Volunteering as the tool for sustainable environmentalprotection" Kljuc, Bosnia-Herzegovina, M* of March- 22nd of March 2011 in the fiamework of the YOUTHin ACTION program is dedicated to the discussion of working experiences and strategies in their work withyouth within the fields of education for sustainable development, pedagogical aspects of environment ...
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Youth Unlimited

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

... beactive in civil society or youth activities at local and regional level; to develop creative and attractive ways of citizenship education through youthwork.The main themes of the activity are European awareness and youth participation through active citizenship. The working methods that we will use are: workshops, plenary discussions, role playing, simulating exercises, mind showering and ...
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URBAN EMPATHY will consolidate a permanent structure to work on transforming existing results from preselected MED projects and key European programmes into effective policies related to Sustainable Urban Models (SUMO). - 1st (WP3), the results will be evaluated through a set of transferability criteria and cross checked to ensure that they comply with the SUMO shared by the partners. In parallel, ...
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