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22 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions (CHETCH)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...issues. The economic expert will analyse the integration reached so far, in the healthcare industries (i.e. technologies, pharmaceutical products, etc.) on the basis of foreign direct investments, trade and micro economic data. The typical cost-benefit tools will be used to evaluate the economic impact of integrating Western Medicine (WM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices, supportin ...
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Optimised food products for elderly populations (OPTIFEL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Optilfel has as its ultimate goal to contribute to elders’ health by combating denutrition due to both physical capacities diminution and appetite loss. The concept of Optifel is to translate the knowledge on nutritional needs, food preferences and physical capacities into accurate specifications for food products and packaging. Food products (including packaging and food serving methods) will the ...
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MODelling vegetation response to EXTREMe Events (MODEXTREME)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The continuous supply of services provided by agricultural systems is increasingly threatened by climate change in association with an estimated increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts, heat waves or heavy precipitation events.MODEXTREME has the overarching goal to help the European and non-European agriculture face extreme climatic events by improving the capability o ...
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The objective of the FIGARO project is to significantly reduce the use of fresh water on farm level through developing a cost-effective, precision irrigation management platform. The platform will be structured for data acquisition from monitoring devices and forecasting tools, data interpretation, system control, and evaluation mechanisms enabling full decision support for end users at farm scale ...
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"DESIRE will develop and apply an optimal set of indicators to monitor European progress towards resource-efficiency. We propose a combination of time series of environmentally extended input output data (EE IO) and the DPSIR framework to construct the indicator set. Only this approach will use a single data set that allows for consistent construction of resource efficiency indicators capturing th ...
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... mechanisms of hunger, satiety and feeding behaviour, effects of dietary components and food structure on these processes, and their possible exploitation in addressing obesity, chronic disease and under-nutrition. The proposal integrates investigation of both human volunteers (dietary/exercise intervention studies and administration of encapsulated nutrients) and laboratory animals with emphasis ...
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Mobile Crowd Sourcing Video Scene Reconstruction (SceneNet)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

If you visited a rock concert recently, or any other event that attracts crowds, you cannot ignore the many people taking videos of the scenario in that specific event at the same time, using their mobile phone cameras. Our vision involves using the power of the crowd of multiple mobile phone users to create a higher quality and 3 dimensional video experience that can be shared by social networks ...
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Since biology is by and large a 3-dimensional phenomenon, 3D imaging has a significant impact on many challenges in life sciences. 3D matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is an emerging label-free 3D imaging technology with high potential in proteomics and metabolomics. 3D MALDI-IMS is based on 2D MALDI-IMS, which in the last years has proven its valu ...
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CHAIN-REDS vision is to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different eInfrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to facilitate their uptake and use by established and emerging Virtual Research Communities (VRCs) but also by single researchers, promoting instruments and practices that can facilitate their inclusion in the community of ...
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Atomic Scale and single Molecule Logic gate Technologies (AtMol)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

AtMol will establish comprehensive process flow for fabricating a molecular chip, i.e. a molecular processing unit comprising a single molecule connected to external mesoscopic electrodes with atomic scale precision and preserving the integrity of the gates down to the atomic level after the encapsulation. Logic functions will be incorporated in a single molecule gate, or performed by a single sur ...
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This proposal is introduced to address the "Target Outcome B" stated in the Objective ICT-2009.1, namely the support to the uptake of European ICT research results in developing economies. The objective can be realized by setting up an advanced European E-agriculture service in two developing economies, Morocco and China, by means of crop monitoring. The activities of capacity building will be car ...
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Solar Facilities for the European Research Area (SFERA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

...the Mediterranean countries of the EU and in North Africa is huge. The best known application so far is bulk electricity generation through thermodynamic cycles, but other applications have also been demonstrated, such as production of hydrogen and solar fuels, water treatment and research in advanced materials. Europe is a leader in research and development of this technology. Most of the large R ...
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Coastal areas are vital economic hubs in terms of settlement, industry, agriculture, trade and tourism to mention some key sectors. There are already many coastal problems including erosion, flood risk and long-term habitat deterioration. As economies continue to develop the asset base at risk will grow, while accelerating climate change will increase the likelihood of damaging extreme events, as ...
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European Surveillance Network for Influenza in Pigs 3 (ESNIP 3)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

...urveillance networks established during previous EC concerted actions (ESNIP 1, QLK2-CT-2000-01636; ESNIP 2, SSPE-022749). Three work packages (WP 2, 3, 4) aim to increase the knowledge of the epidemiology and evolution of swine influenza (SI) virus (SIV) in European pigs through organised field surveillance programmes (WP2). Virus strains detected in these programmes will be subjected to detaile ...
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...s in signal and image processing have reached an impressive level of sophistication and computing power still increases at an exponential rate. However, high-tech applications have an ever-increasing demand for even more efficient algorithms, even more powerful computers and new concepts for advancing applications.Starting from a recently discovered gap in the theory of uncertainty principles, thi ...
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ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE (ENCORE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

Description To provide an integrated set of tools which will simplify software development for many-core systems with increased portability and scalability, deliver high performance and maintain power efficiencyThe consumer quest for computing power is insatiable.  In the past, chip manufacturers could increase processing power by simply ...
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Co-ordination and Harmonisation of Advanced e-INfrastructures (CHAIN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

...tional principles to a number of regions in the world, and reinforcing the close collaboration and exchange of know-how with similar technologies in other areas. A number of different collaboration models have thus been established between Europe and the rest of the world, while the projects implementing these collaborations have had impacts typically focused on their regions. The CHAIN project ai ...
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The main goal of the FARAMIR project is to research and develop techniques for increasing the radio environmental and spectral awareness of future wireless systems. The proposed holistic approach starts from the development of spectrum sensing hardware investigating how such functionality could be efficiently integrated to handheld devices. In the next step, we will combine measurements performed ...
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...ntries of access opportunities for European researchers and research organisations in Chinese national research and/or innovation programmes. The overriding purpose of the proposed project is to help develop the reciprocity aspect of the EU-China Science and Technology agreement by identifying the Chinese programmes open to EU researchers and promote their participation, and to provide outputs use ...
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Description The overall aim of the DEPLOY Integrated Project is to make major advances in engineering methods for dependable systems by deploying formal engineering methods.The overall aim of the DEPLOY Project is to make major advances in engineering methods for dependable systems through the deployment of formal engineering methods. For ...
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...or catalytic water purification. Every partner responsible for testing the monoliths will focus on a different pollutant (Nitrates, organic matter…) and catalytic process (hydrogenation, oxidation) depending on the particular expertise of every partner. The properties of monolithic reactor coated with NCM, e.g. thin catalyst layer and mesoporosity, enable the control of the diffusion path and enha ...
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Description With partners around the globe, the FLOSSInclude project is developing a roadmap for international co-operation to realise the potential of FLOSS as a tool for social and economic development.The Southern FLOSS ChallengeFree/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) holds great potential for developing countries. There are no licence ...
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