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EU CISE 2020 is an important step towards the accomplishment of the European roadmap for CISE; the project attains the widest possible experimental environment of innovative and collaborative processes between European maritime institutions.EU CISE 2020 takes as reference a broad spectrum of factors in the field of European Integrated Maritime Surveillance, arising from the European legal framewor ...
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The EU-LAC Health coordinating action proposes to define a detailed plan to guide policy makers and other stakeholders on future actions to support cooperative Health Research between Latin America and Caribbean countries (LAC) and the European Commission and Member States (EU). This consensus Roadmap will be developed using a policy oriented approach and taking into account the new political fram ...
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EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities (EQUIP)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

EqUIP: the EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities will bring together research funding and support organisations in Europe and India in order to develop a stronger strategic partnership. Europe and India have strong historical links, but its research collaboration relationships are relatively new. EqUIP will link and build upon the successful partnerships developed at the Europea ...
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Bibliometric and project participation analysis highlights that scientific cooperation between India and Europe increased significantly in recent years. STI policy stakeholder have supported this dynamic development by agreeing on an EU-India S&T Agreement, and added concrete value through co-drafting an EU/MS-India Strategic Agenda for Research and Innovation, which pinpoints specific thematic ar ...
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Japan-EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and TEchnology (JEUPISTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The JEUPISTE project aims at promoting EU-Japan cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) through supports to policy dialogues, deployment of bilateral information services, organization of networking events focusing on specific technologies and/or societal challenges, operation of a help desk for EU-Japan collaborative projects (including advice and assistance in administration, lia ...
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INCONET-GCC2's overall goal is to support the institutional bi-regional policy dialogue in Science, Technology and Innovation, to strengthen the bi-regional cooperation between research and innovation actors, especially in the context of the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme and finally to monitor progress in the bi-regional STI cooperation.INCONET-GCC2 builds on the results of previous cooperation ...
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The project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI policy dialogue between the EU MS/AC and the Eastern Partnership countries, with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for the two regions, namely Climate Change, Energy and Health. In particular the project will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovativ ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Mexico sees the cooperation with Europe as a key element of its strategy to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. While many initiatives around ST&I are already underway, the international cooperation with Europe offers the opportunity to share relevant experiences, mechanisms, tools, and networks that can accelerate the process of further positioning Mexico in this space.The project European ...
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Air Transport Network – Next Generation (AIRTN-NEXTGEN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The action will continue the network established under previous AirTN projects enlarging it to create a platform of networking and communication between national organisations and governmental institutions supporting research and innovation in the EU Member States and Associated Countries to the EU Framework Programme in the field of Aviation (e.g. Aeronautics and Air Transport - AAT).The successf ...
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"The ARCADIA project has been conceived so as to provide a twofold support to the further development of nuclear research programs in the NMS, targeting two major areas included in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of SNETP: ESNII, through the support of the ALFRED project towards its realization in Romania, and NUGENIA, approaching remaining safety aspects of Gen III/III+ that could be ...
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INNO INDIGO will set up a more relevant STI approach in terms of social and technical innovation, a broader in terms of funding and a more focussed in terms of topics - to answer the needs of the European as well as Indian societies and markets and address the needs of the engines for innovation. These are SMEs and industries as well as existing clusters of excellence. Future joint programmes will ...
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The TRADEIT project is a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial collaborative project supporting a Network of Traditional Food SMEs and Food Researchers in the areas of Collaboration, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Technology Transfer to increase the competitiveness and inter-regional advantage of Traditional Food Producing SMEs. This will be achieved through focused regional coordination ...
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ERA-Can Plus promotes cooperation between the European Union and Canada across the science, technology and innovation chain to support and encourage their mutual prosperity, address common societal issues and meet global challenges in the most effective and efficient way possible: together.It is a 36-month project, led by APRE together with the Government of Canada in concert with sector leaders i ...
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Research and innovation are vital elements of economic growth translated through an innovation eco-system, driven by a diverse mix of economic actors in an environment which supports flows of information between universities, businesses, researchers, consumers, investors, editors and policy makers. It is this interaction that creates the vital feedback loops that speed adaptation and creation in t ...
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The ClusMED project is a Support Action (SA) intended to contribute to international cooperation between EU and MED countries in the field of ICT Regulations in support of Societal Challenges.ClusMED aims at implementing cooperative research in the ICT sector through the identification, analysis and benchmarking of national ICT regulations, taking into consideration five target MED countries (Leba ...
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The European Union is a world leader in research and innovation, responsible for 24% of world expenditure on research and 32% of high impact publications. However, over the past decade, the emerging economies continue to strengthen their research and innovation systems, while global challenges are important drivers for research and innovation. The EU has long acknowledged the need for supporting i ...
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The FIBRA network has as main target to link the research and development activities for fibre crop innovations carried out by universities and institutions in both EU and China. This proposal is set up to promote the communication between experts about the key issues of fibre crop production, processing and application, while attention towards quality and efficiency improvement, and product diver ...
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The European Union and South Africa have long been committed to strategic cooperation in science and technology, dating back to their 1996 Cooperation Agreement, which facilitated cooperation under the Framework Programmes. South Africa has also concluded several bilateral cooperation agreements with EU Member States.South Africa is aiming to create a robust national system of innovation to enable ...
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Bridging East West for Aerospace REsearch (BEWARE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The BEWARE project has set a mission to increase the participation of the aeronautical organisations in Framework Programme which are not yet involved at the level of the size of their respective aeronautics sector. The general objective of the BEWARE project is to support potential coordinators and potential partners in future R&D projects in the field of Aeronautics and Air Transport of Horizon ...
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International cooperation plays an important role in tackling the major European and global challenges. The Framework Programmes (FPs) emphasis international cooperation while increasing international partnerships and fostering strategic S&T cooperation with key 3rd Countries, such as Argentina. ABEST III will set up a sustainable, knowledge-based, bilateral dialogue platform between S&T key playe ...
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People's Republic of China, has the largest population in the world and occupies a position of geo-strategic importance in the Asian continent as well as in the Pacific sphere. The Chinese S&T and innovation system is developing extremely fast and dynamically and China has become a major new actor in the global system for the production of knowledge, while the total amount of China’s R&D expenditu ...
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Health-2-Market is an ambitious project aiming to boost the economic exploitation of EU-funded research results in the area of Health/life science. The project focuses on the actual Health/life science knowledge generators, namely the researchers, involved in EU-funded research in Health with a view to cultivate to them an enhanced innovation and entrepreneurial culture. More specifically, Health ...
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NET4SOCIETY3 is the continuation of the international network of National Contact Points for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH NCPs). NCPs are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding. NET4SOCIETY was established in 2008 and includes almost 60 SSH NCPs from Europe and beyond.Facing the transition from FP7 to Horizon 2020, NET4SOCIETY3 will help researchers prepa ...
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Virtual Museum Transnational Network (

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Description The project aims to provide the cultural heritage sector with Virtual Museums that are educational, enjoyable, long-lasting and easy to maintain.Virtual Museums are personalised, immersive, interactive experiences that enhance our understanding of the world around us. The term 'Virtual Museum' is a general one that covers vari ...
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Trans-national cooperation among ICT NCPs (Idealist2014)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The main objective of Idealist2014 is reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for ICT under FP7, by promoting further trans-national cooperation within this network. This cooperation will not be reduced to only ICT NCPs but also a degree of collaboration and networking with similar networks in parallel themes (Security, SSH, ENV, Transport, Energy, Health,...etc) especially in the ...
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Europe is currently facing historical challenges that will determine its future role in world’s economy and in the definition of the socio-political equilibrium of the next decades when both industrial and social policies will be determinants to allow a sustainable European renaissance.The EU 2020 Strategy highlights those short term and long term actions able to respond to the challenges Europe ...
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In June 2008 the Space National Contact Points (NCPs) from 33 EU member states and FP7 associated countries started COSMOS, the “Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services”. NCP networks had been established in other themes already, like IDEALIST, and proved a suitable instrument to interlink according NCPs. This led to added benefit e. g. through new services like specific partner ...
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"BIO TRIANGLE brings together the leaders in BIO-research from Europe and four industrialised Third Countries – which together form a imaginary TRIANGLE around our globe. The project’s objective is to foster scientific and technological cooperation in the Knowledge-Based Bio Economy (KBBE) between Europe and Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. It builds upon two important, ongoin ...
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The general objective of the project is to contribute to increased dissemination and exploitation of the SSH projects research findings. The project, taking also advantage of new ICT-based technologies and tools, will :Provide consolidated information arising from FP6 & FP7 SSH research projects and activities addressing major societal challenges on issues close to the main political priorities o ...
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The NMP TeAm 2 project aims at assisting the NMP NCP Network to provide good quality and high standard services to the proposers and therefore helping simplify access to FP7 calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of submitted proposals. To this effect the four main objectives of this project are to optimise the tools at hand to the benefit of the networks ...
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The EUCARINET project is a 4 years Coordination Action whose main goal is to strengthen bi-regional sustainable policy dialogue on S&T between EU Member States (MS), Associated States (AS) and in the Caribbean Region, the Caribbean ACP States, the overseas Departments and Collectivities, the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs). The project will work at policy, programme and institutional (re ...
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Network of Science in Society National Contact Points (

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

The range of the FP7 Science in Society (SiS) programme as well as the range of its stakeholders is extremely diverse. This demands that the SiS National Contact Points (NCPs) are able to orientate in the wide area of policy and policy papers behind the SiS programme, programme topics and research areas as well as in FP7 rules and regulations and in addition, they need to have extensive knowledge ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"European MS & AC have a long tradition to collaborate with India, this has led both to a large potential for fruitful collaborations at EU level, and a fragmentation of actions at countries level. In order to push up a more ambitious integrated actions, and to be able to adopt the best practices in leveraging the science, technology, innovation (STI) relationship, and to cope with the intense wor ...
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ENLACE aims at supporting the bi-regional dialogue between the EU and the Central America Countries (CAC) on S&T issues, identifying common interests in research areas, setting up S&T priorities, supporting capacity building activities, and enhancing the dialogue within the region.The planned activities are: policy dialogue meetings between EU and CA stakeholders to identify research priorities of ...
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Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs (NCP) (PeopleNetwork+)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The PEOPLE Programme under FP7 aims to strengthen the human potential in research and technology in Europe, by stimulating people to take up the profession of researchers, encouraging European researchers to stay in Europe, and attracting to Europe the best researchers from the entire world. The international dimension is well addressed by the Marie Curie Actions (MCAs) by providing a number of op ...
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"National Contact Points (NCPs) hold a key role in communication with the European Commission concerning executive matters and the scientific community. The quality of proposals submitted, for example, relies partially on an effective NCP network. This project is a set of coherent activities and tasks that will foster further cooperation between Environment NCPs from EU member States and Associate ...
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SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase 2 (SEREN 2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"This proposal has been elaborated to continue the work undertaken in the former project SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase I (SEREN I), therefore the activities foreseen in this proposal are built upon the outcomes reached previously by the network.The Security National Contact Points (NCPs) network is still at an early stage and its members were quite recently appointed as NCPs, as compared t ...
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New MS Linking for an Advanced Cohesion in Euratom Research (NEWLANCER)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"NEWLANCER project proposes to identify and implement effective and efficient actual solutions leading to enlarged NMS involvement in future Euratom Framework Programmes by strengthening and catalyzing the full R&D potential at national level, by increasing cohesion between New Member States institutions, and by improving their cooperation with Old Member States research centres.The specific sub-o ...
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ERA-Can II aims to increase opportunities for cooperation and greater coordination between Canadian and European researchers in areas of common priority by improving the level of knowledge, quality of strategic information and practical assistance available to Canadian policy-makers, researchers and research managers on FP7 programs, networking tools and research activities. To that end, it adopts ...
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Fit for Health aims to sustainably enhance the participation of European small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Calls for the FP7 Health Theme. Focusing on research-intensive, high technology SMEs, the project offers targeted support measures, covering the entire innovation pipeline of the Health sector. Key assets of Fit for Health are highly qualified consultancy, hands-on trainings, effect ...
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