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19 European Projects Found

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Background Austria and Hungary have undertaken efforts to protect and enlarge the habitat of great bustards, a bird species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. They have focused on active habitat management and on the maintenance of large areas dedicated to non-intensive farming. But the problem of overhead power lines remains great, causing fatal c ...
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Background Thanks to conservation efforts started in the 1980s, the Hungarian population of the eastern imperial eagle has come back from the brink of extinction, reaching 160 pairs by 2014. The Pannonian biogeographical region (which includes all of Hungary and parts of Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine) now holds some 220 pa ...
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Background Böddi-szék, located in the central part of the Kiskunság national park, is one of the park’s Pannonic sodic lakes (with high concentrations of sodium carbonate). It is a priority habitat of the EU Habitats Directive and is also protected at national level. The extent of its area is significant, as it constitutes 18% of this total habitat t ...
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Background Lake Fertő and the swamps of Hanság have a rich fauna, including threatened species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. Bird species in the National Park and Natura 2000 network site include great bustard (Otis tarda) and several birds of prey; there are about 10 pairs of Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) and 6-7 pairs of Eastern imperial ea ...
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...ry. This includes 412 000 ha forests under national protection as well. Most of the state-owned forests are managed by state forest companies; only a minor part is in the trusteeship of national park directorates. Because of the unique biogeographical features of Hungary – the majority of Pannonian biogeographical region is within its borders – several forest types are considered to have uniqu ...
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Background The Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is a globally threatened species that is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. Hungary and Slovakia are home to some 47% of the European population (c. 450 pairs). Thanks to EU financial support, this population has stabilised and is increasing; while the European and global population is still decreasing. R ...
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Background The Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) is Europe's most endangered venomous snake. It has been protected since 1974 in Hungary, where it is the country’s most endangered vertebrate. Studies have indicated that there are now less than 500 individuals in Hungary, in two small and isolated populations: one in the Hanság (North- ...
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The ‘CULT-NAT HERIT’ project’s core activities on the field of historical and cultural heritage preservation management, support the creation of a joint thematic route, its common marketing under the Action 2.1.2. Its long-term objectives are to develop a long term harmonic and balanced co-operation between the project partners :Csólyospálos Local Government, Kiskunság National Park and LU Novi Be ...
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The project is a new nature protection project built on a successfully implemented interregional (INTERREG II/A, HURO-CBC 0802) set of pilot programmes that wishes to expand the systematic and sustainable rehabilitation procedure of the wetlands in the two countries to the rehabilitation and prevention of the wetlands of the dune slack meadows. Based on the previous results, the project offers a s ...
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Conservation of the Pannon endemic Dianthus diutinus (HUNDIDI)

Start date: Sep 1, 2006, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

Background The subendemic and extremely rare flower species, Dianthus diutinus, is only found in the interfluve area between the Danube and Tisza rivers. It is strictly protected under Hungarian law and a priority species of Community interest. The majority of the known habitats of the Dianthus diutinus are afforested, though its natural habitat is an ope ...
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The current proposal’s long-term general aim is to reach and maintain favorable conservation status of two bird species (the Red-footed Falcon and the Roller) The sustainable conservation of both birds relies on cross-border cooperation of conservationists.The initial step in conservation is to assess exactly where and how many specimen are there and how do their numbers change. This can only be a ...
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...tories. Achievements: During the project the Kiskunság National Park Directorate and the Zoo Palic developed andcoordinated a monitoring system together, as well as Vadaspark and Zoo Palic developed a rescuecenter for birds, and built a repatriation bird cage. Partners ...
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Background The Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) is a very rare and threatened species in Europe. The total European breeding population was, until recently, estimated at 450 pairs. Hungary and Slovakia hold about 40% of this population. Therefore, the conservation of the population in the Carpathian basin in these two countries was crucial to the survival of ...
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Background The red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus), a threatened species in Annex I of the Birds Directive, is also identified as a priority species in Hungary and Romania. Together these two countries account for 90% of the total red-footed falcon European population, notwithstanding a separate sub-population in the former Soviet Union. The conservatio ...
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Conservation of Otis tarda in Hungary (OTISHU)

Start date: Oct 1, 2004, End date: Sep 30, 2008,

Background Hungary’s population of the globally threatened great bustard (Otis tarda) decreased dramatically in the latter part of the Twentieth Century (from 8 557 in 1941 to no more than 1 300 individuals by 1988). The population of this priority European species was stagnating and the bird’s long term conservation status in Hungary remained threate ...
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The general objective of the project was to develop an action plan, the implementationof which improves environmental potential as well as ensures its sustainabilitythrough financial contributions from the stakeholders. Good environmentalpotential ensures the preservation of the natural values of the watershed and theirsustainability and it also contributes to developing the region’s economic pote ...
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The project included the implementation of the introductory part of a long-term nature protection action plan concerning the southern region of the region between the Rivers Danube and Tisza. The main objective of the action plan was to preserve the natural and near-to-nature eutrophic (rich in nutriments) water habitats of the region which are highly significant in terms of nature protection, and ...
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This mirror project, implemented by Palić-Ludaš Public Enterprise and KiskunságNational Park Directorate, aims at setting up a cross-border nature protected areawith uniform education, research and promotion programmes. Kőrös-ér is a geoecologicalarea that has been envisaged to become a cross-border Protected Areasince 1995 when both the Hungarian and Serbian ministers for environment signed aProt ...
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The project supports both habitat reconstruction and water habitat rehabilitation. As a result of opening the current reeds of nearly 100 hectares besides Nagy-Széksós-Lake and the clear water surface thus produced, former avifauna is expected to resettle. The project also encouraged the establishment of a pilot plant of eco-farming, entailing the construction of a buffalo breeding farm beside the ...
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