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Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health (LIFECYCLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

Early life is an important window of opportunity to improve health across the full lifecycle. European pregnancy and child cohort studies together offer an unique opportunity to identify a wide range of early life stressors linked with individual biological, developmental and health trajectory variations, and to the onset and evolution of non-communicable diseases. LIFECYCLE will establish the Eur ...
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global public health threat, and most troublesome is the rapid emergence and dissemination of multidrug resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There is an unmet medical need to prevent P. aeruginosa infection in critically ill patients and to develop new antibiotics for infections caused by Gram-negative bacte ...
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Origins of Alzheimer's disease across the life-course (ORACLE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

The origins of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remain elusive. The long pre-clinical phase of AD is universally recognized, but it is not known when predisposition for AD develops nor when the first signs and symptoms become discernable. In this regard, an essential role is played by the ‘reserve’ capacity of the brain, which is built up in early life and acts as buffer against adverse risk factors later ...
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Cerebellar modules and the Ontogeny of Sensorimotor Integration (COSI)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2021,

The perfect execution of a voluntary movement requires the appropriate integration of current bodily state, sensory input and desired outcome. To assure that this motor output becomes and remains appropriate, the brain needs to learn from the result of previous outputs. The cerebellum plays a central role in sensorimotor integration, yet -despite decades of studies- there is no generally excepted ...
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Molecular in vitro diagnostics and biomedical research have allowed great progress in personalised medicine but further progress is limited by insufficient guidelines for pre-analytical workflow steps (sample collection, preservation, storage, transport, processing etc.) as well as by insufficient quality assurance of diagnostic practice. This allows using compromised patients’ samples with post c ...
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Screening for vision and hearing disorders in children has shown to be highly effective. EU-directive 16620/11 invites EU-member states to give priority to such screening programmes. Early detection and treatment of a lazy eye (prevalence 3%) prevents lifelong visual impairment. Early detection and treatment of hearing impairment (prevalence 0.15%) prevents delayed speech and language development. ...
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Mental, cognitive, vision and hearing health problems in elderly people are amongst the top 10 public health challenges in Europe. They frequently occur co-concurrently and have an additive negative effect on quality of life and mental well-being. To address this negative impact, and promote mental well-being, particularly from a gender and minority community perspective, SENSE-Cog's aim is to: (1 ...
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A well-functioning locomotor system is essential for human well-being. This is an important consideration in our aging population with the increased associated costs of ensuring high quality of life. Many people suffer from diseases of the locomotor system, such as bone defects or osteoarthritis, for which current treatments are insufficient. To develop new treatments, CarBon includes 6 academic p ...
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The European Training Network DNAREPAIRMAN aims to train a new generation of innovative young scientists in cutting edge biophysical research methodology to address central questions in biology concerning the mode of action of critical molecular machines with relevance for human health. The Network consists of a highly collaborative consortium consisting of 12 participants coming from academia, in ...
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Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur ...
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The management of febrile patients is one of the most common and important problems facing healthcare providers. Distinction between bacterial infections and trivial viral infection on clinical grounds is unreliable, and as a result innumerable patients worldwide undergo hospitalization, invasive investigation and are treated with antibiotics for presumed bacterial infection when, in fact, they ar ...
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Translational Research Network in Prostate Cancer (TransPot)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The Translational Research Network for Prostate Cancer (TransPot) program adopts an innovative, multidisciplinary approach, providing highly sought-after, effective solutions for incurable prostate cancer (PC).The TransPot scientific objective is to obtain an unmatched depth of molecular, mechanistic and informatics systems-level disease understanding in order to improve the prognosis and treatmen ...
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This ITN will train 10 ESRs to meet the urgent need for translation of Auditory Neuroscience into commercial and pharmaceutical products to treat hearing disorders including tinnitus. Tinnitus is the debilitating perception of imaginary sound that is often associated with hearing loss. This Liaison in Scientific Training for European auditory Neuroscience (LISTEN) is a consortium of top hearing sc ...
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Common mechanisms and pathways in Stroke and Alzheimer's disease.It has long been recognized that stroke and (Alzheimer’s Disease) AD often co-occur and have an overlapping pathogenesis. As such, these two diseases are not considered fellow travelers, but rather partners in crime. This multidisciplinary consortium includes epidemiologists, geneticists, radiologists, neurologists with a longstandin ...
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Breast, colorectal and cervical cancer cause 250,000 deaths each year, representing 20% of EU-cancer mortality. Although important progress has been made in both detection and treatment, there is persisting inequity in progress to reduce its burden. Screening programmes vary substantially between countries and in most long-term effectiveness of screening has not yet been assessed. The objective of ...
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Background: Myopia (near-sightedness) is a growing public health issue due to its rapidly rising prevalence. In particular high myopia carries a significant risk of blindness for which there are no treatment options. The disease etiology of this trait is complex and largely unknown. We recently identified a large number of disease loci and genes, which provide significant clues for pathogenic path ...
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Children born preterm or with a small size at birth have increased risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in adulthood. These intriguing associations strongly suggest that common diseases have at least part of their origins in early fetal life. From both an etiological and preventive perspective, it is important to disentangle the early fetal critical periods and causal pathways. An a ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a common fatal inherited disease with a frequency of 1 in 2500 live births, affecting approximately 36,000 (0.737/10,000) people in the EU. Chronic bacterial pulmonary infection leading to an irreversible decline in lung structure and function is the main cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with CF, with more than 95% of deaths due to respiratory failure. Pseudomon ...
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Every year, 1.3 million Europeans have a stroke and one million ultimately die of stroke. One third of stroke patients remain dependent on the help of others. The annual costs for stroke care in Europe are estimated at € 64.1 billion. Stroke incidence increases almost exponentially with age, and the personal, societal, and economic burden of stroke is therefore largely driven by its frequent occur ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 p ...
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Background: Influenza viruses cause annual epidemic and occasional pandemics, both of which induce significant morbidity and mortality. Influenza infections affect all age groups but children and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of developing severe disease.Vaccination is the most effective approach to reduce the impact of annual influenza outbreaks and potential pandemics, however, the ...
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Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

Emerging infectious diseases are occurring at increasing frequency in Europe and other regions of the world, having profound impacts on public and/or veterinary health as well as disruptive effects on sector, regional or even global economy. The predominantly zoonotic nature of emerging pathogens calls for a One Health approach uniting the human medical and veterinary fields, dedicated to swiftly ...
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Major depressive disorder, dementia, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse affect a substantial part of the European older population. Over 70% of Europeans reside in cities, and this percentage will increase in the next decades. Urbanization and ageing have enormous implications for public mental health. Cities pose major challenges for older citizens, but also offer opportunities for the design ...
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RUBICON will establish a global network for staff exchange of scientists and for research training focussed on connective tissue disorders. It will bring together leading scientific groups from 5 European and 5 non-European countries who will study the molecular and biomechanical factors involved in the pathophysiology of connective tissues, including tendons, cartilage and bone. The ambitious obj ...
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DC-based immunotherapy to treat Malignant Mesothelioma (H2020MM04)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

...herapy consisting of a combination of pemetrexed and cisplatin is considered standard of care with a median survival increase of 3 months (9-12 months).The department of pulmonary diseases of the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in collaboration with international partners, have developed a promising personalised immunotherapy for MM with very limited adverse effects. The first clinical res ...
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Data-driven models for Progression Of Neurological Disease (EuroPOND)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

EuroPOND will develop a data-driven statistical and computational modeling framework for neurological disease progression. This will enable major advances in differential and personalized diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and treatment and care decisions, positioning Europe as world leaders in one of the biggest societal challenges of 21st century healthcare. The inherent complexity of neurologica ...
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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The emergence of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) is a global problem, having recently been elevated to the top three threats identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and subject of numerous national and international government activities, including the Trans-Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance established by the US and EU presidencies. The estimated costs of ARB are aro ...
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"The incidence of paediatric onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (PIBD) has risen dramatically in recent decades. Compared to adult forms, PIBD reflects a more severe disease, more often requiring aggressive treatment with immunomodulators, and thereby exposing children to a life-long risk of serious disease and treatment-related adverse events, such as infections and malignancies. Therefore, there ...
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The basic concept of our proposal is to develop nanoparticle-based encapsulated libraries of different immunotherapeutic biomolecules for treatment after surgery as part of a novel cancer management strategy. The current state-of-art for the management of cancer starts with surgery, after identification of an accessible tumour mass. Surgery remains an effective treatment option for many types of c ...
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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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COMPARE aims to harness the rapid advances in molecular technology to improve identification and mitigation of emerging infectious diseases and foodborne outbreaks. To this purpose COMPARE will establish a “One serves all” analytical framework and data exchange platform that will allow real time analysis and interpretation of sequence-based pathogen data in combination with associated data (e.g. c ...
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While prevention of most female specific cancers (ovarian, breast, endometrial) has not progressed substantially in recent years, significant progress has been made with cervical cancer due to accessibility of the cell of origin (cervical smear) and availability of a test for the causal agent (human papilloma virus); together these enable identification of high risk individuals and interventions t ...
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The social and economic challenges of ageing populations and chronic disease can only be met by translation of biomedical discoveries to new, innovative and cost effective treatments. The ESFRI Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures (BMS RI) underpin every step in this process; effectively joining scientific capabilities and shared services will transform the understanding of biological m ...
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Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the most frequent causes of death. But only 3% of the patients survive out-of-hospital resuscitation, and only 18% survive in-hospital resuscitation. Today the time-frame for successful resuscitation is only about 3 to 5 minutes after cardiac arrest. Thereafter, with every minute a rapid decline in survival is observed, tending to “zero” beyond ten minutes of CPR. F ...
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Aggression inflicts a huge personal, psychological and financial burden on affected individuals, their relatives, and society at large. Despite large scientific, preventive, and treatment investments, no decrease in aggressive behavior is seen. This calls for a shift to new approaches. By capitalising on comprehensive longitudinal cohorts, recent advances in genetic, biological, epidemiological, a ...
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The project aims at diagnosing oral and respiratory tract infections (RTIs) using a fully integrated, automated and user-friendly platform for physicians’ offices, schools, elderly care units, community settings, etc. Oral diseases (periodontitis, caries) will be detected via multiplexed, quantitative analysis of salivary markers (bacterial DNA and host response proteins) for early prevention and ...
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The consortium aims to commercialise the MMpredictor as a personalised medicine tool that predicts the most effective treatment strategy for individual Multiple Myeloma (MM) patients. MM is the second most common form of blood cancer contributing to 15% of all blood cancers and ~1,5% and 2% of all cancer deaths annually in the EU and US, respectively. Patients show a large variability in treatment ...
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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the world’s most important age-related blinding disorder. The current proposal utilises epidemiological data describing clinical phenotype, molecular genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, and in-depth retinal imaging derived from existing longitudinal European epidemiological cohorts and biobanks to provide three major insights needed for long-lasting prevention ...
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important public health problem worldwide, especially in older people. Indeed, population aging in industrialized countries is accompanied by an increase in the prevalence of CKD and its complications. Although its prevalence and the importance of an early diagnosis to prevent complications such as end-renal stage disease (ESRD), screening programme in Europe are ...
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"The dramatic differentials in healthy ageing, quality of life and life expectancy between individuals of different socioeconomic groups, is a major societal challenge facing Europe. The overarching aim of the LIFEPATH project is to understand the determinants of diverging ageing pathways among individuals belonging to different socio-economic groups. This will be achieved via an original study de ...
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