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Integrated Surface Management (PJ03a SUMO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The project PJ.03a is part of the SESAR 2020 Multi Annual Program for the period 2016-2019. It is allocated to the Industrial Research & Validation phase, developed under the SJU Private Public Partnership and will contribute to the key feature High Performing Airport Operations. The future European ATM system relies on full integration of airports as nodes into the network. In this context, PJ.03 ...
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Increased Runway and Airport Throughput (PJ02 EARTH)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

EUROCONTROL’s 2013 Challenges of Growth Report “by 2035 more than 20 airports are operating at 80% or more of capacity for 6 or more hours per day … drives ATFCM airport delay up from around 1 minute/flight in 2012 to 5-6 minutes in 2035.”Whereas social, economic and environmental constraints impede building new runways, secondary airports are hindered by technical, infrastructure and meteorologic ...
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Content Integration (PJ19 CI)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

SESAR 2020 Programme aims to modernise and harmonise the European ATM System from operational and technological perspective. It will develop and validate different ATM solutions that will contribute to achieving its high level performance objectives. In this complex context, it is crucial to have a transversal activity that generates a consolidated big picture of the future European ATM System – t ...
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Single European Sky – the vision is clearly described in the ATM Masterplan. Reaching the goals for the European Airspace is only possible with focused technical developments on European level.The air traffic controller is the main player in the traffic management at tactical level. This project aims at providing the air traffic controller with more automated tools, thus freeing capacity for situa ...
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4D Trajectory Management (PJ18 4DTM)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

One of the main obstacles of reaching Single European Sky’s objectives is management of flight trajectories. Inaccuracies are difficult to spot and information given to stakeholders about the trajectory is limited, arriving late, and full of inconsistencies and wrong assumptions. Military Flights are currently not integrated in the ATM-system, so demanding special treatment.Additionally, there is ...
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SWIM Technical Infrastructure (PJ17 SWIM-TI)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Single European Sky – the vision is clearly described in the European ATM Master Plan. Reaching the goals for the European Airspace is only possible with focused and extensive technical developments on European level. One of the major challenges is making sure every actor in ATM has the right information at the right time and in a consistent manner, as ATM information is the key to many concepts d ...
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The PJ 14 CNS aims to specify and develop the future Technologies coming from the Communication, Navigation and Surveillance domains in order to support and manage the Operational Services, like the 4D Trajectory Management, in the future ATM System.Performance requirements for CNS systems are becoming increasingly complex and demanding and need to be considered as part of an integrated and holist ...
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Enhanced Air and Ground Safety Nets (PJ11 CAPITO)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Safety is at the core of ATC. However, safety is interrelated with efficiency. Air and Ground Safety Nets have been developed to increase the achieved level of safety. Necessarily, Ground and Air Safety Nets have to evolve to keep up with the challenges originating from ever increasing traffic density and complexity.ATM evolutions necessary to safely handle increasing traffic demand or to improve ...
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Airport Safety Nets (PJ03b SAFE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Safety is aviation’s top priority. To work for even safer airports, Project 03b SAFE will define, consolidate and validate additional safety bareers to mitigate the risks of runway incursion, runway excursion and more generally the risk of incidents and accidents involving aircraft at the airport. They will be declined into four Solutions:Solution ‘Enhanced airport safety support tools for control ...
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Enhanced Arrivals and Departures (PJ01 EAD)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

In order to meet forecast traffic growth, PJ01 will develop concepts, tools and procedures to increase the capacity of Terminal Manoeuvring Areas (TMAs) in a safe, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. This will be achieved by taking advantage of the latest technological developments from both an airborne and a ground-system perspective and through the secure sharing of data. The ...
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Master Plan Maintenance (PJ20 AMPLE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Within the Single European Sky technological pillar, the European ATM Master Plan (ATM MP) is the roadmap to the horizon 2035+ to guide and connect ATM Research and Innovation and Deployment in building the future European ATM System. The European ATM Master Plan Edition 2015 approved by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) Administrative Board and the European Commission and recently published, set ...
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SARAH is concerned with establishing novel holistic, simulation-based approaches to the analysis of aircraft ditching. It is build up from a consortium of experts from OEM industries, experienced suppliers of simulation technologies, established research institutions and representatives of the certification authorities. Results of SARAH are expected to support a performance-based regulation and ce ...
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AFLoNext is a four year EC L2 project with the objective of proving and maturing highly promising flow control technologies for novel aircraft configurations to achieve a quantum leap in improving aircraft’s performance and thus reducing the environmental footprint. The project consortium is composed by forty European partners from fifteen countries. The work has been broken down into seven work p ...
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Aeroelastic Gust Modelling (AEROGUST)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Encounters with atmospheric turbulence are a vitally important in the design and certification of many manmade structures such as aircraft and wind turbines. Gusts cause rapid changes in the flow about the structures which leads to rigid and flexible unsteady responses. Knowledge of aircraft/gust interactions is therefore vital for loads estimation during aircraft design as it impacts on control s ...
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The ability to simulate aerodynamic flows using CFD methods has progressed rapidly over the last decades and has given rise to a change in design processes in aeronautics already. But more improvement is necessary to overcome the (still) existing lack in confidence in CFD usage, based on turbulence modelling. The TILDA project will offer methods and approaches combining advanced and efficient high ...
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In search for a more competitive, multiple types of aircrafts, IMA based, avionics platform solution, the European aerospace industry has recently initiated the IMA2G paradigm thanks to the EC funded SCARLETT project.This latter successfully validated a first underlying set of IMA2G concepts (Separate Core Processing resources from I/O resources, introduce resource segments typology of electronics ...
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HYdrogen cells for AiRborne Usage (HYCARUS)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

In order to meet the increasing pressure to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, airlines are seeking alternative sources to power non-propulsive aircraft systems. The next generation of aircraft is heavily investigating the use of non-fossil fuel to generate electrical power for non-essential applications (NEA). Hydrogen fuel cells are actively being pursued as the most promising ...
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High Altitude Ice Crystals (HAIC)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Commercial aircraft have been experiencing in-service events while flying in the vicinity of deep convective clouds since at least the early 1990s. Heated probes and engines are the areas of air-craft most prone to mixed phase and glaciated icing threat. In anticipation of regulation changes regarding mixed phase and glaciated icing conditions, the HAIC project will provide the necessary Acceptabl ...
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Thermal Overall Integrated Conception of Aircraft (TOICA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Thermal behaviour of aircraft has recently become a crucial subject due to many factors: increasing number of complex systems required by modern, more electric, commercial aircraft, the introduction of hotter engines with higher by-pass ratios, the increased use of composite material in aircraft structures, or the confinement of highly dissipative equipment and systems in smaller areas to earn spa ...
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Virtual prototyping (VP) is a key technology for environmental friendly and cost effective design in the aircraft industry. However, the underlying analysis and simulation tools (for loads, stresses, emissions, noise), are currently applied with a unique set of input data and model variables, although realistic operating conditions are a superposition of numerous uncertainties under which the indu ...
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Even though composite materials are more and more used in modern airframes, many significant improvements are still achievable. Firstly, the substitution of the assembly of many small composite parts by a single one-shot large part provides additional weight reduction. Secondly, the final assembly line process must be adapted to composite properties (lack of ductility, stiffness). Thirdly, if the ...
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The continued use of composite materials in the aerospace industry has been addressed in several past research projects which have focused on new design solutions and composite manufacturing processes. However an area which has been given much less attention up until now is how to achieve a time and cost effective lean assembly production system. The current airframe assembly process of composite ...
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Advanced Cockpit for Reduction Of StreSs and workload (ACROSS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Outstanding safety level of air transport is partly due to the two pilots standard. However situations where difficult flight conditions, system failures or cockpit crew incapacitation lead to peak workload conditions.The amount of information and actions to process may then exceed the crew capacity. Systems alleviating crew workload would improve safety.ACROSS Advanced Cockpit for Reduction of St ...
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Vision-2020, whose objectives include the reduction of emissions and a more effective transport systems, puts severe demands on aircraft velocity and weight. These require an increased load on wings and aero-engine components. The greening of air transport systems means a reduction of drag and losses, which can be obtained by keeping laminar boundary layers on external and internal airplane parts ...
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The AIRBEAM project proposes a situation awareness toolbox for the management of crisis over wide area taking benefit of an optimised set of aerial (unmanned) platforms, including satellites.The number of unmanned air- and space-borne platform available and their associated sensors present a new set of challenges to end users involved in the effective management of emergencies and actions of law e ...
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"The objective of this proposal is to further focus on the application and appropriate adaptation of Phase Contrast X-ray imaging technology for the Non-Destructive Evaluation and Inspection of primary aeronautical composite structures, both during the manufacturing process and during the repair and re-use of key components. The introduction of this new methodology is expected to provide the aeron ...
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A Source code analysis Toolbox for software security AssuraNCE (STANCE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The immunity of a system to malicious third parties trying to modify its behaviour (e.g. to perform unauthorized actions) is called security. Ensuring this feature in information and communication technologies is a requirement for establishing a trustworthy Information Society. Several strategies can be explored to deal with this problem. One of them, called program analysis, relies on formal tech ...
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Packaging of futuRe Integrated ModulAr Electronics (PRIMAE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

"Affordable transport for the citizen relies on innovative solutions and technologies that will result in lower costs and lead-time of the aircraft and its systems. In this area, the packaging of on-board computers is an important contributor.The Packaging of futuRe Integrated ModulAr Electronics (PRIMAE) objective is to develop a new flexible, robust and open aeronautical packaging for the next g ...
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Smart Aircraft in Emergency Situations (SMAES)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

"Ditching analysis is requested for large transport aircraft by EASA. The respective requirements are specified under § ‘’CS 25.801 Ditching’’. They are primarily devoted to a minimisation of risks for immediate injuries and the provision of fair chances for an evacuation. A significant part of average air travel is over water and historically a planned or unplanned water-landing event occurs gros ...
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OPtimisation for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft (OPENAIR)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Reducing noise from aircraft operations perceived by airport neighbouring communities is a major challenge facing the aircraft manufacturing industry, social society and the air transport business. By adopting a whole aircraft approach based on the latest developments in active / adaptive technologies, flow control techniques and advances in computational aero-acoustics applied to the major causes ...
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All Condition Operations and Innovative Cockpit Infrastructure (ALICIA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

"ALICIA addresses the ACARE objective of increasing time efficiency within the future air transport system. The aim will be to develop a new and scalable cockpit application which can extend operations of aircraft in degraded conditions – “All Conditions Operations”. A key objective will be to deliver an extensible application that can be applied to many aircraft types. This will necessarily enta ...
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AEROdynamic Surfaces by advanced MUltifunctional COatings (AEROMUCO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"The main objective of the AEROMUCO project is to develop and evaluate a number of alternative – and highly innovative – active and passive multi-functional surface protection systems for future generation of aircraft, leading to a significant improvement in fuel efficiency and a reduction in CO2 and NOx emissions. Two technological routes to achieve this goal will be explored:• The reduction of t ...
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"Reynolds stress is the most important quantity affecting the mean flow as it is responsible for a major part of the momentum transfer in the wall bounded turbulent flow. It has a direct relevance to both skin friction and flow separation. Manipulation of the Reynolds stress can directly lead to changes in the viscous stress at the wall so as to effectively control the flow for effective flow cont ...
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"The proposed IDIHOM project is motivated by the increasing demand of the European aerospace industries to advance their CFD-aided design procedure and analysis by using accurate and fast numerical methods, so-called high-order methods. They will be assessed and improved in a top-down approach by utilising industrially relevant complex test cases, so-called application challenges in the general ar ...
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"DeSiReH focus on both, the numerical design tools and the experimental measurement techniques for cryogenic conditions, with the objective to improve the industrial design process for laminar wings in terms of product quality, efficiency, and development cost reduction. The work focuses on the design of high lift devices. DeSiReH addresses the following quantified objectives which will make a sig ...
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HIRF Synthetic Environment (HIRF SE)

Start date: Dec 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2013,

"The HIRF SE research project has the goal of providing the aeronautics industry with a framework which can be used during the development phase to mitigate the EM aspects. In addition it will provide a considerable reduction in the certification/qualification tests required on air vehicle. The HIRF SE main objectives can be summarized by the two followings items: • Full validated and integrated s ...
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"NEEDS and CONCEPTS: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) will be very important for Aeronautics. A study from Goodrich stated: "Structural Health Monitoring shows a great potential in terms of cost savings coming from the benefits it would have on inspections which are currently about 25% of the Life Cycle Cost of an airline". Some applications are intended to explore the “out-of-flight domain” con ...
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Main aim of the project is the development of a complete, integrated process chain for the cost effective serial production of various aerospace CFRP stiffener profiles. The production is foreseen in the two steps: Preform manufacturing and infiltration / curing. The project will focus on complex profile geometries with variable cross sections, single or multiple curvature and integrated load int ...
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"The ATAAC project aims at improvements to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for aerodynamic flows used in today’s aeronautical industry. The accuracy of these is limited by insufficient capabilities of the turbulence modelling / simulation approaches available, especially at the high Reynolds numbers typical of real-life flows. As LES will not be affordable for such flows in the next 4 d ...
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"The goal of this project is to elaborate an open architecture for the operation of unmanned air-to-ground wide area land and sea border surveillance platforms in Europe. This architecture is based on analysis of concepts and scenarios for UAV-based aerial surveillance of European borders. It takes into account the emerging legislation for insertion of UAS into controlled civil airspace. The techn ...
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