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Liver cirrhosis is a very common chronic disease and one of the leading causes of death in European. Moreover, cirrhosis has a marked impact in patients quality of life and represents a major burden for health systems. Treatment of cirrhosis is currently based on symptomatic management of complications and has not changed substantially in the last 20 years. There is an unmet need for therapies tha ...
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BIG HIT will create a replicable hydrogen territory in Orkney (Scotland) by implementing a fully integrated model of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and utilisation for heat, power and mobility. BIG HIT will absorb curtailed energy from two wind turbines and tidal turbines on the islands of Eday and Shapinsay, and use 1.5MW of PEM electrolysis to convert it into ~50 t pa of hydrogen. ...
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G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing together the major European and International repositories of germplasm with public and private institutions active in genomics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value of European horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within t ...
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Strength2Food is a 5-year, €6.9 million project to improve the effectiveness of EU food quality schemes (FQS), public sector food procurement (PSFP) and to stimulate Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) through research, innovation and demonstration activities. Our 30-partner consortium representing 11 EU and 4 non-EU countries combines leading academic, communication, SME and stakeholder organisations ...
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Formulations and Computational Engineering (FORCE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The FORCE consortium is a 10 pan-European expert partnership with the objective to develop a integrated Business Decision Support System (BDSS) based on open standards for industries engaged in formulating chemical ingredients. The generic BDSS is an open framework that connects any existing or future materials models at various levels of complexity and discretion (electronic, atomistic, mesoscop ...
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inteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid (DG), fostering the stability and coordination of distributed energy resources and enabling collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewa ...
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The challenges facing society in urban wastewater management cannot be solved by any one sector alone. ALICE (AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE) will accelerate innovation by bringing together and exchanging knowledge between the key players who can, together, address the future techno-economic, governance and societal challenges arising from climate change. I ...
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The mission of COMPOSELECTOR is to develop a Business Decision Support System (BDSS), which integrates materials modelling, business tools and databases into a single workflow to support the complex decision process involved in the selection and design of polymer-matrix composites (PMCs). This will be achieved by means of an open integration platform which enables interoperability and information ...
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Sharing Cities (SHAR-LLM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Sharing Cities has four key objectives. 1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value. ...
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Silicon carbide presents a high breakdown field (2-4 MV/cm) and a high energy band gap (2.3–3.2 eV), largely higher than for silicon. Within this frame, the cubic polytype of SiC (3C-SiC) is the only one that can be grown on a host substrate with the huge opportunity to grow only the silicon carbide thickness required for the targeted application. The possible growth on silicon substrate has remai ...
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The SeaDataNet pan-European infrastructure has been developed by NODCs and major research institutes from 34 countries. Over 100 marine data centres are connected and provide discovery and access to data resources for all European researchers. Moreover, SeaDataNet is a key infrastructure driving several portals of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet), initiated by EU DG-MARE ...
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The project aims at the valorization of agricultural residues coming from mushroom (Agaricus Bisporus) farming residues as a case to set up new cascading possibilities using innovative procedures to extract high value bio-based additives (antioxidants, antimicrobials, proteins), convert lipids into bioplasticizers and polysaccharides (glucans and fermentable sugars) into biopolymers using remainin ...
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Approximately one third of all food produced globally is wasted every year throughout the whole value chain-from farmers to consumers. To extract the significant amounts of valuable compounds contained in these wastes, AgriMax will combine affordable and flexible processing technologies (ultrasound assisted and solvent extraction, filtration, thermal and enzymatic treatments) for the valorization ...
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The ORCA Project proposal addresses topic GV-03-2016, of the Transport Work Programme. The work proposed will, in a single coordinated project, address all the aspects of the domain 2 “For pure and plug-in hybrids, power-train system integration and optimisation through the re-use of waste heat, advanced control, downsizing of ICEs, innovative transmissions and the integration of electronic compon ...
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Most maritime products are typically associated with large investments and are seldom built in large series. Where other modes of transport benefit from the economy of series production, this is not the case for maritime products which are typically designed to refined customer requirements increasingly determined by the need for high efficiency, flexibility and low environmental impact at a compe ...
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ENabling Onshore CO2 Storage in Europe (ENOS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

To meet the ambitious EC target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) needs to move rapidly towards full scale implementation with geological storage solutions both on and offshore. Onshore storage offers increased flexibility and reduced infrastructure and monitoring costs. Enabling onshore storage will support management of decarbonisation strateg ...
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PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability (PORTIS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Port Cities can be seen as multidimensional laboratories where challenges connected with urban mobility are more complex due to the dual system of gravity centre: the city, the port, not to mention their shared hinterland.These peculiarities are at once a challenge and an opportunity, as they provide scope for planning, researching and implementing integrated mobility solutions in distinctively co ...
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BioROBURplus builds upon the closing FCH JU BioROBUR project (direct biogas oxidative steam reformer) to develop an entire pre-commercial fuel processor delivering 50 Nm3/h (i.e. 107 kg/d) of 99.9% hydrogen from different biogas types (landfill gas, anaerobic digestion of organic wastes, anaerobic digestion of wastewater-treatment sludges) in a cost-effective manner.The energy efficiency of biogas ...
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The proposal addresses novel concepts for introducing Robotics and Autonomous Systems in the Construction Sector where, at this moment, the presence is minor. Specifically, the Hephaestus project focuses on highly risked and critical construction tasks such as prefab wall installation. In that sense, the Hephaestus has been conceived as a solution for accomplishing multiple tasks on vertical or in ...
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ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying open and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous ...
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Renewable energy sources are key enablers to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and to cope with the anthropogenic global warming. The intermittent behaviour of them and their limited storage capabilities present new challenges to power system operators in maintaining power quality and reliability. However, the increased availability of advanced automation and communication technologies has also pr ...
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BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience (BRIGAID)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

Recent studies from the IPCC indicate that Europe is particularly prone to increased risks of river and coastal floods, droughts resulting in water restrictions and damages from extreme weather such as heat events and wildfires. Evaluations also show a huge potential to reduce these risks with novel adaptation strategies. Researchers, innovators and incubators develop innovative products and servi ...
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Current technological demands are increasingly stretching the properties of advanced materials to expand their applications to more severe or extreme conditions, whilst simultaneously seeking cost-effective production processes and final products. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the influence of different surface enhancing and modification techniques on CF-based materials for high value ...
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1D Nanofibre Electro-Optic Networks (1D-Neon)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

The vision of 1D-NEON proposal is to develop fibre-based smart materials along with an integrated technology platform for the manufacturing in Europe of new products with multi-sectorial applications in consumer electronics, energy, healthcare and fitness, smart buildings, sensors and e-skin for soft robotics.The overall objective of 1D-NEON is to build a modular platform for manufacturing fibre-b ...
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Alien Species Awareness Program (LIFE ASAP)

Start date: Sep 30, 2016, End date: Mar 30, 2020,

Background The EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation highlights the benefits of preventing the spread of invasive alien species (IAS) in terms of biodiversity and cost. Increased public awareness and effective early warning systems and management are essential to this task. In Italy, there is a need for more public awareness of the problem, in particular o ...
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Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids (MEAN4SG)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

MEAN4SG network aims to educate 11 young researchers in the smart grids metrology field by constructing a training network gathering the whole innovation value chain. The main EU actors in the field of smart grids metrology have worked together, under the umbrella of the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET), and relying on the support of the International Electrotechnica ...
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ADAS&ME (“Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers &Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation”) will develop adapted Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, that incorporate driver/rider state, situational/environmental context, and adaptive interaction to automatically transfer control between vehicle and driver/rider and thus ensure safer and more efficient road usage ...
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MyToolBox mobilises a multi-actor partnership (academia, farmers, technology SMEs, food industry and policy stakeholders) to develop novel interventions aimed at achieving a 20-90% reduction in crop losses due to fungal and mycotoxin contamination. MyToolBox will not only pursue a field-to-fork approach but will also consider safe use options of contaminated batches, such as the efficient producti ...
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Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data (ASGARD)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

ASGARD has a singular goal, contribute to Law Enforcement Agencies Technological Autonomy and effective use of technology. Technologies will be transferred to end users under an open source scheme focusing on Forensics, Intelligence and Foresight (Intelligence led prevention and anticipation). ASGARD will drive progress in the processing of seized data, availability of massive amounts of data and ...
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About 2/3 of the rice consumed by European citizens is produced in EU, and its productivity is affected by abiotic and biotic stresses. Of particular concern, global temperature has increased over the last century, especially during the last 50 years (0.13° C / decade). One consequence has been a clear tendency toward salinization, which affects rice as one of the most salt sensitive crop in the r ...
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FLEXPOL aims to develop a pilot line for the production of a cost effective antimicrobial (AM) adhesive film for its use in hospitals. The obtained adhesive film will inhibit growth of a wide range of microbes and will be suitable for high-touch surfaces, providing a durable protection with good resistance. It will assure the highest level of hygiene and patient safety, reducing the use of disinfe ...
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Background The vineyard landscapes of North Apennines areas are affected by various soil threats, such as erosion, decline of organic matter, local and diffuse contaminations, sealing, compaction, decline in biodiversity and landslides. All these are generated by environmental factors (such as geomorphology and slopes, climate change and soil types) and b ...
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MULTIple DRONE platform for media production (MULTIDRONE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

MULTIDRONE aims to develop an innovative, intelligent, multi-drone platform for media production to cover outdoor events, which are typically held over wide areas (at stadium/city level). The 4-10 drone team, to be managed by the production director and crew, will have: a) increased decisional autonomy, by minimizing production crew load and interventions and b) improved robustness, security and ...
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REsources from URban BIo-waSte (RES URBIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

RES URBIS aims at making it possible to convert several types of urban bio-waste into valuable bio-based products, in an integrated single biowaste biorefinery and by using one main technology chain. This goal will be pursued through: - collection and analysis of data on urban bio-waste production and present management systems in four territorial clusters that have been selected in different cou ...
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AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things (AUTOPILOT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

"Automated driving is expected to increase safety, provide more comfort and create many new business opportunities for mobility services. The market size is expected to grow gradually reaching 50% of the market in 2035. The IoT is about enabling connections between objects or "things"; it’s about connecting anything, anytime, anyplace, using any service over any network. There is little doubt that ...
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The main goal of VULKANO is the retrofitting of two types of industrial furnaces, namely preheating and melting, applied on three energy–intensive sectors (steel, ceramic and aluminium) with a huge number of potential users in Europe. Thus, this project aims to design, implement and validate an advanced retrofitting integrated solution to increase the energy and environmental efficiency in existin ...
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Data-Driven Bioeconomy (DataBio)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The data intensive target sector selected for the DataBio project is the Data-Driven Bioeconomy, focusing in production of best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials taking into account also various responsibility and sustainability issues. DataBio proposes to deploy a state of the art, big dat ...
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Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

By 2020, several areas of the HVAC pan-European transmission system will be operated with extremely high penetrations of Power Electronics(PE)-interfaced generators, thus becoming the only generating units for some periods of the day or of the year – due to renewable (wind, solar) electricity. This will result in i) growing dynamic stability issues for the power system (possibly a new major barrie ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) find applications in a number of large-scale, safety-critical domains e.g. transportation, smart cities, etc. While the increased CPS adoption has resulted in the maturation of solutions for CPS development, a single consistent science of system integration for CPS has not yet been consolidated. Therefore CPS development remains a complex and error-prone task, often re ...
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The demand for larger and more interconnected software systems is constantly increasing, but the ability of developers to satisfy it is not evolving accordingly. The most limiting factor is software validation, which typically requires very costly and complex testing processes. This project aims at significantly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process and, with it, the ov ...
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