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37 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2021,

The overarching goal of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is to generate knowledge to inform the safe management of chemicals and so protect human health. We will use human biomonitoring to understand human exposure to chemicals and resulting health impacts and will communicate with policy makers to ensure that our results are exploited in the design of new chemicals policies an ...
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Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

The main goal of the VIP4SME project is to sustainably enhance Intellectual Property (IP) support services to SMEs in order to allow them to understand the value of the intellectual capital they create and own, and to define strategies and management practices allowing them to better turn this capital into commercial values and competitiveness. This challenge will be jointly addressed by 31 Nation ...
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Background Conflicts between humans and brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in Slovenia remain an ongoing threat to the conservation status of bears and steps must be taken to improve coexistence. Measures need to tackle such challenges as a lack of understanding of bears’ socio-economic and environmental value, inflated estimations of the risk of bea ...
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TCBL uses Europe’s Textiles & Clothing (T&C) industry as test beds for evolutionary-driven co-design, dynamic optimisation and deployment of business models. It aims to increase the performance of a sector that, over the past two decades, upheld three main strategies to handle global competitive pressure: cost-oriented, product/service-oriented and productivity-oriented. TCBL provides a business e ...
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Celostni pristop za uspešno integracijo migrantov

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

In the last year, migrant issues in the EU become global issue that requires a proactive response on national and transnational levels of various European and Slovenian institutions. In the next few months, individual countries, in accordance with the decision of the EU, will have to integrate a certain number of migrants (SI will have to integrate 576 migrants, DE 50 times, and HR 1.7 times the o ...
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Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood (SIMWOOD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"SIMWOOD presents a novel idea for an innovative, integrated approach to multifunctional forestry and enhanced wood mobilisation across European forest regions. The project targets a multitude of forest owners and stakeholders to spread integrated, transferable solutions and viable policies to unlock immobile forest resources and ensure sustainable forest functions. A novel pan-European Informatio ...
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"The main objective of this project is to advance the harmonization of measurement methods for skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements and prepare for standardization. In this the project will follow the recommendations of key predecessor projects like TYROSAFE, HERMES, SILVIA and MIRIAM. The project aims at performing prenormative research to enable the creation o ...
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Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability (TURAS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The “TURaS” project aims to bring together urban communities, researchers, local authorities and SMEs to research, develop, demonstrate and disseminate transition strategies and scenarios to enable European cities and their rural interfaces to build vitally-needed resilience in the face of significant sustainability challenges. To ensure maximum impact, the TURaS project has developed an innovati ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON 2020The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installations in order to better ensure their safe long term operation, integrating private and public efforts, and initiating international collaboration that will create added value in its a ...
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The Job Affair

Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2016,

Many European countries suffer the consequences from youth unemployment for a range of reasons, this project objective was to address this issue and look at supporting youth workers in competence development skills, so that they can in turn support of the development of competencies of the young people they work with.There is a proved match between skills demanded by employers and skills developed ...
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The project UPSIDE aims at delivering economic and societal benefits by fostering the emergence and development of User-driven Participatory Solutions for Innovation in Digitally-centered Ecosystems.The project aims at promoting the development of cooperation frameworks and synergy linkages between research, innovation activities within the companies, urban development policies and open user-drive ...
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ALICE RAP is a Europe wide project of 43 partner research institutions involving 107 researchers from 25 European countries providing 1000 months of a plurality of scientific endeavour to analyse the place and challenges of addictions and lifestyles to the cohesion, organization and functioning of contemporary European society. Through integrated multidisciplinary research, a wide range of factors ...
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Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana (AthenaPlus)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana's ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other ...
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PBA "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion"

Start date: Jan 19, 2015, End date: Sep 18, 2015,

The Partnership Building Activity "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion" gathered 24 active project coordinators & youth workers from 20 NGO?s or associations involved in youth work (inclusive youth work) from Program and Partner Countries (Austria, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kos ...
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Demokratie neu gestalten

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

25 years „Fall of the Iron Curtain in Europe“ Young people from all over Europe create a vision for the future of democracy! - A train journey from Berlin via Vienna to Prague and back - What would young people take on the streets? What needs to be changed to increase participation and involvement? Which role do young people wish to take in the process of designing the democratic life in Europe? ...
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Support USers To Access INformation and Services (SUSTAINS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

SUSTAINS comprises a rich basket of services based on giving citizens online access to their Electronic Health Records (EHR). The services proposed have been distilled from the experience of regions which have already pioneered such access. The SUSTAINS Consortium is composed of regions in the EU leading in the area of innovation in services for citizens, and a number of user and professional asso ...
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Our capacity to effectively sustain biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales is an essential component of European environmental sustainability. Anthropogenic and environmental pressures on biodiversity act differently at different scales. Consequently, effective conservation responses to these threats must explicitly consider the scale at which effects occur, and therefore it is crucial th ...
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Often major challenges for EU Member States are energy policy designated by European Parliament and EU-Commission. EU Strategy – “3x20 policy” which intends to improve energy efficiency by 20%, increase the share of renewable energy up to 20% and reduce CO2 emission by 20% till 2020 is based on the fact that up to date regional achievements will be developed and new efficient technologies and mana ...
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Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (CentraLab)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

The systemic impact on the economy, the environment and the quality of life in the Central European regions derives from the increase in the “innovation attractiveness” of the Central Europe space, as it develops and articulates the innovation demand coming from its citizens and businesses and sets in place the governance mechanisms to ensure policy coherence and optimise the benefits of single in ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Mit der Projektausführung werden die Projektpartner in der ersten Reihe die Zielgruppen erläutern und sie auch weiterbilden und dann die Ideen unterstützen, die in die Realisierung der geschäftlichen Möglichkeiten, die innovativ, konkurrenzfähig, energetisch wirkungsvoll und umweltfreundlich sind, führen. Wegen der Tatsache, dass das Gebiet ein großes Energiepotential ausweist, den der österreichi ...
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ENERMED - Mediterranean Renewable Energies (ENERMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

Enermed aims to coordinate and improve the regional policies of renewable energies (RE), through: -shared instruments for the analysis of projects and policies RE -development of common policies in the RE -common experiences in the RE We will develop and implement: -a transnational (common) methodological and strategic framework -a database of good practices on regional policies -concrete p ...
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"AMPHORA is a Europe wide project involving researches and research institutions from 14 European countries, and counterparts and organizations from all 27 Member States, that will provide new scientific evidence for the best public health measures to reduce the harm done by alcohol through addressing social and cultural determinants, marketing and advertising, taxes and pricing, availability and ...
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MOVE – towards Energy Sustainability (MOVE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

To reduce CO2 emissions.- To protect the primary sources of energy.- Increasing diversification of supply and use of energy resources.- Increasing the share of renewable energies in the primary energy balance of Slovenia and Austria.- To reduce the final energy consumption.- The overall development of skills in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.- To develop a common regio ...
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Confronted for many years by a movement of rural exodus and by the aging of their population, the rural Mediterranean municipalities have become increasingly fragile due to a demographic decline, accompanied by a diminution of services and commercial enterprises, which all lead to a loss of their identity. However, the mobility of the professionals, the information and communication technologies ( ...
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"The DIREC_MAT project objective is to share, at a European scale, knowledge and practices on recycling road and road-related waste in the aim of ensuring an environmentally-friendly and sustainable end-of-life for road infrastructure. Road material recycling processes have previously been studied in national and European research projects and have led to various levels of practical implementation ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

The general objectives of the project are to increase the competitiveness and economic development of the programme area.- The aims of the project are the growth of cooperation in research and development of innovative products and technologies with the involvement of competent institutions of knowledge and mobilizing supporting environment.- To strike a balance between the offer and demand for in ...
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Description CALLIOPE - eHealth accross Europe. Collaborative, Interactive initiative for the successful deployment of eHealth in EUThe CALLIOPE Network is part of the Open eHealth Initiative, which is driven by Member States health administrations. It has been initiated by 17 health authorities and 10 organisations representing networks o ...
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Global City - Local City

Start date: Jul 1, 2012,

GL-CL is a project for the artistic exploration of the social, ecological, civic and political realities and potentials in individual city quarters and of global city developments of the cities of the participating dance and theatre festivals. GL-CL will create new performing art works relevant to the residents of a city quarter, and examine new perspectives for European artists. GL-CL wants to se ...
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This project promotes understanding of contemporary theatre in Europe by developing a dialogue between artists, programmers and audiences on contemporary artistic expression and the complex world in which we live. It has developed a set of activities ranging from performing, watching; evaluating, writing and reading to mutual discussion among artists, critics and spectators.
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Different experiences in MED projects foretell the emergence of a new economic and societal model based on cultural anchoring, open network organizations, innovation mixes (blending advanced technologies with traditional crafts), social learning, and shared values related to sustainability. CreativeMED thus capitalises the outcomes these projects, considering cultural (TEXMEDIN, SOSTENUTO, CHORD, ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013,

Create to Connect (CnC) is a joint effort of 13 European cultural and research organizations to create powerful and long-lasting connections of artists, cultural operators, audience and researchers. We recognize the need for arts and culture sector to respond to the crisis, especially to neuralgic points of the disengagement of citizens in the public sphere, to the disintegration of participation ...
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The Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, including the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation sub-programme grants projects to make use of previously developed products. In the “Further Development and Transfer of Competence Assessment Tools” project we are to expand the soft-skill competence assessment range of a formerly prepared software as the necessity of competence assessment ...
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In a context of increased urbanization of society, of climate and environmental change and in a context of globalisation and a growing relevance of forests there is a ever but greater need for a sound comprehension of the multiple dimensions of forest and forestry. Forest pedagogics or “Waldpädagogik” is a priority area for developing a shared comprehension of forests and their role in helping to ...
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The project partnership, comprising fifteen partners across five countries, responds to the training needs of Local Agenda 21 (LA21) which emerged from the Rio and Johannesburg Earth Summits. Agenda 21 is an instrument for improving quality of life, through sustainable development, by putting into operation local community partnerships. The project will contribute to skills development amongst loc ...
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The CONTEST proposal is aimed to improve new approaches and tools to manage interpersonal, social and cultural conflicts in order to enhance social cohesion in Europe and to strenghten European identity. Beyond the strictly economic effects, another - no less dangerous - aspect of the crisis is a real risk of social conflict. The progressive consolidation of a new presence in the cities, the profo ...
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Kids in Motion

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

Sport und Bewegung haben im Schulalltag und in der Freizeit europaweit abgenommen. Dieser Trend führt zu Folgeerkrankungen, die auch schon bei Kindern und Jugendlichen festgestellt werden. Um diese Fehlentwicklungen zu korrigieren sieht der EU-Entwicklungsplan unter anderem die Mobilisierung des Sportsektors und die Stärkung von Schulsport und körperlicher Bewegung vor.Genau hier setzt das Projek ...
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INTRAW will map and develop new cooperation opportunities related to raw materials in Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the United States, addressing:• Research and innovation;• Raw materials policies and strategies• Joint educational and skills programmes;• Licensing and permitting procedures;• Data reporting systems;• Exploration, extraction, processing and recycling practices;• Managem ...
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