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11 European Projects Found

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Nano-carbons for versatile power supply modules (NANOCATE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The multidisciplinary consortium of the NanoCaTe project will develop a more efficient thermoelectric- and storage material based on nanocarbon (e.g. graphene and CNT) to reclaim waste heat by thermoelectric generators and to storage the energy in super capacitors or secondary batteries for manifold applications like pulsed sensors or mobile electronic devices.The integration of the developed mate ...
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In 2011, the White Paper on European Transport reasserted how fundamental transport was for society, for the mobility of European citizens and for the growth and vitality of the European economy.CAPACITY4RAIL will deliver research that is innovative, prepares rail for the future and takes into account results from previous research projects and programmes. The project builds on previous useable re ...
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Planar Atomic and Molecular Scale devices (PAMS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The PAMS project will explore all scientific and technological aspects of the fabrication of planar atomic and sub-molecular scale electronic devices on surfaces of Si:H, Ge:H, AlN, CaCO3 (calcite) and CaF2 with atomic scale precision and reproducibility. The sub-nanoscale devices will be made by combining ultra-precise Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and non-contact-Atomic Force Microscopy ( ...
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Computer games represent a vast economic market, a key driver of technology, and an increasingly powerful medium for a broad range of applications. The latest wave of innovation for computer games is 'mobile' and, more precisely, 'location-based'. These outdoors mobile experiences are radically different from traditional computer games or their mobile equivalent. They focus the players' attention ...
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Existing optical networks are driven by dynamic user demands but operate statically at their maximum performance and do not offer much adaptability. Thus the links are not energy-efficient. ADDAPT aims at the development and technology take-up of dynamic transceiver subsystems. By implementing performance and power adaptivity from system down to optical device, electrical circuit and transistor le ...
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CARbon nanoTube phOtONic devices on silicon (CARTOON)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Primary goal of the proposed research action is the development of a novel strategy for hybridizing silicon based photonic devices, exploiting semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNT) as integrated light source, modulator and detector. Photonics in Information and Communication Technologies is more and more investigated for a broad application domain. These applications require efficient optoelectron ...
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"The objective of this project is to regroup a cluster of private and academic laboratories supported by key manufacturers from both aeronautic, automotive and railway sectors in order to investigate the possibility to benchmark specific composites :• from the aeronautics. Depending on the application targeted, the cluster will be able to take advantage of the mutual return on experiment in order ...
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Infections associated with dental implants may cause peri-implantitis often resulting in implant loss and impaired function. Recent studies show an alarming increase in the incidence of the infections, while on the other hand the efficacy of the prevailing treatment method is decreasing due to the rising resistance of micro-organisms to antibacterial agents.The SMEs of the NanoTi consortium intend ...
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"The World Health Organisation states that one of 175 people is totally blind. The majority of these people are only mobile if they have help of others, or solely use known pace ways. Besides the cane with a limited range and an expensive guide dog, there are very few aids that support individual mobility of the visually impaired. Available assistant equipment and navigation systems based on GPS h ...
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FLEXIBILTIY aims at significantly advancing the competitiveness of Europe in the area of multifunctional, ultra-lightweight, ultra-thin and bendable OLAE systems. The developed OLAE components include disposable and rechargeable batteries, solar cells, DC charging electronics, loudspeakers, audio amplifiers, analogue signal generators, motion and temperature sensors, RF receiver circuits, as well ...
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In recent years, the effort in thin-film silicon (TFSi) was made at solving industrialization issues. In 2010, several companies demonstrated 10% stable modules (> 1 m²). The major “bricks” for efficient production are now in place. Next challenges are linked to the fact that TFSi multi-junction devices, allowing for higher efficiency, are complex devices, in which the substrate geometry and each ...
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